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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Do we need to get high to go clubbing or

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After reading the X posts, a few things popped into mind. Like it or not we are considered by the masses a counter-culture, one obsessed with drugs, loud noises, make-shift communities that gather together to release the tensions that are placed upon us by the modern world. We are shallow, superficial, group of mislead misfits, regardless of our everyday lives and contributions to society. According to the media and the current city administration, a good club/party/rave is a closed one.

Have we brought this upon ourselves through years of flagrantly open drug use and illegal parties? DO WE NEED DRUGS TO REALLY PARTY? Be honest, next time you are out check how many around you are using compared to those not? Remember your first real E-experience and how it felt.

While I don't condone drug abuse, I will never deny that numerous vertibrae in the spine of this scene are filled with a plethora substances. This backbone keeps us together and moving, hopefully on the up&up. Music is at the heart and PLUR & commonsense should always be on the brain. Where would we be without drugs?


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No, we do not need drugs in the club scene and to be honest with you I think that a lot more people agree with this now a days. Yes, there are a lot of people that still get high, but that will always be there - if you do not than you tend to notice that you really are not alone and that there are more people than most give credit for out there just to enjoy the music - in a sober manner


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I agree with Drama, drugs may have been an integeral part of the scene when it first started (it was the early 80's right ?) but nowadays there are plenty of people who go to clubs sober and have a good time. People go to the clubs to listen to the music and to enjoy themselves, not to take drugs. The drugs are a accessory that helps people have a better time. Personally I think that the music rules, but if you want to take drugs to have a good time then I don't think you should stopped ( Provided you do it RESPONSIBLY )

That's my 2 cents...

PS. Note, emphasis on REPONSIBLY

PLUR smile.gif


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Although i don't use (anymore), and i don't condone it...each unto his own. I will not judge others for their choices.

Unfortunatley, though, there are a few people who lose sight of what is really important because the drugs become more meaningful that the mere excitement and joy of the music itself...

What is important here is THE MUSIC and feeling and being entrenched in the sound and movement through your body like an enormous rolling ocean wave about to crash on the shore.

I cannot express the importance of bringing people back to Feeling the music for the moment. If you respect yourself, your body, and others this feeling of pure joy can be attained in all aspects of your life. If we say it enough maybe it will settle in the brains of others and bring people back to the bigger picture of the whole thing.

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I seem to participate in a variety of "sub-cultures" with negative stigmas attached; however, I never see the stigma as being any bit defining.

Not saying I live life straight edge; however, the labels attached to our lifestyle are all generalizations from people on the outside. I shake my bones til 6am or later, and rarely am I consuming anything beyond good ol' H20; however, people think I have to be on drugs to have such vigor. I guess the music takes me higher than anything else, keeps my energy pure and strong. It's a mindset, a lifestyle, and each one is unique with its' characteristics.

Drugs are fun, they will always be present in any scene (work, school, clubs, concerts, etc wink.gif it's when they start being the definitive aspect of any scene is when things go awry, and the media never features the positivity.

I guess to summarize on this, do what you want if it doesn't hurt or blow the vibe of the ones around you. Don't be so sensitive to stigmas, you know if you belong in the group that is being criticized or not. If you're positive and you share your good vibes and words, no one can steal your pride in your associations.

Did that make any sense?


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Drugs are everywhere not just the club scene and the fact is that plenty of people go out sober and have just as good a time. I love the music and its really all i need to have a good time.

Club scene = music + vibe

Club scene not = drugs

That's not to say that i've never tripped face before, but i stopped doing it and have just as good a time sober. It's all about the music and the vibe. Like everyone else has bascially said, to each their own and if you wanna be stoned then by all means, but if you can't enjoy it w/o the drugs then you don't belong there.

just my $.02



[This message has been edited by inertia (edited 05-22-2000).]

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ill have to agree with inertia's equation, and i think theres too much focus on drugs(for example this topic/post)there are those who do and dont, it shouldnt affect how that person is judged..but truthfully i think drugs do affect the vibe, how much..i dunno..but ive noticed every1 is or maybe seems more freindlier with soemting in their system..


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