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What happened to SASHA and DIGWEED?

Guest blckraven

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Don't you people understand what Sasha is doing? Just as everyone and their mother falls in love with trance, he changes his style so he won't play himself out. Don't forget, Sasha was a very famous DJ long before there was trance, or even progressive house. I have a 1990 mix tape from him in which he was playing old Chicago house with Whitney Houston mixed in, and he originally got famous doing just that. PVD on the other hand was a B or C-list techno DJ all his life till trance suddenly got popular and now he is temporarily the hottest thing going. You will see, Sasha will be around long after no one remembers who PVD is.

Coming soon in America, pop trance on every radio station and MTV. Believe it, it's been that way in Europe for years. It's not as far off as you think.



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pOOh, just wanted to let you know that he has rolled and gotten laid by itself and all together at the same time many, many times around. I "personally" can gaurantee you that. AND I can gaurantee you that he does know what he's talking about when it comes to music . . . cause he is actually a walking music encyclopedia.

As for the dancing . . . (hahaha) only if you knew who he was . . . you wouldn't speak so fast. BELIEVE ME when I tell you that I have never seen anyone who dance better than him. And if you think that you can dance better, than perhaps you will honor us with your presence at Dave Seaman on June 9th at Twilo. Yes, that is an invitation.

This is what we do here on the board . . . we give our opinions on certain music, dj's, clubs, and parties . . . so, if one person says that S&D sucked big times . . . doesn't mean that it's the end of the freakin world. So, instead of telling the writer to chill out . . .why don't you just try to get your point across in a civilized way by doing what he did of listing the reasons why you think he's wrong.

Seriously, telling him to roll or get laid . . . really . . . let's grow up.

Guys, no one is saying that anyone suck. We all have our own personal preference in what music we like. Some of us like what S&D is spinning these days and some of us don't. That's the beauty of music . . . it has many different personalities. We don't need to start putting each other down.

Personally, I think that $35 is a bit too much to charge on ANY night. But, you know what? People still pay to go see their favorite DJ. I know that if Twilo charges $35 on PVD night . . . I'm still gonna be there. I might not like it, but what can I do? The ulitmate person who can put a stop to that would be the DJ's themselves by not playing at that venue and playing some where else. Otherwise, we have to pay what the clubs charges . . . or not go at all. AND I know that I need my regular PVD fix so not going is out of the question. =)

Lastly, trance may be turning mainstream . . . but hopefully it will fade out and go back to being underground music where it belongs.



Originally posted by p00h:

bro i think you need to roll, or get laid or something so you wouldnt be so fuckin uptight. grow the fuck up its people voicing opinions. and you can take that and 'i'm more knowledgible than you and i can dance better than you' attitude and stick it up your ass.


Music is the language of souls . . .

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Ferry Corsten, YESSSSSSS PLEASSSSSEEEE! hehehe. And I'll take a side order of DJ Tiesto as well.


Originally posted by rally2000:

Preach on BlackRaven! Trance will always live on ...

Ferry Corsten is a GOD!!! ahhhhhhh

Rally2K smile.gif


Music is the language of souls . . .

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Nobody remembering PVD?????? *GASP* Unheard of!!!!!!!!!!!! PVD will be remembered ALWAYS. If not by the world than at least by the true trance-heads.


Originally posted by johnb:

Don't you people understand what Sasha is doing? Just as everyone and their mother falls in love with trance, he changes his style so he won't play himself out. Don't forget, Sasha was a very famous DJ long before there was trance, or even progressive house. I have a 1990 mix tape from him in which he was playing old Chicago house with Whitney Houston mixed in, and he originally got famous doing just that. PVD on the other hand was a B or C-list techno DJ all his life till trance suddenly got popular and now he is temporarily the hottest thing going. You will see, Sasha will be around long after no one remembers who PVD is.

Coming soon in America, pop trance on every radio station and MTV. Believe it, it's been that way in Europe for years. It's not as far off as you think.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Guest blckraven

Only a matter of taste. that is my 2 cents. As of lately PVD seems to be the only DJ at Twilo who can inpire me to dance till my arms fall off !! If anyone got offended by my previous post that was not my intention. Simply stating that the past 4 sasha nights that I went to have been a close to boring compare to PVD nights.

I still love the man. I know this much when I see him in Ibiza I hope he does not spin like how he has been spinning lately. Sasha used to be a mixture of it all. progressive house, progressive trance and tech house ! that is the Sasha I have come to love! By its own nature, I know the music will change. It is progressive after all. It has to. I just wish that his style would not change so much where I can't tell the difference between him and Digweed anymore !


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blackraven, blueangel, apologies on my post, didn't mean what i wrote there. i certainly dont appreacite a 'mightier than thou' attitude, but whatever. as far as seaman, i'm already there, but i dance for my personal pleasure and satisfaction, not to compete with others so will have to decline that invite.


