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If we all like pics.....


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Im sure plenty of people here can put together a simplistic page. Hell I could do it if I felt like it.

Skimming through the 16 pages of the post and pulling the pics is a bit tedious, unless someone has already done it, hehe.

Anyone have ideas?




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I already have an application that I built primarily to catalog pictures.... head to my photo gallery (http://www.supersaiyan.com/personal/photo/) and click on any of the little icons there. Everything on the subsequent pages is done automatically..... all I have to do is run a script (to generate an image thumbnail) and then put the file in a directory.

I'd be happy to play host to ClubNYC pics, if that's of interest to peeps.... I was gonna toss in a new "NYC" area for my photo gallery anyway. I can create a subsection for ClubNYC, too.... it's totally easy to do. In any case, let me know.......



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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vejita, which program are you using? I have a few on my server. I could also program a custom one so you could search by each users name and a lot more.

Would people on the board be interested in seeing this?


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

[This message has been edited by toxic (edited 09-10-2000).]

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Originally posted by toxic:

vejita, which program are you using? I have a few on my server. I could also program a custom one so you could search by each users name and a lot more.

Would people on the board be interested in seeing this?

That would be perfect. I suggested it to DaVe but I didn't hear anything back. It would be cool if they could do it on this site but if it's not possible putting it elsewhere would be cool. Having a search by username would be the best thing smile.gif



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 09-10-2000).]

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You guys rock!!

BTW, will we be able to post the pics ourselves and change them or will it be handled through one location. That would be quite a job!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by toxic:

Each user will be able to post their pics themselves and edit or add more pics when ever they want.





disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 09-10-2000).]

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Originally posted by toxic:

Are there any features or information people would like the program to store.

Right now this is what it stores:

First Name

Last Name

Email (optional)

Clubplanet username

Pics (max of 10)

Anything else?

Should there be a age and what do you do area. Some sort of optional profile stuff. Just an idea because all of these topics have some up so many times on posts.



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Wow.... didn't expect so many responses. :P Sorry I didn't get back sooner.... I'm at work today (7th time in as many days, and after only 5hrs sleep after Gatecrasher!).

Toxic: I'm not using any program, per se. The only out-of-the-box product I use is a COM object called "ASPImage", which gives me more refined, programmatic access to image properties (such as height, width, etc). Check it at http://www.serverobjects.com, if you want more info on it. Aside from that, I'm using Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) to parse through directories and automatically hyperlink to both images and subdirectories. The caveat here is that I need to name folders more carefully -- which just means that I use underscore characters instead of spaces when naming folders. I built it all by myself..... it was good coding practice, and it's pretty damn useful to boot!

Cathyo -- searching would be a bit trickier, since that involves using a database (or Microsoft Index Server, which I've never used). A great idea, of course, and not that tough.... just time-consuming. Maybe v1.0 would get shiznat up-and-running, and v2.0 would add features suggested by the board members?

Back to Toxic -- yeah, if we're doing database-stuff, I'd suggest adding fields for an image label, so that peeps can describe who / what the photo is of. That's one of the things I've been wanting to toss into my site in the next revision. Also, maybe add a "rating" (PG, R, X, etc) to the file, which can be optionally toggled by the user. Photos can vary by content..... just a nice way to let peeps know the gist of what they'd be viewing. smile.gif

Toxic -- are you running ASP? If so, all we would need is the DLL that powers my script.... and if you store information on each file, and my app handles the actual hyperlinking, I think it could provide the DB functionality that Cathyo was suggesting (searchable, basically). Maybe we'd even want to store the relative path to the image file, JIC we decide to reorganize stuff later.

I'd love to talk with you more about this at length.... maybe get you on the phone some day after work / on wkend, whenever yer free. I'll cc you this msg in a PM.....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Almost done! Finished all the database work and all the design. And you can search by clubplant username to find people's pics. Still working on the file managment part. So you guys can upload and delete your pics.

The whole app should be ready by the end of the week or begining of next week.


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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Originally posted by toxic:

I was thinking about putting a link back to the clubplanet profile because then people do not have to enter the info twice.

I will add the age field right now.

there is no need for the age field because most people dont want other people how old they are or there e-mail address

unless you can just have it were if they dont put there e-mail address in it will come up blank such as






and such on

name bla bla

mail see thats what i mean


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