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What is you First Impression of SF?????????????

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I thought the music was good, but JP defly spins harder than that and better! The crowd and vibe are different because it's summer time ... a lot of SF heads are not there a lot in the summer.

In September it'll be back again ... summertime SF is not very crowded except for events.

I was there until about 9 and i had a good time ... i suggest you go again - give it another shot.

Rally biggrin.gif

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My first pimpression of Sound Factory in October of 1998 was "Holy shit, this place is nuts", I've also met more people that night than I have at any other club ever & still continue to meet new people everytime I go there., I guess that's why I still try to go back at least once a month in the summer & more often in the Fall & Winter.

It's not for everyone.

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Originally posted by rally2000:

I thought the music was good, but JP defly spins harder than that and better! The crowd and vibe are different because it's summer time ... a lot of SF heads are not there a lot in the summer.

In September it'll be back again ... summertime SF is not very crowded except for events.

I was there until about 9 and i had a good time ... i suggest you go again - give it another shot.

Rally biggrin.gif

well said, old man ...I was glad to see you Sat. - it's been ages ...ru coming down to visit us at the Deeper house some time this summer ?? ...hope so, we gotta chill outside of SF again :-)



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Originally posted by gene2k:

My first pimpression of Sound Factory in October of 1998 was "Holy shit, this place is nuts", I've also met more people that night than I have at any other club ever & still continue to meet new people everytime I go there., I guess that's why I still try to go back at least once a month in the summer & more often in the Fall & Winter.

It's not for everyone.

I wasn't impressed at all the first few times I went to SF (summer of '98) ...then the place slowly started growing on me like a fungus and now... [you know the rest]

...and yes, I agree w/Gene ...I've met, by far, many more people at SF than any other club. ...even though the vibe is somewhat weak in the summer, I know it'll be back in full force again when Sept. rolls around



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 06-28-2000).]

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To everyone who posted all of the great info.

I plan on trying this place again. I will try it once again in the summer and then agin in the fall. I can see what you are saying about it growing on you. I hated it when I was there but the next day I had this unfinished feeling about the joint. Now I can't wait till I go back. Thanks again!

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Well being a SF head myself (since it openend in '97) the club has definitely gone through some MAJOR evolutions!

I remember my first time hearing JP and Eddie...(Fri and Sat). Was AWESOME. Couldn't keep me out of that place! Definitely lived up to the name....THE PRETTY PEOPLE PLACE! I never saw so many good looking people! I fell in love! After Arena and Junior...no other place to hit so there I stayed and still go today!

I was there this past Sat for a few hours...sucked IMO, but hey, whatcha gonna do! Yeah it is very clickish at times, but usually real friendly..... just start talking. That's how I made my friends there! The music was really heavy and dark at times (JP is like that sometimes) and kind of trancey. Also remember this is the summer...ALL CLUBS SUCK IN THE SUMMER. Everyone goes away on weekends! And trust me...the HEAT in that place was brutal! Too hot!

Try coming back in September or wait until winter...SF is the bets in Nov. and Dec IMO. Hey, stop by JP's board if you wanna meet some other true SF heads or have questions about his music that can't be answered here!

Hope to see you there in the fall.


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Addaboy1 your are right. The heat was out of control on Sat night. I have never experienced anything like that before. Upstairs it is windy and cold and down on the dance floor it is about 120 degrees. Way too much for me.

I have been to JP's site before. It is a great site for getting info. Thanks for the tips. The more I think about it the more I want to go back. It is kind of mysterious. I have been to EXIT a million times and the music is alwys the same. The cool thing for me about SF was that I didn't know any of the songs. That music was very dark and very trancy like you said but I liked it. I just would have liked to hear some real off the wall heavy ass beats!!

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Well, I'm not a hardcore SF veteran, but I'll say the place is shady and dingy and cracked, but that is exactly why we go there, no? The first time I went there (on a Sat nite after Exit), I was on a good roll, and I found it sooo funny that it's like a library on the line. So I start going every week or so, and there's like three weeks in a row that we left, said it sucked, but of course returned the next weekend. I took a few weeks off, then went back for the construction party (the weekend before Memorial Day), and OHMYGOD...the music was bangin, the crowd was nuts, it was SF at its best. I went back once since then, and only plan on going back for the pajama party.

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jonathan peters is an extremely talented dj in my opinion. A friend of mine spoke to him and asked him what was the deal with his music, sometimes he was amazing and other times he was just ok. His reply was that he likes to keep the crowd coming and if he played amazing every single time it would bore people of him quicker, instead he changes up to keep his fans curious of how he is going to be. I personally love what he can do to most songs that you would never expect to hear in clubs.

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Originally posted by krakhed:

Well, I'm not a hardcore SF veteran, but I'll say the place is shady and dingy and cracked, but that is exactly why we go there, no? The first time I went there (on a Sat nite after Exit), I was on a good roll, and I found it sooo funny that it's like a library on the line. So I start going every week or so, and there's like three weeks in a row that we left, said it sucked, but of course returned the next weekend. I took a few weeks off, then went back for the construction party (the weekend before Memorial Day), and OHMYGOD...the music was bangin, the crowd was nuts, it was SF at its best. I went back once since then, and only plan on going back for the pajama party.

just wondering how you consider yourself a vet confused.gif considering exit has only been open since september and you went after exit- maybe in your eyes your a vet but not to the real veteran factory heads who've been going for a 3 or 4 years every saturday- maybe your really into it and becoming one, but i wouldnt' say your a "veteran" just yet-



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 07-02-2000).]

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All I have to say is the first time I went to SF it was off the hook. The music was amazing and the vibe was ecstatic. It felt like everyone in the place was feeling the same way at the same time. I dont think any club I've ever been too had the same feeling like that.

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