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I'm not much into politics but the city if Chicago closing down Shelter, Karma and the never ending rumors of the closing of Crobar have me steamed at Mayor Daley and his witch hunting liquor commision. Recently URChicago magazine had a whole section dedicated to the witch hunt.

Clubs like Mad Bar and Big Wig have also been essential to the scene. Although I've heard that Mad Bar closed due to internal conflicts between management, but recently BIG WIG was threatened to be shut down by the liquor commision and got their ppn license taken away...fyi a ppn license is needed to charge a cover at a club which is essential to the clubs bringing in the talent. Zentra and Glow had theirs taken away as well...

This all has to stop! From them raising the liquor tax, to giving out only 2am and 3am licenses, to shutting down the 5am clubs that matter. The Electronic Community in Chicago needs to band together and show Mayor Daley and his goons that we have a say. Let me know what you think....

Regards & Respect,


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Mayor Daley is good mayor but dang, he is out to take everything away. From cracking down on raves, and clubs. i hate him already for the downfall of GRAFFITI!!!!!!

I moved away for a few years and i came back this past saturday. I saw all the GRAFF is gone on the train lines. Why mayor daily why do you have do ruin everything great i love.

But back to what you where saying godsound. Daily is on a witch hunt as again to do something to look good to majority of voters ages 40-80 yrs old. We do need to ban together voice what we have to say. Hey im with ya.

When Daily came out with "graffitti blasters" me and my friend went on a mission to find all the "graffitti blaster" trucks and tag those bastarrds. i still gots the pictures of a fill-in i did on the side of one.


Wow are those real? Can i touch them?

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I have had this debate many times over. What I want to know why??? why does he want to close down basically EVERYTHING???

Is it really because of the voters aged 40-up? Cause I vote and you can be darn sure I will NOT vote for someone who concentrates his time and power on such a small part of making Chicago a better place to live. Actually let me rephrase that... how the heck would closing bars down make Chicago better? Kids will just be out in the streets more?

I have YET to see how not having bars makes the city a better place... for example, SIU, at first the bar age was 18, then they raised it to 21, making the kids that were under age bored... resulting in more house parties, and more problems (no security guards at house parties) etc... So they realized this was the wrong move and they lowered the bar age back to 19.

So tell me Major Daily... HOW THE HECK IS THIS HELPING TO MAKE CHICAGO BETTER??? If he had a valid reason then maybe I would think about it, maybe (even though I NEVER want the bars to close etc...) if it meant that it would better my life then I could be persuaded.... BUT I NEED THAT REASON to stop thinking he is a major jackass that doesn't use his intelligence for more than just a popularity contest.

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It basically goes like this. Anything that younger crowds find fun, the government tries to make illegal. I mean look at pot, I don't smoke personally but I do know that it is a harmless substance. But they make it illegal, I am waiting for alchohol to become illegal so that we have to obtain that from dealers too.

As for clubs closing, it isn't going to stop, we are outnumbered. We need someone that can speak about it publically to back us up. We don't have the voice or resources to spread the word like they do, and they are taking advantage of that.

As for them taking away the right to charge covers... well I don't mind not having to pay outrageous covers to just walk through a door. I mean you brought up Zentra? What special talent does Zentra bring in that they need to charge a cover. Zentra has all resident DJ's with the occasional special guest. Places like RedNo who have special appearances every week need that cover, but most of the clubs in Chicago don't need to charge covers to see the same DJ every week.

There are a million things we can do to try to prevent them from doing further dammage to our nightlife, post flyers, set up a website, throw a party to protest them shutting our clubs down. We do need to do something, because if they shut down our clubs I am moving...



