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* internet "love" *


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i once was in "love" with this guy that i had never met who lived in pei canada. he said he loved me first. it all started from a chatroom a marilyn manson one...then we'd call each other atleast once or twice a week, also email everyday. i even talked about going up there....this had to be one of the craziest episodes in my life, so far. we were "together" for about 5 months, until he cheated on me with this chick from Sweden or some shit... cwm25.gif anyway has anyone else dated someone they "met" on the internet?? or does anyone look for love/ a relationship on the net?? btw i wasn't looking for anything it just happened.



*make a pussy wet*

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i never found love or anything with someone off the internet...but sometimes i would chat with random cool people who would go to the same clubs as me....well, i must've sent my picture to someone and when i was out at the Roxy 2 yrs ago, the guy recognized me!! he was cool in person, and pretty hot (never got a number or anything) but it was the fuckin' scariest thing ever....never gave out my picture again cwm31.gif

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i could never experience love over a computer




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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I met my current boyfriend online. We chatted for a few weeks before exchanging numbers. Then we talked on the phone every night for about 2 months before we finally met. We have been together for over a year now, and it is the best relationship either of us has ever been in. We are moving in together later on this year and are gonna get married in a couple of years. So dont knock it till ya try it!



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yes all my last relationship where from internet i meet 3 guys from here then meet them in real life and live with them together my last relation ship i meet the guy on internet and move with him to sna diego california we were together 2 years we were going to get married and i have to say that it was my best relation i ever had



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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ok u never met this guy, just talked to him on the net and he says he loves you???? sounds scary to me!!!!

never say never, but just meeting people on the internet just sounds so desperate and ludicrous to me...but then again there are so many desperate and ludicrous people in this world, i wouldnt be surprised.

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I dated a guy once I met on the internet. I met him in a chat room to. I wasn't looking for anything. We started talking it turned out we lived kind of close. Talked on the phone then went out. We dated for a little while then broke it off. We still talk a little to this day.


I'm not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine

--Fritz Perls

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