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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Chicago's Nightlife is in Danger


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The politicians in Chicago are working hard to stomp out late night dance clubs in our city. There latest attacks has been at Crobar, which they have been trying to shut down since last summer. The fight is not over yet and Crobar's future is still in jeopardy. They have made the opening of new dance clubs virtually impossible and have stopped issuing late night liscences. The few new nightclubs that have opened recently (ie transit, nocturnal) can only stay open until 2AM and 3AM Sat. And we all cannot forget how they closed Karma last year, is Crobar next? The city is currently working on more ordinaces that will only hurt Chicago's club life. We can no longer sit back and watch Chicago's nightlife be eliminated by our city's commisioners. Many other citys in similar situations have fought back! We are the 3rd largest city in the country, and an active late nightlife is important for the residents and tourists, alike. I think it is time we come together and let our politicians know that we feel that their actions towards club owners are UNFAIR and we do not approve of their attempt to destroy what's left of Chicago late nightclub industry. If you care about Chicago nightlife it is time to take action! Write letters to the mayor and the liquor commisioner. Let's work together to start a petition, etc. We cannot afford to lose any more clubs!

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Director Winston L. Mardis - Local Liqour Control Commision

66 W. Washington St.

Room CL-95

Chicago, Illinois 60602

Fax: (312) 744-9162

Mayor Daley's email: MayorDaley@CityofChicago.org

If any one has ideas of different avenues, please let me know!

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Maybe talking w/ club owners/production co.'s to work together. What are the formal complaints? What can be done to address them? Which are valid/or not? Group recognition is definately better than just individual letters of protest.

I'll write a letter, but the effectiveness of a group effort makes (the above) seem like a better idea.

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excuse my cynicism.. but from personal experience.. writing and petitions.. wont do crap.

politicians only react to bad press and elections.

either stage a loud, noisy, protest, in front of any offending alderman's offices.. or

*gasp* go out and vote.. unless of course you're from the 'burbs, well in that case city politicians dont give a shit about you.

And honestly, I dont believe anybody in the city's political offices wants to do anything to shut down clubs or prevent nightlife. Chicago IS a bar/club/restaurant town.. PAY off the right people, and you'll get results. This is the home of the mob after all.. It amazes me how naive some business people are. You cant get anything done in a city this large and corrupt, without paying off the right people. It is the cost of doing business. (BTW, this is exactly what caused Karma so many problems since they first opened, anyone remember opening night being shutdown by the fire marshals???)

And the city hasnt been giving out new 4AM liquor licenses for a looong time.. The clubs which racked up violations did nothing about them, and let the licenses get revoked.

4AM license were and are being given out to places which serve food.. while some clubs did that (Dragon Room & Sushi, Drink, etc.).. most do not want to go through the added hassle just to be open until 4/5AM.

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These politicians are out of their minds! If they shut down all the clubs, there will be a significant rise in raves, loft parties, and other secret after-hours affairs.

These jerks need to start WORKING with the scene instead of DESTROYING it!


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