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Whats you take on the scene

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Just reading a post which made me think a little about what you all get out of your clubbing.

We are all into it for different reasons so there is no reason for this to turn into an argument... but

There are distinct groups of people in the dance/clubbing scene, a hierarchy even.

a) The A list people, these people may be promoters, models, media people anybody you want to see in your club. They generally don't go for the music or to get sweaty but are there to be seen. Probably don't know anything or care to know anything about the scene. If Punk is the NEW house they will follow.

B) The DJ/wana be DJ/producers, they are into the music and maybe elitist about the music. They only want to know people who are part of this group because they think it is some kind of status symbol or that they ARE the scene. Probably been into the scene from the start.

c) The clubber, knows there stuff but doesn't take it too seriously. They go out on a weekend to escape from their mundane weekly jobs. They might not at the moment, but probably soon they will aspire to be either a) or B) but never d). Knowing as many of B) is always handy.

d) Raver, loves the unity of it all (and the peace, love and respect). The music is important to their night out, but the being as one with the crowed is just as important. It's certainly not about a), but B) is tempting. c) is not tempting now but maybe later (but they don't know it yet).

Have I missed anybody? Any thoughts?


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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Hey I recognise myself a little bit in b, c and d, more in d though.

About the a people, some promoters are closer to the b people (some kind of dj wannabe who get turned on by promoting parties and djs.) Some other promoters are closer to the d list, they want to promote parties for PLUR (the best promoters imho)

I must say that I have a tendancy to diss nastily the A people. (I shouldn't hate them, to each his own, but I can't help it, I hate them)

Also you forgot the people who go to clubs just to find a date and those who go just for drugs.


Joël S.

[This message has been edited by JoelS (edited 06-13-2000).]

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I think I'm more of a "C" and a "D" person. More toward the D then the C cause I am into being one with the crowd. However, I think I can relate to the "B" people cause I am into the music.

I dunno . . . I just like to escape to a club or a place where I can hear my favorite music to dance my ass off and be one with the crowd!!



Music is the language of souls . . .

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C really nailed me, but lately I have been trending towards B. I have less and less patience for sub-par or flat music, and tend to complain even when others around me are having a good time if the music is boring. But I'll make any effort to see my favourite DJs. I even decided to finally get my own decks just to collect my favourite records and DJ for myself rather than playing CDs, not that I have any delusions about supporting myself as a DJ. I'll keep my day job and keep all this strictly in hobby territory.



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Well that's good, what I was trying to say is that I think there is a progression for most people. But most people tend to stop at B.

But you still do get A's in clubs and on the scene, these people generally come in as A's (not always).


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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I club because I like the bass fucking my pores as if each one was a pussy. I club because when I dance, I like to make believe I'm an Aboriginal Indian that used to bathe in the glory of authentic sunsets-pure ganja-naked titties flapping all around-and living in the luxury of knowing life is to be appreciated...then I leave the club and remember where I am. I club because certain songs aide my previous reason. That's basically my reason for going clubbing. Sure, there are females, yadda yadda yadda...but I don't go for the females...I could care less (CM, stop laughing at me, hahaa).

Now, I hate clubs because:

The smoke fucks my lung cells as if each aveoli was a pussy.

Everyone in there looks like an Aboriginal Indian lost in their own world...and when that happens, they step on my feet, clostheline me like Randy Macho Man Savage, spill drinks on me as if I were being baptized, brand their signature in my skin with their cigarrettes, criticize my dance skills while they hold up the clubs weak sedement foundation.

And finally, after every night, I'm guaranteed a quick dose of hearing loss...Saint!!!


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Saint, very poetic man.

I'm definately a mix of c and d with a little b in the mix too. I think we're the people that make it so great. If it was all a's and b's it would be a bunch of people standing around looking at each other and maybe they would be happy cause they'd all be "seen" but it wouldn't be nearly as exiting or positive. Actually, it'd be a some soho lounge.

My love is for the music, the crowd and all the positive energy.

F@#$ the seen.





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There's nothing wrong with being an A as long as you've got love for the music. Then you carry over to C or D's.

I guess there's nothing wrong w/ A's even if they don't cross over. They're just not who I want to be around.

There's never a need for guilt, unless you're using it against someone else because it's a very powerfull tool.

And if you've been in the seen as long as you have, you've gotta love the music. Even if you didn't like it in the begining. I mean, if someone were to strap me down and force me to listen to country music I'm sure after a few... decades I would start to like it.





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Country music?? Now that's what they would play in my personal hell. I grew up in Missouri and listened to that crap for about the first 12 years of my life . . . I'm still trying to get over it. biggrin.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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That's exactly what I'm sayin'. It's my hell too, but if you're subjected to something long enough, no matter how bad or pathetic it may be, you'll end up enjoying it. Take America's obsession with disgusting, shitty tasting, artery clogging, fast food. Most people eat that shit up and probably think they like it.





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i sort of resent what you said about the promoter because it is a basic stereotype...not all promoters are ones who are solely out to make a quick $...some believe in the parties they work in and the music they are surrounded by....



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I haven't met very may promoters that after time and success don't let it go to there heads, but i have met some that are still seriously care about the scene. I am not stereo typing I never said this covered everyone (I am not that stupid). But there are many people that fit into these categories.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.


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