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Watch out for these pills over comming months..


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From what i here they are not PMA, but somebody fucked up and they are bad news. If they don't sell in the UK they may find there way here or else where. Also watch for them in Ibiza if you are going.


A second man has died after taking tablets from a "bad batch" of drugs suspected to be ecstasy at an all-night rave, Scotland Yard said.

Steven Brett, 19, from Surrey, was pronounced dead at 1640BST on Tuesday.

He had been taken to King's College Hospital for treatment on Sunday morning after being found collapsed and convulsing near the SE1 nightclub under London Bridge railway station.

Clubbers have been warned to avoid these tablets

A Scotland Yard spokesman said a postmortem into Mr Brett's death would be held shortly and an inquest would open soon.

Detectives on Monday issued a picture of an ecstasy tablet similar to those found in a "bad" batch which it is feared caused the deaths of the two men.

Bret Karl Gilkes, 20, from Birmingham, died on Sunday morning after being taken to St Thomas's Hospital in London.

Police launched a nationwide amnesty for anyone who had bought the tablets and not taken them yet.

Third victim

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Anyone who has bought such a tablet anywhere in the country is asked to hand it in to police."

The tablets were circulated among clubgoers at the all-night "Raindance" festival at the SE1 nightclub on Saturday. A number fell ill.

Superintendent Wayne Smith said clubbers should hand the tablets to police

Another man, 19, from west London, remains in a critical condition at St Thomas's Hospital after going there himself when he started to fall ill.

Up to six other clubgoers have so far presented themselves at St Thomas's Hospital with symptoms of drug overdoses and have been discharged.

Police warned that more people could still be affected by the drugs and urged anyone who still had them not to take them.

Anyone who thinks they bought some of the contaminated tablets is asked to call the police incident room on 0208 247 8275.

A few links to the story and a related story




I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Oh lord, that is horriable. It can be seen in two ways... thank you, press and police, for letting us know, and for saving us from harm. Or... hopefully these stories are true and they are not just trying to scare us away from the drug that they are having the most problems keeping under control right now. Hum... makes you think.

prayer goes out to the families of those kids.


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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Originally posted by kimberlyco:

Oh lord, that is horriable. It can be seen in two ways... thank you, press and police, for letting us know, and for saving us from harm. Or... hopefully these stories are true and they are not just trying to scare us away from the drug that they are having the most problems keeping under control right now. Hum... makes you think.

prayer goes out to the families of those kids.

No for all it's faults the UK has a pretty good tollarance for users. They don't accept it, it's still breaking the law. But they will do everything they can for harm reduction. They do have some testing stations in clubs in the UK.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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There are those here too, they are just few and far between. I wish they had more. Could possible save lives... now that is a controversial issue...


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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Originally posted by fiatmusica:

in other words steer clear of white(?) rolexes, right?

Well no not exactly there may be good ones and bad ones. It's all about the diameter, i will post the diameter when i have it.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by kimberlyco:

They have been at Raves that I attended when I was younger.

I think B2B was talking about testing stations at clubs? I know that there are people at raves that tested drugs, but those are illegal raves, therefor no authorities know that there is drug use going on. Like B2B said the UK and other parts of Europe don't condone drug use, but their laws are a little more lenient then ours. Like I said, if you are worried about what you are getting, buy an EZ Test, or send one of your pills into dancesafe and wait for it to be posted. I personally get mine from a very reliable source, and have not to date had one single problem with quality. So I will stick to the same source. That is probably the best way to stay safe next to testing.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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