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hmmm... the *OFFICIAL* meetup thoughts...!


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first official sex meetup! wow... we actually did it and it wasn't a disaster... whew!

it was a great nite overall... thanks to everyone who made it out.. it was wonderful to spend my evening with you guys... to those who weren't able to come through, (starcapone, dale, etc.) you were def. missed, but do not fret... there will be another meetup cuming soon!!!

well, without further adieu, *THE THOUGHTS*

well basically... i have to give kisses to my two sidekicks clairebear and clubkitty... i love you both to pieces and without either of you, the night wouldn't have been what it was...

claire, im so glad you made it safe and sound... it wouldn't have been the same without you!! cwm38.gif

midiman & arthur... my work neighbors... we def. have to meetup for lunch one day... i am going to hold you both to it!

aphelion... thanks for remembering my name love... smile.gif

chris... what can i say? the smile, the stripe, the handcuffs... you truly are a sex board freak... *kisses*

thanks for taking the ride up to casa crossy's with me... biggrin.gif

dick... you finally made it down to nyc! great to have finally met you...

morph... you're a sweetie pooh!! sorry i wasn't drinking... it wasn't my night...

james you freak you! love love LOVE the fangs!

nikki, lipz, peache... i didnt get to talk to you three as much as i would have liked, but hey, there's always next time...

if i've forgotten anyone, i'm so so sorry...

snuggles and pooh panties cwm38.gif jessica

**lina, brian & chris ~ love the undies! tongue.gif**



life's a ride... pack light...


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and rach... i forgot you... oh babe.. dont take that personally.. i wrote that at 4am... i love you bunches rach baby... im sorry...

forgive me?? cwm36.gifcwm14.gifcwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


[This message has been edited by djmoonshine (edited 05-20-2001).]

[This message has been edited by djmoonshine (edited 05-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by clubkat:

For the Casa Crossy crew....God its weird how you just feel at home in some places. Although I didnt stay long, I loved the fact that the hard core freaks were still getting their party on at one of our own's pads!

i thought this was a perfect way to describe crossys house and just chilling there in general... very very cool...




life's a ride... pack light...


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Originally posted by rachel1997:

lol it's okay! smile.gif


ps. I liked what u were wearing smile.gif

aww rach... thanks for the smooches babe...

oh god that skirt.. i think i flashed steve a couple of times... LOL! but thanks blondie.. wish i went to exit just to see that red shirt i'm hearing about...



life's a ride... pack light...


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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

aww rach... thanks for the smooches babe...

oh god that skirt.. i think i flashed steve a couple of times... LOL! but thanks blondie.. wish i went to exit just to see that red shirt i'm hearing about...


My red lil top? HA HA! Who told you that?


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rach... d mentioned it in her post...

<For the Exit crew....Very nice being back there with most of the people I was with before. Only complaint (the $50 cab ride home )Oh and seeing Rach in the red top was a plus*>

hehe... cwm32.gif

and dale.. i would def. like to have another meetup before i leave for school... just so i can say good bye to all my favorite freaks from the dungeons... but we'll see... glad to see you had a nice time anyway on friday...

star... i read the exit post on the ny boards... i'm glad to see you had a good time there as well... dancing your ass off... woohoo!!!

cwm38.gif mooney



life's a ride... pack light...


[This message has been edited by djmoonshine (edited 05-20-2001).]

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For the Lemon crew....Thank you for showing up! I enjoyed every sigle person, every single drink lmao, and every single rub. *once again I did not get licked as much as I was hoping too cwm42.gif *

For the Medusa crew....I wouldnt have chosen better people for my first experience with

SQUID! Mr.Dick is going to get punished for that!!!

For the Casa Crossy crew....God its weird how you just feel at home in some places. Although I didnt stay long, I loved the fact that the hard core freaks were still getting their party on at one of our own's pads!

For the Exit crew....Very nice being back there with most of the people I was with before. Only complaint (the $50 cab ride home cwm23.gif )Oh and seeing Rach in the red top was a plus*

And for the Vynil crew....Im sooooooooo sorry I couldnt make it out :_( I was just very out of it my loves cwm14.gif

And there you have it! Clubkat has spoken!

Love you all cwm38.gif



*Lick it, Stick it, and Smile cause your with it* ~^.^~

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I had a great time at Lemon!!! I'm sorry I missed the fun afterwards!!!

To all my freaks, great seein ya all again!!! Love you all!!

To everyone I met for the first time, Morpheus, DJStripe, Mrdick, Frenchbread, Mysteriouss, imnikki, the guy who look like david spade (sorry your name escapes me) and some more whos names I totally cant remember!!!! it was great meeing you all, and I cant wait to see you all again!!!

Special thanks to Midiman for helpin out with the bill at the end...Sorry we had to collect extra from everyone?!?!?!?! That was the only downfall of the night, but now we know to check that before we reserve a place!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Damn- I don't even know where to begin! Friday was amazing! It was great seeing all y'all freaks!

Forgive me if I miss anyone, but big hugs n' kisses to:

Jessica- wish you didn't have to work on Sat!

