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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by snoggers

  1. 2:00 am in my opinion.....or at least that's when the night of music begins Thoughts?
  2. Ok people......riddle me this PVD live @ giant ----- begins minute mark 6:15 or Tiesto live @ Zoo Israel (8/28)---- begins min mark 12:27 Same tune.....what is it? More than props to the first one to identify!
  3. YES! You guys are a breath of fresh air... 28 and strong, love to dance until these bones fight back.... I am into the "Elder Clubbers" rendezvous, I think a pre-party is in order...... Keep the post, let's put it together and let the youth in our souls spill out onto the floor! !!!!-S
  4. Dude, I fully hear ya there! PRAISE THE MP3! I got the O (and more than a GB of PVD)..if you want to trade drop a line..... Loads of goods! scorp39@hotmail.com
  5. I'm in on this.....is that copacetic? I tend to dabble in the arts of cpNYC and I definitely indulge in groove.
  6. Ok Music peeps.....I need the identity of a track.. On PVD live @ Giant the track that begins @ min mark 6:15 ------ What is it????? Please let it be known....there are treats associated for the winner..... We know everyone likes treats too....
  7. NY ladies rock...bottom line. However, just cause you live in NY does not mean you are outspoken. I love the intelligence and look of NY women, but the attitude can suck. Bottom line, you find the goods and bads in every environment. In NY however, the ladies can be a lil less friendly than the rest of the country (besides LA...they suck) and the money hunters are in droves. The women down south are the friendly ones, but can be a lil dull. Just call it as I live it...... Keep the faith and your feet moving
  8. Alright people, I'm looking to get some feedback on the current mentality on age. (plus I'm really bored right now) So, how old are you? How old is too old/young? and why....I mean really, why? I think this could get interesting if people throw out the real deal, plus....all ya'll with age hang-ups can identify the people in your range. Keep the faith and your feet moving.... -Snog
  9. Damn, some peeps definitely have too much time on their hands..... Plus, you could at least throw out a positive Farce!
  10. Anyone have any newsfeeds on this death? How'd this story surface? (besides word of mouth) Thanks for the help..... -S
  11. The Ballroom is a sweet venue, definitely stoked for a good time. I'd love to meet up with good people from Planetland......plus, I'm curious to see what kind of peeps post on this thing. I'm 6ft, short blonde hair, and I'm wearing a blue shirt with black pants (unfortunately I had to straddle the work/play gear today) Come say Hi, I don't bite (unless I know you a little better) Keep the faith and your feet moving, -Snoggs
  12. You guys said it all.....absolutely amazing! I want more!
  13. Call me old, call me sweaty...but when I walked in, it was unbearable. I mean, I was fired up to see the music...looked forward to it for weeks! I had never been to EXIT before, although I find myself living @ Twilo on occasion. I sweat less @ a fully packed Twilo house, or even @ the gym......I wasn't drinking, I wasn't rollin', I wasn't even dancing on Monday and sweat just kept coming. I split early, completely crowded and unbearable......bottom line, that shit should be refunded (especially for exceeding capacity and making it such a shitty environment to be in) I will give EXIT another shot based on all of your comments; however, that place really turned me off after that scene. Nothing personal but.... I'm not 15 years old I like to work up a sweat, not be handed one That whole bathroom/level scene blows and thanks for keeping the Roof closed off the bat....if it was open, I would have been able to deal. Man, that was a HUGE letdown....I think a trip to Miami to see Senor Acosta would be more worthwhile. -Snog
  14. Seriously.....that post is the shit! Stoked for NYC (13th) and the Hamptons (Aug.) So who's down for either the road trip to Montreal or the flight to Vegas? LET'S ALL HIT VEGAS!!!! That would be bombing!!! Caught him two weeks ago in the city...SciFi.com live webcast from the Metropolitan Pavilion....his skillz be sharp these days.....made the Roxy in March look like poo. Da Snog
  15. Hey people..... I've been floored on all the deep delicious unavailable tracks that are available on this beautiful medium. Anyone have anything real sick worth while? Some recent grabs have been: PVD Live @ Mayday (3/00) Tong and PVD The Essential PVD Live Ministry of Sound and an old Megamix I'm diggin' (PVD again) I guess I haven't made it off the PVD page yet, but I've probably grabbed 10 hours of music so far. So who's got the phatty's? Point us good people in the right direction Much Love.......Da Snog
  16. Oh yeah baby! Bring on the Candy and The Depth! I'm just stoked to kick it @ Exit and party all night. Really amped up to dance, dance, dance.....are you ready to release? Let go people......always
  17. I agree with flava, give em a break. They have provided all of us with a vehicle to share all these good words. Beyond that, they provide solid content, cool sound clips, and hook you with the 411 on tons of shit. I don't know how many of you have run a business, let alone a good one. To be comprehensive and solid, you need to staff and spend money.....how much are we all paying?......Exactly! So, call it "selling out" or what you will, how many of you would deplete all of your money and resources to keep people informed. These guys should establish as many ties, sponsorships, and advertisers as they can. Furthermore, you should be supporting their sponsors and advertisers, it is what makes Clubplanet a more valuable commodity in the marketplace. Keep the faith people, and keep the love Clubplanet....we're all in this together to continue the growth of our passion and increase the knowledge amongst us. A couple more cents thrown in....
  18. How cheesy is that banner BTW? Come on guys, you can do a better job centering that thing so it doesn't block the cool logo!
  19. Deep hitting tracks, blended together masterfully, that take you through the peaks and valleys, with natural grace. When my heart pumps, my body shakes, and my feet start popping..........that is what I want out of a DJ. And everything else in life
  20. Yo, I was wondering if anyone else out there was fortunate enough to see Oaks last night @ the Metropolitan Pavilion. There were about 20 hardcores showing lots of love........and he gave plenty back! His skillz are sharp kids, so no more bitchin' and "The Essential Collection" treats you ears kindly. Small crowd, nice venue, deep Oaky luv.........in a word >>>>> Sick!
  21. People who are too fucked up and endanger themselves is definitely the worst. I mean, you're grooving down, shakin' and sweatin' and all of a sudden a panick stricken bunch plows through the crowd carrying their fallen colleague. Talk about a quick dose of bad vibe! However, as soon as they pass it's back to ragin' without a care in the world. Love that lack of short term memory and that general unaffected feeling....
  22. You gotta luv it.....it's like flashin' back to the days of substitute teachers or parental vacations...... Lame, yet pleasing in an immature and sneaky sort of way ------------------
  23. What places light it up Monday through Wednesday? When the energy and the drive to shake my bones hits, I'd like to have the low down on where to release. Merci pour l'amour ------------------
  24. On the Internet? In my car? (while driving...no pun intended) ------------------
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