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what's up for sat?


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TH: R#5 for Tracy et al

F: either c. caris @crobar and/or zentra (I might suck down free margaritas at z from 9-10:30 and then go around the corner to cbar...and try to make it by 11 for more free drinks)

S: Crobar for sort-of Hype night or transit to hear the guy from Giant (LA) or what?


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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Friday we aren't sure what's going on yet. As for saturday have to make it a semi early night. Stay away from those margaritas. Did that last Friday and woah, those cheap tequila made marg's will kill your stomach. Drank 4 and felt like I was going to hurl for the next hour. Forgot all about the guy from LA saturday, that might be possibility considering Transit closes at 3 and we need to get home early. Time to get on the transit <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> .



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Thanks for the warning bout the margs though that plan is history...i just got on the meat scale at city hall and found out i've regained 15 lbs i thought i'd lost so its all water all the time for the forseeable future.

you can also just print-out a copy of www.transit-usa.com and its good for 2 people b4 11.


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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