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Friday or Saturday??


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Allright, I thought I would take sometime to recuperate after a week in Ibiza but I realized I just can't do it, I gotta keep going. So, therefore I'm interested to see what everyone is up to this weekend. A girl I'm seeing from the east coast is coming out to see me and I was hoping to hit the city hard on either Friday or Saturday. Now I just need to know what's going on and who's up for it?

Bouncy and I were talking about maybe hitting Nocturnal on Saturday night and if we're up for it maybe hitting Crobar to finish it off. That's all we got so far though. What do you all think?


"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

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Here's what I'm thinking of doing this week..

Thursday - I would like to see Basement Jaxx, however Pure is charging $15 and I dont know if it'll be worth it.. the last three or four thursdays have been absolutely dead.. and as much as I go for the music, as a single guy, it is nice to be around some women occasionally!

Friday - Zentra? or partying in the suburbs..

Saturday - Nick Warren @ RedNo5.. I hope people come out for this one.

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Here's what I'm thinking of doing this week..

Thursday - I would like to see Basement Jaxx, however Pure is charging $15 and I dont know if it'll be worth it.. the last three or four thursdays have been absolutely dead.. and as much as I go for the music, as a single guy, it is nice to be around some women occasionally!

Friday - Zentra? or partying in the suburbs..

Saturday - Nick Warren @ RedNo5.. I hope people come out for this one.

Ohhh Nick Warren, i am definatly in for that, i knew Pure wouldn't let us down.

$15 for Basment Jaxx! I may have to be 'reviewing' that night.

Kim i think he is begining to look limke you as well wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by tranceaction:

perhaps we can catch a drink before hand.

Trance, you better watch that predrinking thing. Remember what happened the last time?? I think you went to your car and died or something.

and B2B, I do not look like her, I am much prettier... j/k Kimmy...



AOL IM BouncyBy

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What's up fellas and lady?

I'm down for Basement Jaxx on Thurs. but I'll be out of town this weekend. Got to go to a wedding.

This is the second time in a row I've missed Nick Warren cause I had to go home.

Oh well, have a great time.

Let me know if y'all want to have a meet-up Thurs.



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Yeh i think we should meet-up. I will be taking it fairly easy on Thurdsday. But Saturday is another thing all together wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I will be taking it fairly easy on Thurdsday.

Liar, you don't know how to take it easy you crazy brit... You are going to end up getting annihilated... Have fun though. I'm still broke so Thursday is out of the question. But Saturday it's on.

PF's anyone????



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Hey boys... I don't know my plans yet for Thursday... work and all. But I will let you guys know cause I would love to meet up.

B2B, you have had to may VCR's if you think I look like bouncy... and bouncy you are blind if you think you are prettier. j/k hugs and kisses to both of ya! wink.gif


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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Originally posted by kimberlyco:

B2B, you have had to may VCR's if you think I look like bouncy...

You carn't have too many VCR's smile.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Kim, I am prettier then you and you know it. Just admit it, it will be a lot easier for you to accept that way. Don't fight it. JK

B2B, that PF thing will be taken care of. I think Bmitch and I are going to hit Nocturnal and then RedNo on Saturday, so we can meetup before hand if you want. Email me and let me know.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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BB - that's why said "A Drink"..

B2B - Yes you can have too many VCR's.. I have puke stains to validate that..

As far as Nocturnal on Saturday before RedNo5, I might be interested in that.. I've only been there once and should give it another try. Nick Warren wont go on until at least 1:30-2:00AM at RedNo5.

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if there's a pre- for this thursday...I should make it..i really want to see this show (jaxx + pooley)

i'm totally with trance in his comments about r#5...the place was almost deserted by the end of emerson's set (which was pretty good) and the M/F ratio was almost as bad as this board's



"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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BMitch and everyone else.

The Mad Thinker is going to be at Zentra again this Friday. Anyone who has ever heard him will know that he lays down some phat sets. Good House, DNB, Jungle... just a Friday Option since Zentra is a pretty laid back place on Friday.

Saturday, yeah it's sounding like nocturnal so far. I guess we will play it by ear, the week is still young.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Basment jaxx on thursday is my only plan so far.. not sure what's on Satuday... but i am SURE it will be my new home of RedNo5.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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