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A question about the fake boob issue


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How does one figure that fake boobs don't reflect a lack of confidence in oneself? A person should love every little natural thing about themself. Granted it is pretty damn hard to do that sometimes, but if you are at a point where you love you for you and realize how perfect you are, then there isn't a need for fake tits. But people choose fake boobs because they think they are bettering themselves, or sometimes they do it because of what other people think, or because they want to impress other people.

Me personally, I would prefer to impress someone with my natural self, because then I know they love me for me.

If people want to get breast implants I don't look down on them, I just feel so sad because no one got through to them how beautiful they were without them. Sometimes I think plastic surgery is our way out of having to love ourselves for who we really are and what we really look like.

I can see implants in breast cancer cases, but the most beautiful picture I have ever seen was a woman who lost one of her breasts from cancer and had a tatoo put over that side of her chest. She just looked so happy and free, and here are other people getting more put it and she was freed by losing one.

Sorry about the tangent, but that was just on my mind. I'm not trying to start and argument and I would love to hear other people opinions. It just that you don't really here of people getting implants for the hell of it, ya know?



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Ok, lets not generalize all women who get implants. Although the majority of women probably get implants because they have low self esteem, they need to feel better about themselves, there are always exceptions to the rule.

I personally dont need breast implants, but would love to get a "lift" because I have had a child and they aren't as perky as they used to be. Now you could say I have low self esteem, or I dont love myself, but essentially thats not true. I think I am a beautiful, smart, funny woman. I dont sit at home crying over the fact that I dont have perky tits, but I do see them bare (quite often) and think about having a procedure. I dont think that makes me a shallow person, and I wouldnt do it for anyone but myself.

ANyway, sorry for my rant, but I dont think we should generalize all woman who have implants...


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Do you wear makeup? Jewelry? you mentioned how sexy tatoo's can look is that natural?

about fake boobs..... I have no problem with them, sometimes people try and say it is supoerficial, but hey I'm already looking at and judging boobs, is it soooo much more superficial cause they are fake?

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CMB, I see your point. I didn't mean to generalize all of the women who get implants, I know there are exceptions and I should have made that a little more clear. And I did not say any women were shallow for getting it done, so please don't take it like that. I just want you to know that even if you are a little saggy, that is you, and it is beautiful, we all go through changes and it is part of who we are. I am so cheesie, I'm sorry. I just feel really passionate about women loving themselves without having to make changes.

To the other post... makeup wipes off, and no I gennerally don't wear much more than lip gloss.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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To each her own, right...Its a shame that we all cant love ourselves, but eseentially I blame society...They portray these beautiful, thin, AIRBRUSHED woman as the ideal so we are forced to think we are not perfect as we are...


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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I'm just bitter about women with breast implants...

It steals MY thunder!!!! I'm naturally a 36C, and to think some chick can just walk into a doctor's office and buy 36C's just ticks me off!!!! cwm23.gif

but I'm just silly that way I guess... cwm1.gif



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2. Excessive devotion to sensual pleasures.

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Originally posted by paul-aka-lund:

society is not a seperate entity... society is just an aggregation of all of our thoughts. If you blame society you must also blame yourself.

Seriously... unless you're a hermit who lives in the woods... you're not fooling anyone here when you say you're above it all.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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you guys are all right, I guess we only have one choice then....


one more question though, I assume you are all into the club scene and underground music. How did you find it? cause I know society doesn't tell us that techno is cool.

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Originally posted by peache5030:

HEYYY GUYS...i know i havent been around lately..( new job and all ) but i thought i would express my opinion on this...

is it shallow of me to want fake boobs???

i mean..i have pretty decent boobies but if i were to get implants i think i would look better..so techinally it is not low self esteem i have but the drive to make me a more sexier person in my eyes..no one else's...

NOW i DO NOT feel this way anymore but for a couple of years i thought about getting my boobs done...

Just thought I would look at this situation from another angle...

Peache, for many years I too wanted a boob job. In fact it's only very recently that I decided I (probably?) would not want to get them done.

After looking at many before & after pics on various websites I came to the conclusion that implants aren't worth it unless: your breasts are disproportionately small, very flabby, very uneven, or just shaped weird.

Unless there's something particularly "wrong" with them, there's a big chance that they will only look WORSE after the operation. Unless you actually like that fake look, which I would never want.

Not to mention the way they feel. Even if I could have a doctor makes my breasts look absolutely perfect and natural- what's the point if they don't feel great as well? Most of what I've heard about the feel of implants has been negative. This might just be about Saline implants tho, because from what I hear silicone feels MUCH more natural, but who know if/ when it will be approved by the FDA.

