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Tequila Joes opening night, hrmph


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Well. I was at a small party with people from work when we decided we need to hit a bar or something. We were about 5 minutes from Tequila Joes and a few people werent' "dressed" for the city and the like so we said, wtf and went about 12:30.

When I first walked in, it seemed like it would be cool and we went to the top dance floor area and sorta moved into an area.

Thats when it got lousy. Muscleheads standing in the dancefloor, not moving trying to look cool. People walking THROUGH the dance floor like it was a fucking highway. People bumping, being rude and we even had to pry a hand off my friends fiancee's ass twice. Needless to say, without rom to dance, breathe or have fun, it sucked.

Sure, I saw alot of ladies there but 1) can barely get near em through the crowd 2) guys jumping all over any girl by herself and 3)the overall rudeness just sucked

I almost got on the bar myself just to get away from all the rude assholes. I tried dancing far right by the bar as u walk into the upsatairs and was there for a bit but too much crap. Few hotties in that corner if you happen to be them, lol.

Sheesh, I like to have fun when I go out but just once I want to be able to either chill with a lady I meet or hook up with a lady I meet without a hassle, without bullshit and without having to deal with junk. I know, I know, it doesnt happen but I can dream, I suppose. These morons wouldnt look so tough when all 5'3" of me puts them on the ground, lol.

Had to vent and I hope anyone else who went had a better time than me. Id rather be in the city, too bad I cant just go there by myself. (If only I had a place in the village, hehe)

Cheers or something...hrmphhh, just bummed out =(




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Hmmm interesting...

Imagine if I was there and I had a taser on me..

It would be like zzzzzttttt!!!! THUD!!!!

"Make way, make way!!!"

"I guess they had too much to drink."


Yeah I wish someone would explain that whole musclehead phenomenon to me. I've seen guys straight up get on the dance floor and just take root and not even move. That shit really pisses me off. How about when it's a whole fucking crew that's on that shit? Yeah... I should get a taser.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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I have to agree that Tequila Joes sucked. I like the few renovations but the crowd was nothing like it use to be. We showed up 11 and there was a huge line. I couldnt get it. Theres never a line like that. Then I got inside and it seems as though the vibe it use to have has died out. Maybe it was just the crowd. I dont know but I honestly had a horrible time.

I did get to meet Pheonix though smile.gif That was one of the few perks of the evening.


~*~* You wanna touch it?~*~*

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Hey! If you walk into the top room, and hang a right at the end of the righstside bar, i was close to that wall with a few friends...black pants, blue short sleeve with buttons all down the front.

If we end up there the same night again Ill look for ya =)




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Were you right by the dance floor? I was right in the little walkway by the front bar. But as for what clothes people were wearing...I dont even know what I had on...haha

Maybe we'll meet up there one night though. Let me know but I dont plan on frequenting TJs very often.


~*~* You wanna touch it?~*~*

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Ya, if u walk into the upstairs, walk to the near right side bar then move towards the dance floor. I was right there.

With all the shoving going around, I prolly bumped you once or twice, lol. Yeah, Id rather be going to the city myself but I do what I can, when I can, =)

**Always have fun, be serious when you need to be, but dammit ENJOY LIFE**




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