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Cream only ever played trace when Oakey was resident (and then it was only in the back room).

Gatecrasher - is crap.

Ibiza played Trace last year and last year only (in a big way). This year it's different. Trance has been around for ever now, full moon parties in Goa have been going for 9 years now... It's dying in the UK rapidly. Sasha is moving on (I hope), especially away from the trashy, commercial melodic scene.

Trance = drug music.

Don't get me wrong I loved it but in the UK trance is really commercial now and most people are fed up with it. Sasha makes allot more in the UK and Europe than he does over here, it makes sense to move on.

I bet I am popular after this post :-)


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why is everyone so anti"commercial"..big deal if the mainstream gets a taste of some good music and the dj gets paid more, its still the same music, personally i rather see the dj sell out and go big, get the money and attention he deserves..and i cant see trance being erased from the scence..that just doesnt make any sense..yeah and that post earlier whoever said.."trance=drug music"..doesnt make much sense either...whats that suppose to mean..i can understand drugs make music sound better...but the music can support itself without drugs...


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What ever you say knowlegeone.

There is nothing wrong with being commercial, you either like it or don't. At least commercial tunes bring money into the industry to bring out the new talent and push things forward.

Trance always has been, always will be associated with drugs, And melodic trance is the worst.

Know you history, and your music, too little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.


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back2basics, perhaps trance means drug music in Chicago, but here trance doesn't mean drug music. Drug is just everywhere by it's self . . . it doesn't need any help.

But . . . like I said, music is a personal perference thing. If you don't like it then don't listen but please don't tell us (who do listen to it) what trance is. That's just plain wrong.


Originally posted by back2basics:

What ever you say knowlegeone.

There is nothing wrong with being commercial, you either like it or don't. At least commercial tunes bring money into the industry to bring out the new talent and push things forward.

Trance always has been, always will be associated with drugs, And melodic trance is the worst.

Know you history, and your music, too little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.


Music is the language of souls . . .

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pOOh, no apologies needed. I get a lil' sensitive when it comes to trance too. =) WE, too, dance for our own pleasure and satisfaction. That's the best way to dance!!

We'll see you at Dave Seaman! Look out for me . . . I'll be the asian girl that glows. Hehehe.



Originally posted by p00h:

blackraven, blueangel, apologies on my post, didn't mean what i wrote there. i certainly dont appreacite a 'mightier than thou' attitude, but whatever. as far as seaman, i'm already there, but i dance for my personal pleasure and satisfaction, not to compete with others so will have to decline that invite.


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Sorry Back2basics ... drugs are prevelant in all real clubs here in NY ... all types of music not just trance!

If anything I've seen mad peeps from this board and others who are into trance and are NOT into drugs!!!! smile.gif

that's the truth ... trance seems to inspire a lot of people in touch with nature and it's beauty ... just what I've seen and heard!


Rally2000 biggrin.gif


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rally2000, blueangel

I know you love your trance and that's fine, I think it is irrelevant to say that where you live has an effect on how good the music is, if you had never herd the Beatles in your life does it make it bad music?

Because Trance is new over here there is always a honey moon, what makes music good is longevity. We in the UK (I have only been in Chicago for 6 months), have seen no longevity. I can say we because all the credible labels have dropped it like a stone.

I stand by my drug music comment and here is why:-

Usually throw away music, is drug based (speed garage, acid house, punk etc) it comes it makes a massive impact then dies out just as fast.

The big chunk melodies of trance are like the acid sounds of the late 80's these sounds on a big system are precisely what people on drugs are looking for, it's the vibrations in the ear that for some reason give pleasure to people on drugs. Agreed they also have some effect on people who aren't on drugs (which is great) but the music has not and will not last the test of time.

Looking at clubs like Gatecrasher, what do you have a bunch of kids on E. Goa was the start of the trance scene in Europe, why? Because Middle class kids used to go because they could get drugs cheep (LSD mainly) and be ok. What happened? The police clamped down, sentencing went up and it all die out, if it wasn't for the drugs then why?

When Trance hit it big in the UK (about 4 years ago) I spent thousands of pounds on Vinyl, now when I listen to a song that is only a year old it sounds cheesy. There are few exceptions to that (for me). Listen to Unfinished symphony (massive attack) which is 8 years old and it could have been made yesterday.

I am not sure what tunes you are all listening to at the moment (maybe somebody would like to give me an example of what they think is a good trance tune so I can comment).

If you like it enjoy, but my point is it won't last and musically it is easy to make and throw away.


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Back2basic, to say that we're having our "honeymoon" period with trance in the US is sort of jumping the guns a little, don't you think? I mean techno and house has been here for years and it's still here. You shouldn't say that trance is only a phase - just because it was in UK doesn't exactly mean that it will be here.

