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more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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every single Monday morning as i get up for work and feel like i was run over a few times by a bus, i say to myself "NO MORE!" I promise that the following weekend i am going to stay in, watch a movie and go to bed early... but it never happens - i dont even do any drugs, I'm just an alcoholic. I have even tried to go out and not drink.. that never worked either... hrmm maybe i need help?! I guess i'll get sick of it eventually....

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Guest crystalmethodny

I definitely drink a lot more now that Im clean of the 'drugs' IE illegal substances.

Gonzo, good one on the martini thing. Cute.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by smiley:

Um..the last time I checked...alcohol was a drug..

This comment is not directed at you..but it makes me sick when people blast drug users but think its ok to drink...

when referring to "drugs" i think is safe to assume a person means something "illegal" (ex coke/crack/e/g/k etc etc...) And I'm not say thing anything about people that do drugs.... but according to the law it is "ok" to drink... its not an illegal substance.

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you shouldnt judge drugs on their legal status. nicotine=worst drug in the world. if you think its ok to drink and smoke cuz they're legal, you're falling right into the hands of the hypocrites who make up these rules.


deez nuts

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Thank you POOH and vj604....!! That is what I meant...legal or not...ALCOHOL IS A DRUG..the one that kills more people in this country than any other...

I do do any form of drugs..legal or non...but bottom line...drinking alcohol IS getting *ucked up on a DRUG....

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I'm actually considering cutting alcohol out of my life and just doing e a few times a month. I may be wrong but I think it would make me healthier. Every time I wake up with no memory of the second half of the night I say I have to slow down the drinking. I never woke up and regretted taking a pill.

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i think u missed my point...

i was being sarcastic about it, cigarettes and alcohol are two of the most powerful drugs, and proably have the highest amounts of caused death in the world, yet they are legal. i think if drugs (not saying all of them) were made legal, they would be safer and you'd proably have less over doses and death. i think that if it was made available to people, you wouldnt have crackheads killing and robbing people for $3 for a hit, and you wouldnt have kids dying from E becasue they had no clue what was in the shit. people are going to do drugs, regardless if they are leagl or not... drugs have been around forever and are never gonna go away....

i think the goverment is just screwy.... and have no clue what they are doing half the time.

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I have completely stopped going out.. ( Not my personal choice, but whatever.. )

Taking a 6 month break.. Got 3 left..

I tell you, I feel good in the mornings, I wake up early, and have tons of energy..

I have saved lots of cash from not going out..

That will be all over with this comming fall.. :-)

Nov 2 - Cheetah, Nov 3 - Vinyl, Nov 4 Factoy, Nov 5 B&S.. OooOoOoOoOoooOo I cant wait.. wink.gif


Hit My Damn Music...

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Originally posted by smiley:

Thank you POOH and vj604....!! That is what I meant...legal or not...ALCOHOL IS A DRUG..the one that kills more people in this country than any other...

I do do any form of drugs..legal or non...but bottom line...drinking alcohol IS getting *ucked up on a DRUG....

if I could consume the ILLEGAL drugs without seeing the shawdow people constantly behind me

belive me the 4 hookers and 8-ball of coke would be more fun than techno



more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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Wish some times I could just stay in. However it's a living. So I have tried for a long time to cut way down on the alcohol and other illegals. It's hard to be the host and not have drinks and such with everyone else around you.



Saci Fri, Joe's Pub Sat.


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Yeah I've been pretty much clubbing every weekend since the end of '96, and everytime I try to stop clubbing I end up drinking far too much.....I end up spending the same amount of money, but at least with clubbing I can remember almost everything......whereas right now I have a broken hand brought about by afterwork drinks last friday getting a little out of hand (if anyone know how I did it can they let me know??) wink.gif

At the end of the day I justify it to myself by saying work hard play hard!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I tried stop going out for about three years and all I did was drink and smoke, drink and smoke, drink and smoke (ciggs, I mean). I was a constant drunk who reeked of ciggs. drunk.gif

Now, I dropped the drinking and the smoking and party regularly. Regularly being when ever a good party or a DJ is happening. I partied every weekend for a year and it really wore me down, so I try not to do that too much. Besides, there are other things besides clubbing.





"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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i must say: i appreciate the blatant honesty.

jaycee aka jimmy walker


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."-James Dean

"So what?...So let's DANCE"-Rodney Dangerfield in CADDYSHACK

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when people take "this alcohol stuff", they go nuts and you just can't control them. It causes liver damage, kidney damage, brain damage, heart damage, obesity and cancer. People become wild maniacs and often engage in deadly violence when under its use. In addition, its effects are so devastating on women due to their lighter bodyweight that it can induce a deep sleep, giving it a well deserved reputation as a "date-rape" drug. It also has been linked to over 50% of auto fatalities. Therefore, it logically follows that we should glorify this drug and pretend like it has none of these shortcomings, presenting it with a monopoly as the only legal mind altering substance. In addition, we should take drugs which have a tenth of these negative consequences and make possessing them as criminal an offense as armed robbery. Makes perfect sense to me.

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when people take "this alcohol", they go nuts and you just can't control them. It causes liver damage, kidney damage, brain damage, heart damage, obesity and cancer. People become wild maniacs and often engage in deadly violence when under its use. In addition, its effects are so devastating on women due to their lighter bodyweight that it can induce a deep sleep, giving it a well deserved reputation as a "date-rape" drug. It also has been linked to over 50% of auto fatalities. Therefore, it logically follows that we should glorify this drug and pretend like it has none of these shortcomings, presenting it with a monopoly as the only legal mind altering substance. In addition, we should take drugs which have a tenth of these negative consequences and make possessing them as criminal an offense as armed robbery. Makes perfect sense to me.

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