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What u think of Knight getting the boot??

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Good riddance to bad rodents. Just because you win national championships doesn't give you the right to malign or harass anybody you damn well please. `bout time somebody brought him back down to earth. I also find the fact that a lot of Indiana fanatics are all pissed about this amusing. He's a sports coach, not a god.... there's a difference.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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he should've been gone back in may, when all this shit surfaced. since then, he's taunted the administration and dissed them repeatedly. if he really cared about his players, he would have sucked it up. this was disrespectful to his players, yet they want to stand up for him. they need to get a clue, and get on with playing for indiana. some were thinking of a mutiny and some were transferring. fucking idiots...who does that hurt...themselves...shame on knight for doing this to his players mad.gif

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what is this country coming to where a coach cannot yell at his players?

you gotta understand college ball there is a lot at stake

this isn't no high school crap where you get a trophy...

yes I agree that when knight was hitting the players that was wrong

but he got fired for verbal abuse...


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

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Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out. That's what I think. I don't give a rat's ass how much pressure there is in college ball. There is no excuse for acting like that. There are plenty of college coaches that have been around for years without displaying that kind of conduct.

I hope he gets his ass kicked.

I know I sound really bitter, but I've dealt with asshole college coaches and there's no need for it.

My 0.02

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few things about him that arent at all right. i can understand his methods as far as coaching and teaching the kids, but whats the deal with him never respecting anyone but demanding the utmost respect from everyone? physical abuse is definately not acceptable. and he never fuckin fesses up to the shit he does. they have him on tape chocking someone and he denies it. he grabs this kid in assembly hall in front of tons of people and he denies it. i cant stand people that dont take responsibility for their actions, he's a dick. sad part is, some other school's gonna hire him too. and he'll do the same shit all over again.


mmmmnnnn donuts...*drool*

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