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Guest worldboy

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Guest worldboy

All I know is that place is horrible. Why would anyone wait three hours to get in to the hell hole. These people at the door and the promoters make it seem like the place is studio 54. Everyone please stop this crap. I was decent to say the least. If I had not had my gf with me I would never have gotten in. What the hell is that about. Also Denny is decent and I say decent your not going to here anything mind blowing when he is spinning. To wrap up this review World will be everybodys favorite club to rip in about three months. And you can mark my words. See you all at vinyl. With a real dj.

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actually the true clubheads were ripping it before it opened. i mean think about the whole deal. tsettos u can hear at other clubs, this spot is being turned from a restaurant to a club prolly cuz they pay so much rent they gotta do something to make extra cash. then they come up with this ridiculous door policy so the feeble minded falsely believe there's something special about it. fuck all that, twilo is theanswer. and the pigs need to quit buggin vinyl!


cwm42.gifhttp://www.sausagenet.co.uk/pi/grapeape1.jpg grapeape

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Originally posted by worldboy:

All I know is that place is horrible. Why would anyone wait three hours to get in to the hell hole. These people at the door and the promoters make it seem like the place is studio 54. Everyone please stop this crap. I was decent to say the least. If I had not had my gf with me I would never have gotten in. What the hell is that about. Also Denny is decent and I say decent your not going to here anything mind blowing when he is spinning. To wrap up this review World will be everybodys favorite club to rip in about three months. And you can mark my words. See you all at vinyl. With a real dj.

wait world sucked? thats a surprised rolleyes.gif


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."



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just to let you guys know I worked at the world on sat nite and I don't know how you could say that it was really really bad. The club was hooked up the couches and set up were awesome. There was a decent sound system and the lighting wasn't half bad.By the way did you get to check out any of the celebs that were there or did you miss the champagne VIP area? I am going to give my honest opinion and say it is not something that you should compare to a club like SF beacuse they are geared towards a different type of person. Alot of people are just bitter because they did not get in. And to your comment about the rent, Do you really think that Vince McMahon, one of the premier business men in the country needs to open a club because he can't afford the rent on his restaurant?? I didn't think so.

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Ummmmmmmmm ok anyone see a problem HERE ??? HEY RACHEL GUESS WHAT THE DJ is mediocre, the RESTAURANT which it is, is not all that!! And celebs um anyone been to SPA or FLOAT or LOTUS, CENTRO-FLY maybe hunny PLEASE!! Honestly I would have beenb more impressed if the World was at THE HARD ROCK CAFE or the ALL STAR cwm19.gif

Yeah I went there YOU RUDDY POOOOOOOOO cwm24.gif

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I was bashing the world b4 it opened and did not want to go. I was at the restaurant last week. i was dragged there and I somehow got in (by cutting the line) I have to say i was impressed once inside. There were really no signs that it is the restaurant during the day. I thought it was quite good. Of coure it was opening night so there was sort of a buzz or good energy inside, but i don't know if it will have any longetivity. the line to get in was absolutely ridiculous ! but i don't know if there is anything you can do when 5000 people show up to a place that holds 2500. At this point of course the doormen are gonna be as selective as they want and let in the best looking croud possible and only guys w/girls etc.. Not that i am defending stuffy stuck up clubs (i hate em') Lucky 4 me i have alot of friends who always reserve tables in VIP areas so they can feel like Big Willys (not my style) but i do enjoy the elbow room you get from hanging out with those sort of people.

i thoght it was really nice inside. there are 100's & 100's of tv screeens with cool visuals. The music was pretty decent. and the croud was good looking! (many hot girls)

my $.02

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Hey Worldboy why did you even go to the world you told everybody not to go it sucks and you were the first on line. I just find it funny that you whent you asshole. When of you guys gone to face the facts denny is good you may not like his style, but I do and so do a lot others. He always draws a crowd.

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Why are you guys knocking the door policy??? Door policies are what keep the shit out..I thought that their door policy was in no way in hell selective at all... Believe me I was in there, I did not wait on line, you just gotta know how talk, how to approach and who to approach... What!!! do you guys need Clubbing 101 or somethin??????? Peeleeeeaaasse,

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And what's the first lesson in Clubbing 101? Slip the line controller a 20?

Originally posted by executress:

Why are you guys knocking the door policy??? Door policies are what keep the shit out..I thought that their door policy was in no way in hell selective at all... Believe me I was in there, I did not wait on line, you just gotta know how talk, how to approach and who to approach... What!!! do you guys need Clubbing 101 or somethin??????? Peeleeeeaaasse,


It's the 21st Century, there's other ways to get fucked up.

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real quick everybody...

It's common sense that on opening night or the couple weeks after a club's "grand opening" or atleast entrance into the club market, that the line is going to be ridiculous. No question. At the same time, if all the celebs were there, than the doorman is obviously going to be selective. I'm sure the line sucks. It sucks at just about any more upscale club if you're a guy. It's just known that you don't roll with a couple of guys to the door of a nice club later than midnight and expect to get in w/o a good hook-up...

Anyway, judge the club a month from now...it's just like a new car - it takes a while to work the kinks out and decide whether it's a lemon or not. Clubs aren't always slamming from the get-go...especially with so much hype for the opening. In my opinion, they should have kept it more hush and built a good, consistent, money-spending and partying crowd...

but what do I know? i didn't bother going...i waited in a similarly picky line at Chaos for an uncomfortably packed and undancable room...until about 3 or so...


U-SPIN for sanity.

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correct, a brunette would also suffice.

I apologize for my oversight and table that we might add 'Redhead' to the list as well.

Therefore, lesson 1 of clubbing 101.

To get past the line, you are best to be (or be in the company of) a skinny blonde/brunette/redhead in posession of breasts.


It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u


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Guest worldboy

Listen whoever you all are. I got in nice and easy because I know someone very important at world. Thats it. If it were not for that I never would have gone. Now about this club. Listen take your people and move them them to some other place. Thats all I am saying. I do not like the area for that club. And the dj is really not that good. Its simple as that. I know I know your right its the best place ever. Here comes studio 54 again or the limelight of old. Please people this place will be a bomb in two or three months.

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Originally posted by thewedge:

And what's the first lesson in Clubbing 101? Slip the line controller a 20?

NO club is worth slipping the bouncer $20, so you can get in faster to pay the other $25 at the door, and half the time they just laugh at you and tell you to scram.




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Pete's right, no club is worth that much money. but hey, if ya got the loot might as well use it.

then again, pete's house of disco is worth it. i would definetly pay that to get in and more. he knows the deal, binary finary all night!!!



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."



[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-25-2000).]

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