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Do all guys touch and grab girls while on e at clubs?

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I am just wondering do you guys just do your thing and dance like crazy and don't bother noone or is it hard to control those feelings while on e? I ask b/c I have a friend who says when he's at factory he's all into the music and JP spinning, dancing his ass off, not into grabbing and dancing with girls... Just curious as to what you guys think.

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the only person i grab is my baby biggrin.gif

and no, i don't have to grab, i can just while out all night w/o ever touching a girl and just get into the music. I go to clubs for the music and don't nor have i ever gone to hookup, in the city at least. On the island its a differnt story, *was* a different story biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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there is absolutely no excuse....and assholes like that are the reason i can't have fun taking my girlfriend out clubbing. It really gets me....

there are urges...but only the true asshole lets it get the best of him...I'm truly sorry you had that experience.

Try coming with more friends and DO NOT make eye contact with ppl you don't want coming over cuz eye contact is all it takes while on certain drugs (especially E).

Hope you try again and just don't let assholes near you....I know it isn't always easy and you shouldn't have to in the first place...but hey let's be real...

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yea i agree. when i'm out w/ my gf i have to hold her hand all nite like she's a 4 year old. I really can't stand it when guys think they can just go up to a girl and grab her. I got in to a fight in a shitty club on long island once for that reason. Too many f'in scumbags out there.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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actually when i am on e in a club. girls are the last thing on my mind.. i would rather have great music.. but i find the few times i do it out of a club like @ a house wit out music. all i do is think about girls


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Originally posted by boa_boy:

I neverevereverever grab girls @ clubs, unless of course they grab me first wink.gif

Exactly. I can be on 5 bombs and see a girl and not grab her. I think it has more to do with how the idiot was brought up in the first place. No matter how much drugs I'm on, i don't forget my manners. If you can't control yourself on drugs then don't do them. Grabbing a girl that you don't know and who doesn't want you to grab her is being like a fucking caveman. I'm even hesitant to touch a girl on the dancefloor. And by touch, I'm just talking about hands on the hips or whatever. Sure I do it, and when I do it I know the girl wants me to do it. I'm sure many times I missed out on hooking up with someone because I have respect for people. I'd rather have that once in a while than getting slapped in the face.


It's the 21st Century, there's other ways to get fucked up.

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Originally posted by cazz926:

It has nothing to do with E.

Theay're just assholes.

Just like the coward who uses the excuse "I was drunk"

You wanted to do it, but needed somehing to "justify" and excuse repugnant behavior

I agree. E won't make this touching occur. It's much more likely to happen with alcohol, since that drug tends to bring the negative side of a person's personality out. I think guys who harass women do it despite being on E, not because of it.

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Originally posted by erotic26:

I am just wondering do you guys just do your thing and dance like crazy and don't bother noone or is it hard to control those feelings while on e?

I'm more than happy to hang on people when I roll, but there's no issues with controlling yourself. I can't really imagine someone rolling being hard to shake off. E+G is a different story though - I've seen the combo in action and it's quite freaky.

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<<On the island its a differnt story, *was* a different story>>

good F*in coverup. rolleyes.gif

Damn skippy it better be "was"!!

<<when i'm out w/ my gf i have to hold her hand all nite like she's a 4 year old.>>

and there i thought you just loved me . . . now i see it's for your own calmness. rolleyes.gif hehehe. j/k.

I too think that E is just an excuse . . . for later, after they do something a girl doesn't like. If I don't go out with my bf, I go out with a large group of my guy friends - and it's terrible that they feel that they have to escort me to the bathroom, come with me to get a drink, or get all up in the face of every guy that walks past, b/c they think he's trying to grab my ass or whatever.

Oh, and short skirts. You explain to me why guys feel that it is their god given right to put their hand up my skirt while I'm walking past them. I wear boy-cut underwear under my skirts, it's not like i'm rockin' no undies . . . rolleyes.gif that's seriously when hands will get broken, and if i find the body attached to that arm . . . i have spit on guys before, and even hit one. They thought i was gonna be all smiley and happy i guess. Wrong. Ick. (now that i've said this my bf will *never* let me wear a skirt out . . .)




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


[This message has been edited by brandie (edited 08-31-2000).]

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Originally posted by sorsha:

I hate soundfactory I always get manhandled by some drunken asshole.

That's exactly why I think it's not even worth going to clubs before 2 or 3 - when the drunk people get tired and leave. Before then it's cool to hit a lounge or something...

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i think e gives you a great feeling and lowers inhibitions, so guys, who tend to be more 'in your face' than girls will tend to be more open with their feelings. i think it definitely gets the hormones rushing, especially when it first kicks in, but c'mon, that's no excuse

for me, it's about the music and partying for hours! smile.gif

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guys who manhandle women deserve a shit-kicking.

i dont start violence, but im too chivilristic to let some bully grab/molest anyone. i do let the girl handle herself, but there have been a few times when the situation got OOC and i felt the need to step in. fortunately, one of the worse times (drunk guy comes back grabbing a womans breasts, even after she pushed him to the floor) was at an industrial concert, so i didn't look too out of place elbow smashing him back down onto the dance floor! the woman and her girlfriend were frightened by this guy enough to make me realize that some drunk assholes simply deserve to get hurt. bsides, the grabbing a girl thing is a violent act and violence leads to more violence.

most times the girl handles herself.

the hand up the dress thing however... grrrr... mad.gif


i love music!

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i like to take polaroids of all the girls i'd like to touch while rollin, and then i go home after the club and look at the pics and touch myself, its more fun try it sometime...


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

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