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Do all guys touch and grab girls while on e at clubs?

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you know what bothers me when a guy comes up to me all on e and he doesn't know how to handle himself and then asks "let me give you a massage" or just start trying to touch me and i have to explain "i'm not on e. you are. and i don't want a massage and i am not giving you one." and then its always a person who doesn't understand the concept just because they are on e they might want a massage but i don't. and if i am in public despite if i am on e or not i still don't want a massage. but no they have to keep on talking to me. and thats when i walk away. i am not a mean person really i'm not.

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I cant even believe there are people who would just go upto a stranger and GRAB them. No matter how hard I'm rolling I never grab anyone I don't know, unless its a slight tap on their arm. I always start a conversation first...and yes after I talk to them for a bit, I might ask them if they want a massage, but thats different. Another thing, if I ever want to talk to a girl on the dance floor, I always make sure that we've kept making eye contact for at least a few minutes first (ie, to make sure she keeps looking back at me, and it wasn't some random eye contact).


Abstainer. A weak man who yields to the temptation of denying

himself a pleasure.

-- Ambrose Bierce "The Devil's Dictionary"

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Yo Whats up janky??? How ya feelin dude? I'm still fuckin flying here - that was some good shit we got huh! I have so much work and I've done nuthin!

You goin to Platinum tonite?


Abstainer. A weak man who yields to the temptation of denying

himself a pleasure.

-- Ambrose Bierce "The Devil's Dictionary"

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i just dont understand how you can just go around grabbin girls.i never heard a girl say "i was walking in the club and some guy grabbed my ass,it was so sweet,now were going out.i would expect to get a dirty look or a slap in my grill if i did that.


look at the funbags on that hosehound!

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Well, here's my little anecdote:

Normally, I'm a very nice guy. I respect woman immensely, all that jazz. My sister had a good hand in shaping who I am today. That being said:

I never really go after girls like that in a club, even when on E. Occasionally a random "instinct" comes over me to grab, but I have good judgement and don't do it. I just walk past, maybe say a few words or something.

A girl comes up to me, and starts touching me or talking to me, and I'm going to be all about doing something, and usually, she's into it too, otherwise chances are she wouldn't come up and grab me like that. That being said:

One night, I was on a pill that was perfect for me. I'm not a big fan of true rolls, and I rarely get them. I like a real speedy, lovey pill. I don't need the enhanced touch, I don't need to feel the beats immensely. I like the speed, the lower inhibitions, and the lovey. Anyway, I was rockin' on this pill, having a great time, when this girl (whether intentionally or not) gave me this ultra-sexy look while she was dancing in my proximity. Immediately I was overcome by the "instinct" to run over there and get all sexual with her. But, being that I'm a nice guy, I used my judgement to not go over there because I'd probably be more aggressive than I'm used to being. But, it was a fight...and a fight I almost lost. I sincerely think the pills can have something to do with it, but then couple it with just sex starved assholes who have no ego (as in freudian ego). That's your answer.

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