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You know what really getts my knickers in a twist....

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Originally posted by toxic:

Where did you find time to write that I did not even have time to read the whole thing.

Thats the screwy logic of NYC promoters. He didn't have time to read the post, yet he had time to voice a trivial reply as soon as he saw it.

Just like he doesn't have time to read the terms of his <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> before he writes "Reduced Admission" on his promotioinal posts.

Then when you show up at the club you wait in line and pay full price even though you were on his list. Everyone here can relate to that in one way or another.

Andy Rooney

CBS Broadcasting

[This message has been edited by andy_rooney (edited 09-21-2000).]

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Andy, you gotta be one of the funniest dudes postin on this boards to come up with some of your shit.

The best thing is when Karate Kid parts one and two are on simultaneuosly on diff channels so you can flip back and forth watching both at the same time. Great saturday activity when your hung-over

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I think I am in love with you.

Mr Rooney, as a fellow prick in "the Biznezz", I respect and fear you.

Now, Karate Kid:

I, too, was very upset about the disappearance of Shue w/no explanation, and not even greiving time. I guess once the challenge over, time to move on.


More importantdly:


why did Ralph Macchio choose that awful yellow car?

and is Leonardo DiCaprio the Ralph Macchio of the year 2000.

He does not look a day over 17.



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The Karate Kid trilogy.

I know, I know, all of you twenty something's reading this message are saying under your breath:

"There were more than three so it isn't really a trilogy"

You may think I am sexist, but in my opinion the Hillary Swank sequels don't really count. Ralph Machio will always be the one and only karate kid to me.

So, given that, I am limiting my commentary

to parts I through III. Now here's my gripe.

In the first movie we went through the struggles of young Daniel trying to fit in at his new school and pursue his first true love portrayed by Elizabeth Shue. We are there with him through the ups and downs, we feel the preliminary heartache and subsequent victory when he gets the girl, wins the tournament, and all is right with the world.

Then part two picks up the next day. Where is Elizabeth Shue? They just broke up. Well isn't that convenient. You mean after all that we went through with this kid to win the girl of his dreams, they break prior to the first scene of second movie. I for one felt a little cheated.

He is quickly whisked away to Osaka where he falls instantly in love with Kumiko, a beautiful young Japanese girl. After a going through hell and high-water with the Yakuza he wins her honor and all is right with the world.

Enter part three. Where is the fair young Kumiko? Don't tell me I listened to that damn Brian Adams song for nothing. And who is this "girl next door" that Daniel instantly falls in love with while opening a bonsai tree shop? Another girl for Daniel to win over, while at the same time battling the evils of our cruel world.

Let me tell you folks, I loved these movies honestly. But, come on, every girl he meets he falls head over heals in love with. Then as soon as he overcomes all of the worlds adversity and is coupled with her, they break up.

I tend to believe there was an underlying reason we don't know about for all these break-ups. Will there one day be a Karate Kid Part XI where we will see Daniel reunited with all three of his former love interests, who will all ask him to take paternity tests and then sue him for back child support? That storyline could hardly be considered more ridiculous than the first three.

Andy Rooney

CBS Broadcasting

[This message has been edited by andy_rooney (edited 09-21-2000).]

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