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Death @ twilo last night

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Are the people of the progressive scene ever gonna get it? Last night a pre-med student died of an overdose of "E" at Twilo last night. People wake up!!!!!!!! DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU!!!! Dont let this be you in the news the next time around. Why does drugs have to be synonmous with the rave scene? is the music that bad that you need drugs to enjoy it? Oh well all eyes are on the drug den that is Twilo so becareful!

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I agree with the point of the first post here -

BUT - Twilo isn't why drugs are used - its the people who DO the drugs!! They do it at twilo, factory, exit, ANYWHERE - if its not twilo its somewhere else. Someone doing occasional hits now and then is not the same thing as going out 4 times a week doing 25 hits and so on. While drugs are very prominent in the club scene, DONt fool yourself - college kids, wall streeters, older couples, young kids, and sooooo many non club people do them - look at all the stupid articles and news programs on it ; look how commercialized its gotten. CERTAINLY a hell of a bigger problem NOW then when it WAS just a "club" issue. (80's and early 90's as compared to 95 - today)

Also, DAGFAGBUSTER - im a little appalled at your choice of a username. Even more disgusting than some reactions to the drug issue is the inexcusable attitudes towards gays(but thats a completely different topic) And another thing that breeds hate and intolerance!



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

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I have read a lot of articles on e, and find it hard to believe that he died of an e overdose. Most studies point out that most overdoses cases of people on e turns out to be other drug related. Unless you seen an ortopsy report, I would hold off on declaring a cause of death. (Check out Time Mag. June 5 and New York Mag. July 24, on ectasy)

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I don't know anything about E 'cause I've never done it but I've read that a lot of shit pills are being produced out there. So what people are taking as "E" could be just poison. I read somewhere that in one bust they did and the pills were analyzed, the MDMA content was almost non-existant. Think about it--what people are taking as "E" could be some shit being produced by some moron chem major dropout in some rat-infested basemant in some dump in Europe. Not my idea of having a good time. Wouldn't take that shit even if you paid me.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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I agree with jose.

I consider myself a very knowledgable and responsible user and find it highly unlikely that someone can OD on MDMA. It's a shame that the term "ecstacy" is misrepresented by the media as a cover all for the crap that is being sold these days. One would definitely suffer from a condition known as Seratonin Syndrome before the alledged internal bleeding that the victim suffered. To me, the incident sounded more like a deadly mixture of drugs, which is attributing to alot of today's ODs (ie PMA, DXM, MDMA, = bye, bye). I do have to blame Twilo somewhat though, the house was way oversold, air conditioning was inadequate and greed was written all over the walls.

Smarten up people, go purchase a test kit for the measly 10 dollars (EZ test). It deciphers weather the pill your ingesting is of an MDXX substance or not.

My heart goes out to the loved ones involved with the death. Stay safe, don't buy in clubs, buy from a reliable source, test your pills beforehand, don't combine different types and most importantly, use in moderation. The brain needs at least 3-4 weeks in between use to restore the depleted seratonin. Pre and Post load with 5HTP, Vit C, and B-complex.

Party responsibly.

Be safe and enjoy life.

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I think that face means sad.

This is the first note I've posted on this topic. It's tragic and unfortunate that someone so young lost his life, but would there be such discussion if he died in a car accident or just collapsed. If he died doing something else most of us would never have heard about it. People die everday and this is no different. I'd like to think that all of us who do or have done drugs were aware of the risks and consequences of such actions. I'd also like to think that the young man who lost his life was just as aware of these things. If some of this country's focus was shifted from the criminalization of drug use to "real" education of individuals, maybe this death could have been prevented. Simply spouting DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU does nothing. People take over-the-counter and prescription drugs everyday. Are those drugs bad for you? I am willing to bet that many of them, if taken in moderation, are just as harmful, or harmless, than moderate use of criminalized drugs. We rarely see such reactions to individual deaths from alcohol or cigarettes. It would be nice to see a lot of the people responding to this death step down from their moral high horse and consider the reality of drug use. Of course, even if this was to happen people would still die doing drugs. Just as people do everyday working, driving, and just living. If you want to put some meaning into this young man's death, talk to the people you care about seriously about drug use. Otherwise, they'll just try to figure it out on their own, like the young man at Twilo probably was.

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