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Will popularity be the end of super clubs?

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I have seen it happen quiet a few times in the last 10 years.

When a clubs is good word soon goes around. People come from all over, club gets busy. The people who made the atmosphere in the first place move on.

Then the backlash starts, the people who "made" the club start the slagging. All the things that made the club are now used against it.

The clientel changes, comercialism takes over. The club is now officialy a super club.

As a super club they are put under much more preasure from authorities, which means less fun for us:-(

Ministry of Sound, Gatecrasher, Cream, Home(back in Manchester), (Twilo?)

It's happend to them all.

Dont get me wrong, super clubs play a very important role - they bring money into the industry. But for me music and atmosphere are what it's all about. Atmosphere makes a club, music & (as any promoter will tell you) the right people make atmosphere.

The people who do care seem to get a rough ride in all this, being constantly moved on as the clubs sucess kills the atmosphere.

I can see this being the making of the house and clubbing backlash.

Anybody feel like burning some Zombie nation CD's?


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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ZOMBIE NATION??!!?? cwm31.gif

That's my fear of Twilo. That it's reaching this "Super Club" status . . . or already have and you know when you're way up on top there's no other place to go but down. cwm36.gif I hope that doesn't happen, but something tells me that will!



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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I've been felling that way about Twilo for a bit now. But the thing is, who is to say that all people should not be able to experience that same magic that you did and that just because they are of a diifferent mind set, the party can't be as good. As long as long as the party rocks, it still rocks. See you at S & D, was there the first night, be there the last night.



-beat slacker mac-

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It would be a shame but I don't think Twilo is too close to that yet though. Yeah it's becoming hugely popular but the whole scene is still fresh over here. And it's just breaking out of the staleness that has plagued the NY club scene since the mid- late 90's.

It could also be a blessing in disguise. Pushing things back underground to smaller more intimate venues where the atrists and the fans can appreciate each other more. Give it some time and I'm sure the backlash will happen. Lets just hope when it does there are people willing to take risks and keep the true scene alive.

Who knows what will happen though? Only time will tell.

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parish, I know. I know. But it still bothers me when I go there for S&D or PVD and all around me are people who don't even have a clue WHAT type of music they're listening to let alone WHO is spinning! cwm24.gif

Just venting!!



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Originally posted by blueangel:

parish, I know. I know. But it still bothers me when I go there for S&D or PVD and all around me are people who don't even have a clue WHAT type of music they're listening to let alone WHO is spinning! cwm24.gif

This is true BUT...

The first time I went to tunel in 97 I really didn't know who Danny Tenaglia was. I didn't really know the difference between trance, house, tech house...I just loved dance music and wanted to experience the scene.

The people who I hate seeing at clubs are the ones who don't know the music or the DJ and don't care if they ever know. They are just there taking up space and rolling around. The number of people at a club who are like this will increase as the whole genre of Dance musioc becomes more popular.

And that sucks!

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there was a time where we were all first-timers, just getting introduced, whether it was when you were 15, or 25. It doesn't take away from the scene. you hang with who you want anyway, so it shouldnt even matter.

friends who don't club ask me about my club nights, specifically twilo. i tell them, its undescribable, you have to see for yourself. i love to take people there, to see and educate them. its nice to see them wanting to learn, and then they see how much i really love the music we hear there.


i agree with you...it is annoying when people go, just to go, and don't even know the dj's, or anything about the music. i would think spending $35 on cover charges, waters, parking, all that would make people take it a bit more seriously, maybe at least do a little research into who's spinning that night!!!

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twilo used to be a place where a majority of the people knew who the dj was..where he came from..and were familiar with most of his tracks. the sudden popularity of twilo..not so much the dj's but twilo itself has attracted a larger audience. i dont think the dj's are getting popular here (menaing nyc local) out of their own merits...i think there getting popular cause they pack twilo in.

i just fear it getting to the state of the other clubs...when LL had the gatecrasher party..i turned and asked somebody who the dj was..

they said it was ojeda.

i was suprised but i played along

so i asked..

"isnt this a party with uk dj's"

his reply...

