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Job slump? help!!


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anyone else?

um....how the hell is it SEPTEMBER 2000 already -- I still feel like a 18 yr old kid...when the biggest problem was "what am I gonna wear to Palladium on friday" lol ....

what did you guys do post-graduation (college, not hs) ??? its like all the GOOD jobs pay SHIT and all the SHIT jobs pay decent but I refuse to be miserable every day in some boring non creative bs job!

sorry just venting, and I know 19057320 people will respond so maybe I'll get some ideas smile.gif


~~~Deep into the VIBE of house music!~~~


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Of course the real answer is to create your own job.

You take what you really love. Brainstorm and capitalize on it. Then take a chance and see if it pans out. The only thing is that you really have to be brave and have family to help you out in the beginning. There's money to be made at anything that you love and I mean anything. Man, I'm beginning to sound like Anthony Robbins.

Anyway, this is the reason how I'm able to post when almost everyone else is sleeping and get up when everyone else is having lunch. I'm a true nocturnal...


Dream a little dream...

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I feel for ya Miss Diva.....I haven't had a normal job since early June. I quit because of a tyrant boss. I've been looking since then and I can't find anything steady. Since I'm an artist, I guess its harder to find one.

I'm the same way, I refuse to work for a job that will make me miserable.

Dammit, I worked for Marvel comics and DC comics and they say "we nothing open at the moment". Grrrr.. frown.gif

Sorry, venting too....


"There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart."


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me personally, im feeling the older i get, the better i get.

im sorry to hear that u hate your job, you should always do something because you love it...not because of the $$$. i know many wealthy people who are miserable, and i think theyre pothetic!!!! me, i love my job and i get paid a decent amount of money to do it, so i have no complaints there.

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COMMUNICATIONS~ cant get more fucking general and undirected than that!

Only requirement is that it's creative, somewhat entertainment related and makes a decent salary - I'm certainly willing to work up, but doing 8 to 5 answering phones for like 20k a year is NOT ACCEPTABLE (call me snotty, i went to NYU lol)

tnx for the responses smile.gif



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


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If you graduated from college, you should NOT be answering phones for 20k no matter what! Unless you're just absolutely PASSIONATE about answering phones wink.gif Communications is a pretty large field so I'm sure you'll find something soon. Just don't get discouraged and settle for something that you think is not the best for you. Sure, easier said than done, but hey, you're young, smart (NYU smile.gif), so someone is bound to notice that. Good luck.

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

COMMUNICATIONS~ cant get more fucking general and undirected than that!

Only requirement is that it's creative, somewhat entertainment related and makes a decent salary - I'm certainly willing to work up, but doing 8 to 5 answering phones for like 20k a year is NOT ACCEPTABLE (call me snotty, i went to NYU lol)

tnx for the responses smile.gif

Hey Miss Diva,

I can relate to where your coming from, but I'm still in college p/t studying communications and I work full-time. I thought this major would be good for the "real world".

Anyway why don't you try going to a permanent placement agency, you can request only entertainment companies. You could at least get your foot in the door working as an Admin. Asst. or project coordinator the starting salaries will be good at least $35,000 in a big company and since you have a degree from a good school you could maybe start higher.

I found my current job (Admin asst.) at a fortune 500 company thru Asher Agency (212-972-5627), or you can post your resume on Monster.com. I did it as a trial to see what other things were out there and employers really do respond.

Hope this helps,




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for some reason, all the headhunters get me these miserable DO NOTHING ALL DAY jobs, even the ones that have a decent salary seem so pointless and not challenging - Im still trying to keep with a few of them, but Im coming up with nothing. Anyone know of some other sites or had good experiences with a specific headhunter? I think the whole idea is that you have to be patient (which im NOT - hey im a gemini!!!!!!!)Also its going through the transition from student to ADULT - you cant be like "oh im a student" you have nothing to define yourself as anymore and its NOT a good feeling frown.gif

lol thanks everyone!



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


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I agree with nycedee, with a communications degree with can practically enter any field. In college I got lots of slack from my friends for being an English Lit major, but having a broad Liberal Arts degree like that you can apply it to many different areas. My bio friends were forced into two directions, grad school or get stuck in a lab.

I have been out of school for three years and worked at the same place. I have worked my way up, and while I am not in love with what I do, it is challenging and pays pretty well for being a journalist. I am envious of people who love what they are doing. If I knew what it was that I had a passion for, I'd jump at it.

The transition from college to the working world was pretty tough, but you'll be passed that point before you know it.

I know a lot of folks who found permanent positions by starting off as temps. Give it a shot. Why not try a dot-com? Those are always exciting places. Granted they may not be hiring as much as they were in the spring but, trust me they still are hiring.

My friend sent this to me. It's hard to live by it, but I think it's so true

"Success is not the key to happiness

Happiness is not the key to success,

If you love what you are doing

You will be successful"!

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btw I am a headhunter myself and (present company excluded) the backgrounds ppl have prior to entering recruitment range from the surreal to the ridiculous........

if you are, intelligent, great with people with excellent communication skills away you go biggrin.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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there is sooo much you can do with a communications major, because its so broad. advertising, PR, marketing, ad sales for magazines, then there is the whole television market too. my suggestion: Go to a job hunter, and have them get you some interviews. you can even specify the job hunter, for pr, marketing and advertising jobs only, or whatever you want.

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