Which brings me to the next topic . . . drugs. I happen to think that the drug scene with the music scene is much more active in the UK then it is here. I found that kids in the UK trip out 48 - 36 hours at a time constantly and that's considered the norm over there while we (in the US) might consider that a wee bit too much. Perhaps that is why you keep on making the connection between the two (music and drugs). I think tripping out with music on drugs is also a personal thing. I know some people that listen to Marilyn Manson while tripping on acid . . . and when I tried -- it totally FREAKED me out!! Meanwhile, there are people who can't listen to music while tripping at all.

If you really want to get technical and associate music to a drug then we can say that most music is associated to drugs. Rock music to pot . . . electronica to e . . . funk music to acid . . .so on and so on. It's just plain silly to say that one type of music is a drug music. And perhaps the who vibrations to the ear thing may be true, but some people like receiving massages too . . . does that mean that the whole shiatsu thing is drug based too?

People trip out in different ways and that's that. I know you're from the UK and all but perhaps have gone through all this one time around . . .but don't try to classify it as if it'll turn out the same way here as it did there. That's all I'm saying.


Originally posted by back2basics:

rally2000, blueangel

I know you love your trance and that's fine, I think it is irrelevant to say that where you live has an effect on how good the music is, if you had never herd the Beatles in your life does it make it bad music?

Because Trance is new over here there is always a honey moon, what makes music good is longevity. We in the UK (I have only been in Chicago for 6 months), have seen no longevity. I can say we because all the credible labels have dropped it like a stone.

I stand by my drug music comment and here is why:-

Usually throw away music, is drug based (speed garage, acid house, punk etc) it comes it makes a massive impact then dies out just as fast.

The big chunk melodies of trance are like the acid sounds of the late 80's these sounds on a big system are precisely what people on drugs are looking for, it's the vibrations in the ear that for some reason give pleasure to people on drugs. Agreed they also have some effect on people who aren't on drugs (which is great) but the music has not and will not last the test of time.

Looking at clubs like Gatecrasher, what do you have a bunch of kids on E. Goa was the start of the trance scene in Europe, why? Because Middle class kids used to go because they could get drugs cheep (LSD mainly) and be ok. What happened? The police clamped down, sentencing went up and it all die out, if it wasn't for the drugs then why?

When Trance hit it big in the UK (about 4 years ago) I spent thousands of pounds on Vinyl, now when I listen to a song that is only a year old it sounds cheesy. There are few exceptions to that (for me). Listen to Unfinished symphony (massive attack) which is 8 years old and it could have been made yesterday.

I am not sure what tunes you are all listening to at the moment (maybe somebody would like to give me an example of what they think is a good trance tune so I can comment).

If you like it enjoy, but my point is it won't last and musically it is easy to make and throw away.


Music is the language of souls . . .

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yes you are right USA and UK are different, there are many differences historically (we have some :-) only joking). We didn't have a disco backlash which is what many attribute to the slow uptake of house(not me Americans).

Trance has been across here for some time (not sure why you brought techno into it), but it's not been in it's present form. Melodic trance will die, I don't want you to believe me just watch, if people who live in NY are already saying this and the DJ's are changing there sets what are you going to do?

My argument is not about what happens in England will happen here. It is based on my musical knowledge and my experience. And it's not me who is making the connection between drugs and the music it's the people who go and listen to the music on drugs that are doing that. You see over here you cannot drink under 21, so what do the kids who want to experiment (it is part of there cognitive development, I wont argue that with you read some psychology books). They go to raves still cannot drink, they have access and will take something else. So the potential for a problem over here is bigger.

Your views on what people do in the UK "tripping out for 48 hours etc" shows a massive generalization. When I say that Trance is drug music I am not saying everybody who listens is on drugs. But to say :-

"I happen to think that the drug scene with the music scene is much more active in the UK then it is here. I found that kids in the UK trip out 48 - 36 hours at a time constantly and that's considered the norm over there while we (in the US) might consider that a wee bit too much."

Is silly to say the least, it's not about the UK and the US (which is what you seem to be trying to make it), I used the UK as a valid example because it is the closest thing we have to base it on.

What we all can agree on is what good music is, the Beatles were as big over here as they were in England. A good album is a good album and it is an album you can listen to for a long time.

Give me one example of a trance tune that you like now that you herd over a year ago?


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I'm not trying to make this a UK/USA thing . . . . you just keep bring it up and basing all your reasoning on the fact that it happened there so it must happen here. All I'm saying is that it doesn't have to.

As far as trance dying . . . I don't think it'll die . . . I do expect it to change like all music do but I can't see it dying anytime soon.