"nahh dude...LL never gets any UK dj's in here."

this is the type of crowd i fear.

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Originally posted by smiley:

I think that has already happened at twilo.

It is so different than when I first started going in what..96-97...It's like a completely different place to me now..

Actually I don't think it's reached that point yet cause if you go on any night besides PVD or S&D . . . it hasn't reached that commercial level yet.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Originally posted by smiley:

I think that has already happened at twilo.

It is so different than when I first started going in what..96-97...It's like a completely different place to me now..

I wouldn't say the atmosphere of an S&D crowd at 7:00am is bad . I would say it's amazing!! I don't know of a place I'd rather be.

[This message has been edited by kaspr (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Yeah I can see the same thing happening with twilo.

They do have a great policy at the moment (long sets, late opening etc), but how long before the new crowd want to see Judge Jules, more DJ's a night etc?

There is a strong feeling that the guest DJ circuit has messed the scene up in the UK. Twilo don't really do that it's still a rolling residency based club which is great. But we here all the time from people on this board that they want to see x or y playing there.

Then DJ's just become commodities, going from one place to another. Not knowing the crowd, not caring because the intimacy hasn't had chance to develop.

It's big business now and I think this is going to be the last major hurdle out scene has to over come.

What prompted the burning of disco records at soldier Field in Chicago? Over commercialization, everybody jumping on the disco band wagon.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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I don't think the guest DJ thing in NYC will get to the point it was at in the UK. I have never been to a club in the UK but in the Magazines I used to get I'd see the DJ lineups at clubs for a particular night and they were out of comtrol. How could you even get a vibe from 10 dj's playing one hour sets?

Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong but NYC is the city that always had the marathon sets pioneered by Junior Vasquez and the likes. S&D's residency at Twilo really helped the scene over there because they loved playing the long sets over short guest spots. I've read in several Sasha interviews him saying that playing the long sets at twilo really showed him how to take control of the crowd and showed him how to really be a great DJ.

I just don't think the NYC crowd would like that - or that's your point. The crowd will change and they will think more is better.

But I digress...If it does come down to DJs playing speed sets I will be really upset and would probably retire to the lounge scene.

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Yeah my point was that the crowd will and is changing.

House music is getting more popular by the day, people are reading in the NY Times about Sasha & Digweed. They are thinking well I will check this out see what's going on.

They will like it and want to know what else is going on. This creates a market for DJ's all over the world to come across and make $$.

You have herd so much being said by oakie etc about "breaking america" well the demand is just about to outstrip supply. This is when big corporations will step in, it's easy for them to open clubs and get the permits. That's what happened with clubs in the UK, home is owned by a huge company that runs bingo halls etc.

You right though about NY being the long set capital. I remember seeing one of JV's marathon sets... simply amazing.

Anyway, it may not go the same way.. but here's another thing to bear in mind. There are 100,000 of kids going to raves. Just like there was in the UK. At some point all these people will a) grow out of raves or B) raves will be stopped or regulated too much.

Again the influx of these people into the clubs will change things... the market will effectively change. It will be interesting to see.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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dont forget the influence of the internet..

the availability of music on the net is a luxury today that wasnt there before.

i had to trek an hour by subway and walk six blocks to go to a small shop in the east village to pick up mix tapes of music not to be found anywhere else.

i belive there will always be an underground. Lot of DJ's respect the underground cause its where they came from..

i even heard jeff mills would do a small party for 300$..and spin all night.

so lets keep our fingers crossed...

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i think that's part of the reason i liked 2k Wednesdays at Twilo. . . smaller crowd. . . more educated. . . willing to risk a Thursday morning hangover to party with great music all night. . . too bad they only have it once a month now, and Groove Armada comes every other, which guarantees a large crowd. . . <sigh>

on the other hand, nights like Carl Cox, Dave Seaman, and Deep Dish/Timo Maas are still not over-crowded. . . most of the time i end up dancing more those nights than any other. . .

but i LOVE closing Twilo. . . such a great vibe after 6am. . . nothing but dancing frenetic people communing with the tunes.


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

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