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Im kinda sick of Clubs?! Someone feel me out, lol

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Im so sick of clubing in nyc, i feel the people are so shady and mean, i miss going out, and having fun, and being crazy, like the old days, of james st james, and disco 2000, they seem so far away, i no most people never understood those days, but it was just drugs, n fun, and now being older, i just wish i could have as much fun as i did then, i think im gonna get back into the rave scene, i dont no? Help!

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yea thats what were doing, even tho its not really a "rave" scene, the outdoor parties and festival things and parties with like 30 djs etc....so much more relaxed, fun, friendly, people KNOW what they are doing and dont try to play a role smile.gif~~

weirdly enough, most of the people we're meeting are OLDER - i mean, 20 - 25 rather than UNDER 20 which is what i thought it would be.... good luck!

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jaysea,I think most people have been through this @ some point. If you love the music and not just the partying then stick with it there will be something out there for you.

I have just had one of the most amazing nights out in my life. I really don't care for the crap people come out with saying it's not the same and it was better years ago. These people just aren't getting around enough. It's just as good now as it has ever been you just need to know where to look.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

It's not just about the notes played, it's about the spaces in-between.


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Well, it is the slow season for most of the clubs anyway. I always go through the ups and downs of clubland. Recently, If a club sucked one night, I start feeling like I don't want to go anymore, instead of just going to another place. EXIT, when it first opened, was pretty good. The music (while commercial) was hot, and the crowd was energetic. Last time I went there, it seemed so shady that I actually felt disgusting being there. For 3 weeks, I had no intention of going out anymore. Then I went to Twilo, and had a fucking blast. So now I'm back to my crackhead wayz! smile.gif Just take some time off, don't even listen to any music, and after a few weeks, you be back in FULL EFFECT!

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i'll never get tired of clubbing you just have to find the right places to club, i found myself at vinyl when danny moved there, i used to love his parties at tunnel, and i was a big palladium head for jr, as well as limelight/disco 2000 etc. danceteria, quik, red zone, mirage...things change the club scene has changed, the music has become more commercially accepted so now because it appeals to a wider variety of people because its the "in" thing, now all of a sudden everyone is a DJ...its how times change, you just have to find parties that keep you jumpin, vinyl has always done that...But i feel the nyc nightlife is in for a turnaround i think a lot of people feel it coming, especially with giuliani leaving i think it will make room for more leniancy...I think a lot of the old schoolers are waiting for this turn, and it will bring about some crazy parties, it also has to do with the people throwing the parties, they aren't as crazy as they used to be, a lot of young people now, who never experienced the old LL parties etc. But im sure someone will think of something soon...

Keep The Vibe Alive...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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