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Is everyone alive out there???


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Don't get me wrong birdj, living in the city did have its perks, but I found more negative then positive. I mean everything is way more expensive, the main thing I did like though was the public transportation, there isn't much of that in the burbs. I didn't even live all the way downtown and it was just too congested for my likings. I missed not having a yard, and I missed blairing my music at 4am without a single complaint, or hearing people walking around above me...



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No doubt a house setup is nice. I had that when I lived in the Boston area and it was great. Maybe I'll just by my own high rise in the city and that will solve everything.



"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."

-T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets"

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Yeh i have got used to the noise, at first it was bad and beleive it or not 26 floors up the noise is louder than my old 4th floor apartment, for some bizare reason!

The main thing for me is i don't have a car and i don't want one. Being able to stagger home or not pay a $25 taxi fare is great for me.

And the there is the Ladies, sitting out down Rush street on a nice day.. my god! Not that Rush street is my thing, TOO pretentious, too many mafia types in Armani suits, too much silicon (or whatever they put in now).

But it is expensive to drink, but if you know the right places you get loads of comps. Should get a comp every 4 drinks.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

But it is expensive to drink, but if you know the right places you get loads of comps. Should get a comp every 4 drinks.

I found a few "real cheap" places to drink in the G.C. Try Jay's on State & (Delaware?) and Potter's Place right next to the 7-Eleven. These bars are both, no scene, no attitude. Know of any others?



"There's always an ounce of pub wisdom in every drink that I serve."-CB

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

And the there is the Ladies, sitting out down Rush street on a nice day.. my god! Not that Rush street is my thing, TOO pretentious, too many mafia types in Armani suits, too much silicon (or whatever they put in now).

But it is expensive to drink, but if you know the right places you get loads of comps. Should get a comp every 4 drinks.

That is the main reason I love the city. Back in the burbs it wolud take 2 months to see as many hotties as you see in 1 nice day in Chicago. They're all over the place.

Bouncy..I hear ya. At least you gave it a shot. I would go for a garden, but a whole yard?? I grew up on 2 acres and had to mow it 2 many times. I am so glad I don't have to do that anymore. Then again my mom has a pool, so after getting all hot n sweaty mowing the damn lawn, I could just dive in the pool. As far as the expences go, The only time I realize how damn expensive it is, is when I go out to the burbs. Thats when I stock the car full and fill it up.



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Originally posted by citybartender:

I found a few "real cheap" places to drink in the G.C. Try Jay's on State & (Delaware?) and Potter's Place right next to the 7-Eleven. These bars are both, no scene, no attitude. Know of any others?

@ Club Eden last wednesday they where handing free shots out left and right. We talked with the owner dude for awhile and he hook us up. Besides that $5 pitchers of Stella Atrois (or whatever it is called, great beer though)



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