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Triple X Anyone??

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I had 3 triple x's at tunnel for thegrand opening. It was my first trip since Kind at limelight (4/20). Before i stopped in april i would trip alot, and reg ate like 3 or 4 pills. Well, I swallowed one of the triple x's at penn station and chewed up the otjher two at the door when I was getting frisked (i forgot to hide em) and let me tell you, ive never had anything like these before. I got really hyper then like 30 min later got real sick and puked. After that i had to sit, the tingleing in my legs was wayyyyyyyyy to much and i spent like 3 hrs sittin in the hallway TRIPPING MY FACE OFF. Hardcore halucinations and extreme difficulty getting up, I was totally zoned out. After my friends finally got me up though I was dancing till the lights came on a trooped it to factory after. I was goin till like 3 pm the next afternoon. So for 3 pills i think thats quite a trip. I though i was a heavyweight, but these things knocked me on my ass. My other friends one were eating one at a time said they took a while to kick in (aprox an hr) and they too made the mistake of eating another one two soon. Good rolls, but they def will mangle you.

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Originally posted by oasis:

jesus u r why clubbers have a bad name

3 @ once jesus

i can't amagine that it was a rough pill


I gotta agree 3 pills at once I don't care what the fuck they are will mess u up. If u have to drop 3 make sure u do it over a prolonged period. 3 at once is just wack...


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shady, sounds like you are explaining X_FILES...there where some really good ones...

as for tripleX, i have both zorro's and XXX and i have to say my xxx are stronger and i like them more but the zorros do the job...but from what i hear they are part MDA...i have a tester but unfortunately it does not tell you the exact drug in it just tells you if it has a MDMA like substance which can also be MDA...or a different type of drug in it all together...

as for the EURO's or as i have heard them called EURO DOLLARS i would not waste my money on them....they only thing they did for me was diolate my eyes and get rid of my headache...i wouldn't seel them to ayone.

but just my $0.02......RaVe


dON't reGRet lATeR wHat YOu dIDN't dO nOw, dO EVEryThINg anD dOn'T REgREt a dAmN tHInG!!!

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about 2 months ago i tried 1 xxx and three half moons at the tunnel. i was out of my mind. the best trip ever. all speed and empathy and nothing else. i couldnt stop dancing or stay stiil. no jitters or shakes. just a perfect trip. get half moons if you can. they are mad small bu tpack a powerful bang.


i only speak the truth


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testing kits are teh shit but they can't desipher from MDMA and MDA and DMA...they can only tell if there is an "XTC LIKE SUBSTANCE" in the pill or not. if it is XTC like the test will run black...speed and it will run orange and so on for different drugs...not color means no noticable drug is in the pill or it has no drug content...so be careful...just becaseu it detects an "XTC LIKE SUBSTANCE" doesn't ness. mean it is pure MDMA in the pill......RaVe


dON't reGRet lATeR wHat YOu dIDN't dO nOw, dO EVEryThINg anD dOn'T REgREt a dAmN tHInG!!!

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Originally posted by joeearrings:

testing kits are teh shit but they can't desipher from MDMA and MDA and DMA...they can only tell if there is an "XTC LIKE SUBSTANCE" in the pill or not. if it is XTC like the test will run black...speed and it will run orange and so on for different drugs...not color means no noticable drug is in the pill or it has no drug content...so be careful...just becaseu it detects an "XTC LIKE SUBSTANCE" doesn't ness. mean it is pure MDMA in the pill......RaVe

So did you test the Triple X? How was the result?



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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it came back as def. having an MDMA like substance in it, but if it is pure MDMA can't tell....my guess is that it is...because from what i hear the faster it turns black the better thte chances that it is MDMA....so the faster the better...na dit turned black in like 2 seconds...anything under 6-8 seconds is good.....RaVe


dON't reGRet lATeR wHat YOu dIDN't dO nOw, dO EVEryThINg anD dOn'T REgREt a dAmN tHInG!!!

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