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exit- 2 song IDs

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2 songs played at exit last night which i've been hearing a lot.

1. female vocals, sounds like "it's not enough" repeated over and over

2. females vocals, sounds like "i turn to you....you're the only one....i turn to you"

any help on IDing these songs would be appreciated.

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Originally posted by skeemr4:

The first song sounds like it could be "Olive" by Anthony Acid

i think your confusing it b/c the lyrics in the anthony acid song are, i'm not in love...



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Hey DJ Magz,

Not only did you play them but you played some other off the wall, banggin', bouncy and slammin' beats. I came all the way up from Philly and it was such a change to hear really heavy beats late night. Keep it coming and in September EXIT is going to be off the wall, AGAIN!!!

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That's the second time I've heard Magz DJ and I have yet to be dissapointed. Didn't wanta leave the place because the music was so hard but it started to clear out around 8. When are people gonna recognize Exit as being a true after hours club! Come on people the party doesn't start till 4 AM.

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Yeah 4 am was the Key to that last post. Frankie came on, all suited up with his Rangers jersey, jet airplane intro and a banggin' set to follow. I have been to EXIT a lot but it was the first time for Frankie. Dam Like I said, keep that heavy shit commin!


People need to stick around and enjoy the music. But hey if they want to leave forget it. There was more room to dance and the glow stick swinning freaks moved out of my area. By the way take those glow sticks and wrap them around your necks. What a waste of space on the dance floor. Get the fuck out of the club or shorten your strings. Most people don't give a rats ass about those god dam things. Grow up give eveyone some space on the dance floor. Which brings me to my next point. If you are not going to dance get your lazy asses off the floor. I can't tell you how many times I looked around Sat night when the music was slammin and people were just standing there. What the hell is that. Do you just want to be notice on the Dance floor. Move your ass or take a seat. Dig it!

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