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Why don't we start having meetings then, get people involved in it? Does anyone know where to start with this kind of thing? Where to speak out and to whom? I would be all for something like that... lord knows I am sure a vocial woman!

and p-poppin, your not going anywhere, you'd miss the snow remember? wink.gif

And use spell check!! HAHAHA GOT YA!!!! That's the last time you make fun of me for spelling! daMMage HHAHAHAHAHAHAAA

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....for starters we would need to get support from big name djs/artists like Derrick Carter, Green Velvet and Paul Johnson, major promoters like Pure and Boogie Tribe, major club owners of places like Crobar, RedNo, Smartbar.....record stores like Gramaphone and Superdance....record labels like Afterhours, Guidance and Fresca....magazines that follow the scene lie URChicago, The Reader and Newcity........radio stations that play the music like Energy 92.7, WLUW 88.7 Groove Temple Radio (Sat. nights) and q101 sonic boom (also Sat. nights)

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Hey godsound,

If you are really down. I with Ya. We need to speak up even yell. Cause Daily took Graffitti away he is not going to take the nightlife away too.

Lets Ban together, get as many people as posible, and get backing from everywhere we can. I would be Great if we could find am Alderman to back us. Butt that wont happen cause he probably wont want go cross Daily.

Like p-poppin said get flyers up and get the word out. "if you build it they will come". I need to be shot for that last phrase. i digress, once the word is out we will have the backing and the man power. I would love to walk in a circle with a stick and a sign smile.gif butt i know alot of clubs owners wont help in fear of losing there license. lets do what ever needed.

I lived i Champaign,IL for a few years and all the clubs and bars close at 1:00 am. I dont want that happening to chicago too. I just moved back!!!!!!!

i just babbled about nothing. All i am trying to say is LETS DO SOMETHING


Wow are those real? Can i touch them?

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OK so I slipped up on the spelling once.. don't make me count the times that you have...

as for the flyers and yelling... count me in.. I guess we can all get together and try to do something about saving our nightlife from further damage(happy kim?). So where do we start?



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Promoters also have to become more involved in what the vibe that electronic community was started on and not be so greedy. Today's scene is to much about making money, as much as possible. Take a look at http://www.conjugateprojekt.org/motionnesspr.html

and www.conjugateprojekt.org.

They don't host many parties, but they sure know how to put an event together. For instance last August the hosted an afternoon of Audial Simulation in the Grant Park music shell.(check out the pics). Now the are putting together a party on the "L"Train. Can you beleive that?? In the midst of the Daley/Rave/Club banning, they are hosting a party on the "L" Train (CTA). This is going to an historical moment for the chicago rave scene. A must expereince for all. Besides that they are non-profit and all proceed are going to the community and to the YMCA. This is what it is all about. LOVE, COMMUNITY, And a lot of great beats, n good vibes. Audio/Visual Simulation to bring forth a new movement of life. Deviate ourselves from our political past and being back the sense of community we all got hook into, the first time we all partied.

I can help w/ flyers, web, flash, peeps (know alot of up n coming djs in the Chicago community or I know there friends.)If we can get a something legit going, then I don't think we would have a prtoblem finding the right promoters to hook up with and form a greater alliance then today promoters. While PURE has all the respect in the world for bringing the best DJ lineups in Chicago, they need to be a little proactive on protecting the scene.



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I think i still got contact details for the boodie tribe boys.

I have been involved with something like this in the mid 90's. In the UK they passed a bill called the Billy Leg act. It banned 'repetative beats' being played out side.

The best way of doing it is to get as many people on board, people who love the scene. And put forward a well balanced argument. Not go on about we want our fun etc. But that there are better ways of dealing with these problems.

Like you say they wont solve the problem by closing the clubs they will move it. Possibly to illegal and unsafe venues. It happened in the UK and everywhere else, i will see if i can dig up some evidance.

Also if we could get some big spokes people in on it that would be cool. So i guess a good starting point is to start emailing the local DJ's i will try and get in touch with Frankie knuckles, he just one a Chicago music award so that a good (credible) name.

I am up to do what ever, it takes numbers and it takes getting as many people of voting age in as possible.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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...sorry for the late reply, pc problems........i'm definitely down, we just need to gather all our ideas together.....i really like what conjugateprojekt is doing...we need to define our purpose (legitamately)...anyone interested email me at spartiati@hotmail.com so we can get the wheels in motion....

regards & respect,


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