As for the drug factor . . . I'm only reporting what I saw over there. Oh, and trust me when I say that just because the drinking age is 21 and over doesn't exactly mean that the underaged kids don't have access to liquor cause they do! And I don't believe that the drug problem will be worse here then in europe cause the kids here have more information to the drugs and its effects then say the europeans did when they first started experimenting. I know the government in Europe particularly UK is throwing all the information NOW -- trying to educate the drug users because they know now that there is a problem. But the damage is sort of already done. As for the baby ravers and clubbers here . . . they'll experiment (kids always do) but at the educational information on drugs is out there in their faces. So, I can't see the drug problem potentially being worse here.

Finally, tracks. I still listen to Universal Nation, For an Angel and Rendezvous and still get chills.


Originally posted by back2basics:


yes you are right USA and UK are different, there are many differences historically (we have some :-) only joking). We didn't have a disco backlash which is what many attribute to the slow uptake of house(not me Americans).

Trance has been across here for some time (not sure why you brought techno into it), but it's not been in it's present form. Melodic trance will die, I don't want you to believe me just watch, if people who live in NY are already saying this and the DJ's are changing there sets what are you going to do?

My argument is not about what happens in England will happen here. It is based on my musical knowledge and my experience. And it's not me who is making the connection between drugs and the music it's the people who go and listen to the music on drugs that are doing that. You see over here you cannot drink under 21, so what do the kids who want to experiment (it is part of there cognitive development, I wont argue that with you read some psychology books). They go to raves still cannot drink, they have access and will take something else. So the potential for a problem over here is bigger.

Your views on what people do in the UK "tripping out for 48 hours etc" shows a massive generalization. When I say that Trance is drug music I am not saying everybody who listens is on drugs. But to say :-

"I happen to think that the drug scene with the music scene is much more active in the UK then it is here. I found that kids in the UK trip out 48 - 36 hours at a time constantly and that's considered the norm over there while we (in the US) might consider that a wee bit too much."

Is silly to say the least, it's not about the UK and the US (which is what you seem to be trying to make it), I used the UK as a valid example because it is the closest thing we have to base it on.

What we all can agree on is what good music is, the Beatles were as big over here as they were in England. A good album is a good album and it is an album you can listen to for a long time.

Give me one example of a trance tune that you like now that you herd over a year ago?


Music is the language of souls . . .

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Ok neither of us is going to convince the other. Time will tell.

But it's been good getting your opinions. Keep an eye on the Listing on the Ministryofsound.com. It's just about disappeared over there. It may do over here, it will evolve that's for sure, but it will never be another house, and without house it would never have been (so soon).

So I take it you go to Twilo? I am going to visit and check it out see what it's like if your so passionate about all this then I may be surprised. The thing i don't like is the fact it's all European DJ's over here I mean S&D are great (truly) but Scott bond, Matt H? Dave Seaman is good too. It just seems like it's all stationary.


It's about time I went out in NY again, last time I went to the Soundfactory loved it but never been back.


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True on that . . . time will tell.

Dave Seaman is coming to Twilo on June 9th if you can make it for that. It's Dave Seaman and Deep Dish. I would say come and check out PVD but you already know him and I take it that you think his spinning is too fairy for you -- even though I would argue otherwise -- but we won't go there. =)


Originally posted by back2basics:

Ok neither of us is going to convince the other. Time will tell.

But it's been good getting your opinions. Keep an eye on the Listing on the Ministryofsound.com. It's just about disappeared over there. It may do over here, it will evolve that's for sure, but it will never be another house, and without house it would never have been (so soon).

So I take it you go to Twilo? I am going to visit and check it out see what it's like if your so passionate about all this then I may be surprised. The thing i don't like is the fact it's all European DJ's over here I mean S&D are great (truly) but Scott bond, Matt H? Dave Seaman is good too. It just seems like it's all stationary.


It's about time I went out in NY again, last time I went to the Soundfactory loved it but never been back.


Music is the language of souls . . .

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I may do, I have to say I love Dave Seaman, there is a club in UK called renaissance it's about the best club medium size club over there. Check out there mix C.D's there on import but the latest one has a sublime mix by Seaman.

I read n article in the NY Times about how Twilo was really kicking off (not that the NY Times would know, but it set me thinking about checking it).


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Already have that CD and "of course" Dave Seaman is awesome. Couldn't stop listening to it for weeks.

I'm heading to UK again soon and I'll definately check out the club. Thanks for the info.


Originally posted by back2basics:

I may do, I have to say I love Dave Seaman, there is a club in UK called renaissance it's about the best club medium size club over there. Check out there mix C.D's there on import but the latest one has a sublime mix by Seaman.

I read n article in the NY Times about how Twilo was really kicking off (not that the NY Times would know, but it set me thinking about checking it).


Music is the language of souls . . .

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