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Giving money to the Homeless


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Ill HOuse You-you are quite UPPITY on this subject. You should calm down and read what I write. I hardly claimed that ALL homeless choose to be and are crackheads, but on average they are, I said earlier there are some bad situations. In fact I bet I do 10x as much work for the better than you. Have you ever been a big brother or done any volunteer work, other than Court appointed Community Service??



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yes some of them do drink and do drugs but so do half of the people on this board. What a bunch of ignorant hipocritical people most of you are. The only diff. is that some of them do it to forget what has happened to them. You think it's easy for them to just go get a job at Mcdonalds? Think again.

Honestly, is giving some change out of your pocket going to make ANY diff. in your life? Even a dollar or two will make NO diff.

I remember one night coming out of SF and it was like 2 degrees and me and my friends were like damn this sucks, the car is so far away bla,bla,bla,bla,bla. And after saying that I look to the right and there is this guy standing on the corner begging for change. That really opened my eyes. Here I am complaining that I can't get to the car fast enough so I could warm up, and here this guy is. No car waiting for him to warm up in, no place to go where there is some kind of family waiting to greet him at the door.Could you imagine what it's like to go for years without touching another human being?

All these people coming out of the club after spending hundreads of dollars a piece on admission, drinks, drugs, transportation, and not one person would help this guy out. Some where even teasing him. What a sorry, pathetic group of people.



````````TILL U ROCK IT

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wow. what a bunch of fascists on this board - i never realised.

it's very hard for me to imagine that somebody willingly decides to live on the street and sleep outside when it's very cold and i've got to agree with ill house you that for many, there's no way they're going to get jobs without showering etc. or having an address. just remember what you had to do to get a job and try to imagine how you could have managed it without an address or telephone (or these days email). people end up on the street in all kinds of surprising ways.

i'm sure there are some fakers out there, but they're not homeless people and the real homeless people shouldn't be judged on the behaviour of just a few - there are plenty of bad/evil people who are not homeless (as there are bad/evil homeless people) but let's not blow it out of proportion.

may be a little more compassion for people who are suffering on the streets would be helpful.



he he he he ha ha - but this is no laughing matter

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I have never seen such negitivity on these message boards before. Since I was raised in a fortunate situation, I was always taught to respect those who have less than I do, and I always give or help out others whenever I can. I dont give to needy people who flat out ask you on the steet for money, but persaonally I hate having loose change in my pockets, and whenever I do I find a homeless person, who looks like they need it, and surprise them with some change, a smile and wishes for a good day. Its a rewarding fealing you should all try out. God knows we all waste enough money on our own....




"looking for the secret, searching for the sound" --Phil Lesh, Greatful Dead

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you guys are completely heartless. no wait...actually come to think of it you are all so smart...the homeless situation is actually a well crafted charade. come to think of it i think i saw bill gates on the corner of 44th and 10th...you guessed it! the source of his billions is not his Microsoft empire but his panhandling! ....maybe you should consider walking a mile in a persons shoes before you say "get a job" or "you are a crackhead". have any of you ever been out on the streets? i know many who have and i have extended a helping hand to them...i am happy to report that they are now able to take advantage of many of the opportunities that so many of us are oh so lucky to have. the topics posted on this message board are a good indication of where the minds of many are ....for this board world hunger means a shortage of your precious ecstacy instead any type of real world issue. i am struck by so much of the ignorance in your ramblings...it saddens me. god forbid any one of you should fall on such hard times...you would probably do anything for someone walking out of a club to give you some spare change...but i hope they walk right by you in their pretty new leather pants and shiny new shirt...


AIM: TCBFlash6

AOL & E-Mail: TCBFlash6@aol.com

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Okay, I don't think that a lot of us . . . well at least myself are trying to be negative, fascists, or heartless. My fear is that if I give my money to the homeless man/woman (I always give to children) then I don't know for sure if it's going to help them or hurt them. For myself, I try to contribute to an organization. An organization that I trust and believe to be real.

I don't think that they deserve to be out there in the cold. NO BODY deserves such hardship. It's just hard to give a man money when he's reaking of alcohol and looks strung out on drugs.

However, I think that we all should try to help out the less unfortunate especially the children. Help out by contributing at least something. Whether it be soup kitchens, or the salvation clothes donation, or there are soooo many christian foundations out there that helps children. We owe it to ourselves to help out humanity.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Please please read a book called Grand Central Winter: Stories from the Street by Lee Stringer, Caverly Stringer, Kurt Vonnegut. Its a book written by a homeless person who lived on the streets by Grand Central...maybe it will give you guys a new perspective...


..the blackness, the darkness forever...

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