And finally, you may not have read the long-ass article I posted last week about the new vacuum bra. I don't remember how big your boobies are so I don't know if it would be an option for you! It's for women w/ a B or smaller. It's this bra that is sort of like a vacuum, and somehow the suction causes tissue to grow. The average patient grew about a cup size. And it's all theirs, not some plastic dome inserted in their body.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by paul-aka-lund:

you guys are all right, I guess we only have one choice then....


one more question though, I assume you are all into the club scene and underground music. How did you find it? cause I know society doesn't tell us that techno is cool.

Actually- these days it is- just listen to all the car commercials!!!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by tastyt:


And finally, you may not have read the long-ass article I posted last week about the new vacuum bra. I don't remember how big your boobies are so I don't know if it would be an option for you! It's for women w/ a B or smaller. It's this bra that is sort of like a vacuum, and somehow the suction causes tissue to grow. The average patient grew about a cup size. And it's all theirs, not some plastic dome inserted in their body.

YOU dont remember how big my boobies are??? aggghhh..im so offended...lol

well the weird thing about this implant situation is that I actually like the way fake boobs look..

but I would rather settle for this bra thing you are talking about..when i see you tomorrow- give me details...



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Originally posted by peache5030:

YOU dont remember how big my boobies are??? aggghhh..im so offended...lol

well the weird thing about this implant situation is that I actually like the way fake boobs look..

but I would rather settle for this bra thing you are talking about..when i see you tomorrow- give me details...

Well, to alleviate any offense I have caused, tomorrow night I'll be sure to pay them the attention they deserve! cwm1.gif

Here's a link to the article (I'm not sure if this is going to work but i'll give it a try): http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum20/HTML/002637.html


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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i hope i am not starting an argument, but you said you want to know what we think, sinergygrl! IMO, i think you are full of it!

are you really trying to tell us that you have ever been satisfied merely "to impress someone with [your] natural self?" what about first impressions? you dont care about making a good first impression on ppl? suuuuuurre you dont!

i have known ppl who truly follow the "natural self" philosophy you espouse and i dont think any one of them would fit into the glitz and glamour of the club scene.

if you honestly believe that ppl "should love every little natural thing" about themselves, then we should assume you have leg and armpit hair, long dreadlocks, and you only wear clothes and clip your fingernails for practical reasons. drawing lines that you wouldnt cross and saying everything on your side of the line is ok, while everything on the other side is "fake" is a good way to hurt someones feelings, but not good for much else.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

i hope i am not starting an argument, but you said you want to know what we think, sinergygrl! IMO, i think you are full of it!

are you really trying to tell us that you have ever been satisfied merely "to impress someone with [your] natural self?" what about first impressions? you dont care about making a good first impression on ppl? suuuuuurre you dont!

i have known ppl who truly follow the "natural self" philosophy you espouse and i dont think any one of them would fit into the glitz and glamour of the club scene.

if you honestly believe that ppl "should love every little natural thing" about themselves, then we should assume you have leg and armpit hair, long dreadlocks, and you only wear clothes and clip your fingernails for practical reasons. drawing lines that you wouldnt cross and saying everything on your side of the line is ok, while everything on the other side is "fake" is a good way to hurt someones feelings, but not good for much else.

this man deserves an award...one of the most intelligent things anyone has ever posted on this site!!!

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Here is your medal for that brillant response Sir Dante


"NO SOUND SYSTEM IS SAFE" declared the cover of one magazine when Leftfield launched their debut album, 'Leftism', in 1995. It was a prediction that by the Summer of 1996 had literally come true: during a gig on the 'Leftism' tour at London's Brixton Academy, sound levels reached the highest ever recorded at the venue, while the bass vibrations caused the ceiling to start disintegrating, showering dust and plaster onto the stage.

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Originally posted by paul-aka-lund:

cmb who is this guy 'society' that can force people to think things they don't believe? c'mon if people are influenced by things like that it is on them, not 'society'

think for yourself.

Gimme a break hon...I suppose you are a total individual who is not influenced what so ever by tv, movies, advertisements, billboards, etc. Well congratulations on being such a strong willed, self confident person.

With you the advertisers have surely failed...but for the majority of us, we are influenced by what we see. And unfortunately, society has set forth an ideal for everyone to look like, act like that for most is unattainable.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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HEYYY GUYS...i know i havent been around lately..( new job and all ) but i thought i would express my opinion on this...

is it shallow of me to want fake boobs???

i mean..i have pretty decent boobies but if i were to get implants i think i would look better..so techinally it is not low self esteem i have but the drive to make me a more sexier person in my eyes..no one else's...

NOW i DO NOT feel this way anymore but for a couple of years i thought about getting my boobs done...

Just thought I would look at this situation from another angle...



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Originally posted by beautious1:

I'm just bitter about women with breast implants...

It steals MY thunder!!!! I'm naturally a 36C, and to think some chick can just walk into a doctor's office and buy 36C's just ticks me off!!!! cwm23.gif

but I'm just silly that way I guess... cwm1.gif



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