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Gabrielll-sorry....I don't go to Exit much so I'm not really familiar with the DJ from Sat. night....but.....I was at Premier until 2 then headed to Exit and the music was the same! Unfortunately, I don't expect to hear new/awesome music in Stamford but I do expect more when I go to a place like Exit.

Boris was playing stuff that came out months ago! cwm35.gif

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I'm gonna wait like 2 or 3 weeks and then give DjBoris another chance. But I think that the reason why he is not as good as he was at Roxy or in the Hamptons is the crowed...who is doing the door at Exit? I don't think that he can really get into that w/ this crowed...and this is just MO smile.gif

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I used to live at Premier last summer. Try to stay away from that place now just cause i been thier so many times, its been real good though friday nights. The problem with Exit i think though is that the owners could care less about the kind of people they bring in as long as they get their 25 bucks. This is understandable on their part, but their gonna have to get somebody on that door soon or that place is gonna go beat.

Its probably tough for Boris to get into it with all those busted heads over there you know.

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I have never been a regular at Premier but it was great on Sat. night because it wasn't crowded and there was lots of room to dance!

As for Boris...he better get Exit bangin' or that place is going to close. It's seriously going down hill and with a venue that size....The crowd there has without a doubt, gone waaaayyyy down hill!!!


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Believe it or not I finally got a chance to go out on Saturday and where are my friends all going...Exit of course! I haven't been there since April but honestly, I had never had a bad time there...UNTIL SATURDAY! I know there aren't a lot of Denny Tsettos fans here but I gotta tell you, the performance I witnessed on Sat. made Denny seems like the best damn DJ on earth. Now, I've always been the type who could have a good time w/my friends even if the DJ is mediocre. Not this time! The music was so incredibly bad that it actually brought my whole night down. That has never happened to me before.

I apologize if I offend any of his fans and honestly I don't know if Boris normally tears shit up or not but Saturday the verdict was most definitely...NOT.

One good note, I had never gone to the rooftop before, that was an excellent place to cool down.

Oh yeah, the place was EMPTY...think Exit is winding down or has the fall season not picked up yet?



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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i don't know, haven't heard boris in a long time, but he used to be off the hook at roxy. hopefully he gets the place going and starts rippin shit up.


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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