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? about the "NEW" room at Exit.....

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Hey all - just a quick question... has anyone been in that new room in Exit yet? I was talking to Boris last night and he said it was really big, almost like a smaller main floor....can anyone else give their opinions?

I am asking because I am starting a residency in that room on Fridays as of Oct. 6th, and I have never actually seen it myself......

And for anyone who was wondering, I'm no longer doing tunnel because the promoters say they cannot meet my price and that I would have to work for a month or so at half-price to stay there... don't get me wrong, i LOVE the tunnel, but you gotta draw the line somewhere LOL


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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Bro - making this week's show has been the biggest pain in the ass LOL... I am moving on saturday afternoon, so my studio will be out of commission for a few days, and I still haven't had time to finish the whole thing yet - I had to cancel a gig tonight to have the time to make it LOL.....

The first hour is done - it's REALLY TRIBAL.... what kind of stuff would you wanna hear on the second hour, I'm open for suggestions......


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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I'll find out about the new room for ya. The room on the left - Dave put a staircase going to the roof from there, but the city flipped out and told him he couldn't do that. I'll call my friend and get the info for you's.


It's all in the music

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I don't know anything about the new room, but I do have a question for you. I don't DJ, so I don't know too much about it. You mentioned something about preparing Sat nights show, so my question is, Do DJ's always prepare what songs they are going to play and in what sucession they are going to play them? It seems to me that they would have to. At least to some extent. You guys don't just wing it right? Or do you start off prepared then wing it? Maybe this question should be a new thread...

Good luck Sat. Hopefully I'll be able to listen to it....

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Hey good question - well, the show I was talking about was for the radio... it's prerecorded to DAT tape, so it's not actually live.. thus I need to choose the songs and how I want to lay them out ahead of time, then make the tape and drop it off at the station so they can air it.....

As for club gigs, I always pretty much wing it... You never know what a certain crowd will go for or like, so you have to react to and feed off their energy....

I will choose what records/CDs to bring based on where I'm playing, what time slot, and where it is geographically.....

For instance, If im opening up I'll probably bring a lot of deep stuff, disco house, and classics, where if I have the main set Ill bring more progressive and hard stuff... Id love to bring it all, but unfortunately I cant carry 7,000 records! smile.gif


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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