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guys, the promoters on this board would like you believe different, but this is the truth.. i work there during the day as a waiter. It is the wwf resturant. It has been open foe almost a year, and now they are trying to get a night going(sat.)there was not anything new built, it is not next to the resturant....IT IS THE WWF RESTURANT!!!!.........AND ANOTHER THING THESE "PROMOTERS" ARE NOT MENTIONING........IT CLOSES AT....READY......4AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...PLEASE STOP TRYING TO BLOW UP SPOTS. THIS IS THE TRUTH.ASK SOMESONE WHO IS NOT PROMOTING THERE AND YOU WILL SEE......

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Hey toni it's your boss. Why you making up lies because I fired your ass. The customers did not like the way you smelt, it made them loose there appetite.I had to do it, sorry man but no need to cry about it. People are still going to come so why the fuck are you trying so hard to stop them you pathetic looser,I wish you would of try this hard to stay clean and smell good at work. You ever hear of taking a bath.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 09-18-2000).]

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Hey Oasis why dont you go fuck your self and go to the Deeper board and talk shit how everybody in the NYC board is a bunch of assholes like you did. So dont post here ever again. One week your telling us how bad Exit was then your telling us to go.I'm waitng for you to get a list for world so you can promote for them. Let me guess your a waiter out world to so you know the correct info.It may suck or may be off the hook no one will know until this saturday, so lets wait to next week to say how bad it was.

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well, i gotta agree w/ tempkid on this one. i definetly saw oasis totally rip on the clubnyc board over at deeper. its true.


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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cwm32.gif Maybe Hulk Hogan can open up for Denny or maybe even the Rock...4 am is a mad early to b a closing time for a NYC club...That is almost like bull shit JerZee clubs...I would NEVER pay $30 to be kicked out at 4 am so they can have that gay fake wrestling resturant ready for sundays buisness...MikeMc.


STRENGTH Guest List Exit Saturdays...

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its def still opencuz some realy annoying guy on the lirr that wouldnt stop talkin to me on saturday was coming from work there ... but i dont get it .. is it decorated with a whole bunch wwf stuff ... how wack would that be ?? ewww big down wwf/world crappy ! cwm3.gif



lets go jets .....


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