Doris- you should've come to Vinyl!

Wyatt- of course it was great meeting you, thanks for lookin' out for me, and I know we'll be in touch real soon

Arthur- thanks for monitoring my intake of Absinthe!

Lena- yes, sweetie, I really am almost 26!

Yana & Charles- I hope you guys found Mr. Dick!

Alex and her man- just make sure you know where the keys to the handcuffs are before you put them on next time

John- check your pm's

Rod- yeah I enjoyed chillin' with you even if you ARE only 18 (j/k!) BTW I'll pm you that poem I told you about if I remember to bring the book in tomorrow

NFK- chillin' in his corner

Jill and James, the 2 other New Orleans survivors!

Jeremy- you know I luv ya, babe

Chris- I hope you had fun watching the underfed models "dancing"

Claire, Rachel, Kerry, Nikki, Dan, Mikey, Dana, Steve, Midiman- I didn't get to talk to you guys too much but it was great to see you all!

*pauses for breath*- okay I know there were others but if I forgot to mention you- MUAH!!!

AND OF COURSE- I could never forget about Brian! Thanks so much for the after-party! I have to echo Kat's sentiments. Not since college have I had the chance to hang out with such a great community of like-minded freaks!

I luv you guys and can't wait to do it all over again!




fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

**lina, brian & chris ~ love the undies! tongue.gif**

time out - love the undies??? cwm19.gif - what were the four of you doing and where was i? cwm13.gif



I Wanna Rock ~ WhatAfuck

TëMA AIM: ArthurBrooklyn

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It was very nice to finally meet all of you...I didnt really talk much to anyone...but hopefully next time I'll be more social...

AZTEC- ohh baby...I remember you ...I couldnt SLEEP..damn it~!!! was up all night..aggghhh



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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What can I say.....so many people...so little time.

You guys picked out a great lil location. I like the atmosphere of the place. To bad everyone descided to leave just after I got there, I must have scared them all away.(sorry to hear about all the bill drama)

My time there was brief but fun...

Clubkat & Moonshine ...you two spotted me walking in the door and were fun till the end ...thanks for being so friendly.....M-wink.gif...niooooyce CK- sexy eyes girl

Az-tec ...well meeting the origanal meet-up Pimp was an experience ...next time we'll hang out a lil more...I'm always in need of a good Wingman...shoot me a PM about the music thing.....

Dick - The Harrem master.... it was good to see your down here in NY. Hope you had a great trip down here. Next time the Harrem will call to order a full scale meeting at my place.....

CMB ...you sexy lil thing you...I'm glad you got you car stuff takin care of and I finally got to see you face to face.....mmmmmm to bad NJ is soo far...;

Lipz .....I think I owe you a cough fianaly ...**Cough cough** ...you can let go now.... wink.gif hey you going to come to the Wink Green Velvet show?... send me a PM about it.... you can lick me anyday girl....

Crossy - Chill pad my friend...and the shirt was a hit with the ladies!!!

James ...you got them teeth man.....now them are freakier then my stripe...lol...gotta love it

xxlea ...such such beautiful eyes...(look you got me stuttering)

there were plenty of others that made the night fun .... glad to meet all of you ....If I forgot to mention you name I'm sorry frown.gif ...it was my first meetup....was kind of like information overload!!!

PS girl .... I had a great conversation with ya... you really got you head together ..very intellegent... I don't encounter many people in this world that are on that "level" either.... you know who you are... wink.gif



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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Originally posted by Unbound:

time out - love the undies??? cwm19.gif - what were the four of you doing and where was i? cwm13.gif

lol.. oh arthur.. we compared undies... nothing bad.. just the tops... no stripping... cwm4.gif no worries... and i think you were sitting over by james at the time... cwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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i had a great time.. you all are wonderful people.. i can't name names.. because i dont wanna forget anyone or leave anyone out!

I think some of you should stop talking so much trash, that you would never back up in real life.. ::cough,sirpenis,cough:: i know its 'just a computer' but be who u are.. and dont ever be afraid to "express yourself.. HEYYYYY HEYYYYYYYYY!"

i hope we can all do this again some time soon.. hey brian.. if your ever willing to throw a lil dinner party.. let me know.. ILL help cook.. you can all try my YUMMMMMMMMY cheesecake...

Chris, whens josh wink???? fill me in!

love ya all,



lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"





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Had a great time with everyone.. Wasn't really planning on going (didn't even know about the meetup until the very last minute) but I'm glad I went! I liked that place very much, cozy and nice.. That whole bill mess was too much but I think it happens every time there is a meetup which sucks frown.gif And I can't believe that ppl wouldn't pay for their drinks! Or maybe they just lost count LMAOOO? Anyway, great meeting some new faces.. I think I spent most of the time talking to ppl I already knew (which happens every time I go) so I barely even met any of the ppl I didn't know before.. But there's always a next time smile.gif See ya guys!

PS: i'm taking a wild guess that the PS was addressed to me.. i hope i'm right coz otherwise i'll feel stupid LMAO..

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