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Gayle posted below asking about 5-HTP, but the "thread was closed." What the hell is that about?

Anyway, lots of people take it to supplement Serotonin, after you have decreased the natural supply. I took it on terrible Tuesdays back when I was going out every weekend. Besides the fact that you shouldn't regularly supplement something your body is producing naturally, does anyone else have any feelings on 5-HTP? I never really knew if it was doing anything or not.

Wassup G$?

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Well if it's boosting you seratonin levels the research I have read would suggest that it's not a good idea to take it for the midweek blues.

Obviously we know that MDMA raises the levels abnormally, where as SSRI's (Prozac etc) do so safely but in the same way. The midweek blues is you body stabilizing your Seratonin levels again.

By not allowing you body to do this effectively I would suggest that it was doing more harm than good by unnaturally getting you body to raise the levels when it need to rest. Ok it may make you feel better but at what cost?

Something I read on the E for Ecstasy page said you shouldn't take Prozac when you are taking E (or visa versa).


I want to go out blazing not fade away.


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I'm gonna try it tomorrow, so I'll tell you how it was. I'm not sure when I'll take it, but none the less you'll have my opinion. A lot of people like it, so it should be cool. 1 more day till KIMBALL COLLINS!!!


Keep it movin'!



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Cholo, I've tried it and to tell you the truth . . . it was really no big deal at all. It may intensify the feeling for a lil bit but that's it. As for the prozac, you shouldn't take it with E because they actually contradict each other. If you're on prozac and take E then you don't roll at all. From what I hear . . . it good to take prozac or Paxil after the party . . . say when you're walking out of the club in the morning then it's good to take a prozac or a paxil cause it supposedly works against the E and leaves less damage for your body to repair. Of course all this is just what I heard and the bottom line is . . . if you're gonna play then you gotta pay. biggrin.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Yes 5-htp works...but dont take too much...youll go through a disorder called serotonin syndrome. Also, St. john's wort works as well. As far as E is concerned, it's potency is diminished if you have abused it in the past (yes that's all of us frown.gif ). If you take some 5-htp b4 and after your roll, it's supposed to increase potency and lessen comedown. In my case, and probably for others, everytime i roll these days, I have no type of comedown, what so ever, and all E dopes me out when I'm rollin. The methamphetamine properties of it have seemed to diminished. Oh well. I guess we'll all have to party sober....haha...hope that helps

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Guest clubkid77

5-htp works to raise seratonin leveles in the following manner. Seratonin is 5-HT It is produced in the body by the conversion of 5-HTP into 5-HT, this is a natraly occuring process, and 5-HTP is produced from tryptamines, and found largely in meats. So anyone looking to increase their 5-HT level can do so by suplementing with the building blocks, now not 100% will be utalized but some will. If you take say 200mg a couple hours before droping that bomb, it tends to kick yah a little harder. sometmies its not bad to take during the week either, it helps to suplement the loss of 5-ht (seratonin) in the body and lets your body balence out quicker.

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