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I would like to apologize for them. as a guy, i can tell you that alot of us are dicks. I am sorry. Guys! we gotta respect our women!!! or else there won't be anything beautiful to look at at our clubs! LOOK ADMIRE, and COMPLIMENT! DONT TRY TO GET THEM NAKED! (directed to the appropriate assholes.)

later! smile.gif


PS...enjoy ur day guys! only 4 for to go till Friday!!!!!! cwm19.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

i know you're out there...i can feel you now. i know that you're afraid...that you're afraid of us...afraid of change..i dont know the future..i didnt come here to tell you how this is going to end. i came here to tell you how it begins. im going to hang up this phone, and im going to show these people what you dont want them to see. im going to show them the world....a world with out you....a world withough rules or controls a world without borders or boundries..... a world where anying is possible where we go from there is a choice i leave to you--Neo

Clubbers dont fall,they trip, and roll-Erm

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

maybe you need to start hanging out with less retarded guys ( not all guys try to pull off girls shirts ...)

... or maybe u could just find something to annoy him or get something embaressing to hold over his head and be like oh yeah dick how bout i tell everyone bout ... we hate to be embaressed especially in front of a lot of people ...

I didn't know these guys!! Never met them b/f in my life. Ok, maybe they're all fucked up and shit but to have to tell them three times to knock it the hell off....it's guys like this that give the good guys the bad names!!



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hey, sorry to hear about your harrassing experience. I've had similar experiences and I've found that it mostly depends on the club/bar. I've never been harrassed at vinyl or twilo or a rave. but if I go to an uptown club, especially to the vip rooms, I meet the most disrespectful childish boys. I'm guessing it's a cultural thing, a way of acting that is acceptable in certain (and unfortuantely common) social circles.

granted, clubs can be a very sexually charged environment and simple flirtatous interacting can be a lot of fun. however, most times I just gone out to have a good time with friends and dance til I sweat. uninvited company and rude behavior are a real bummer and usually puts a sour note on my evening. I find that some guys just can't fathom that every woman at a club did not arrive with the sole purpose of getting it on with them.

I'm very polite but upfront and outspoken if I feel someone is crossing a line and I'm amazed at how many men won't respect the word "no." I once had a guy following me around a club and dancing with me even after I continually pushed him away, pointed to the door, and shouted that I did not want him anywhere near me.

another time I had a guy turn suddenly verbally violent with me because I politely asked him to stop touching me (I wasn't even talking to him, he kept stroking me from behind while I was talking to my friends in a effort to creep in somehow). the argument escalated to the point that my friend was about to get the bouncer because she was afraid the guy was going to hit me.

I've found the harassment falls into one of 4 categories:

It's either the guys who think that coming up behind you and grinding your ass with their pelivs is an appropriate way to say hello. [hint to men: at least look a woman in the face before attempting to impress them with your pathetic molesting that tries to pass as dancing.]

or the guys who think a friendly smile and two words of conversation is a green light for them to be constantly touching you. [hint to men: if you need to constantly stroke a stranger, buy a cat...or a blowup doll]

or the guys who feel the need to keep putting their hand on your back or try to lead you around with their hand around your waist as a way of marking their territory while talking to you. [hint to men: if you need to leash someone, get a dog; and unless you've had her tongue in your mouth, don't start branding her as "yours"]

and of course, the worst are the guys who just outright grab you on the floor. the only rationale I can think of this is either a) they still have some adolescent need to get a grab & run back to their friends and giggle that they "touched a boobie" or B) they think this is a sexy macho way to let a woman know they think she's hot. [hint to men: in either case, seek counseling]

anyway, sorry I can't offer any solutions here. the only thing I have found that helps is my choice of location, becomming friendly with the bouncers, and a very loud aggressive voice. and of course, double knotting. : )

hope your future outtings are more pleasant.

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firegirl, i was very impressed with your articulate response. it's good to know people actually paid attention in their english-grammar classes. biggrin.gif (my pet peeve is bad grammar, & misspelled words, aghh it drives me crazy, i don't know why)

as for the topic... i can't really add any suggestions, there is no way to control someone else's behavior. just keep a watchful eye on everyone when you're out.



things to see, people to do... hehe



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Originally posted by trippintrance64:


I would like to apologize for them. as a guy, i can tell you that alot of us are dicks. I am sorry. Guys! we gotta respect our women!!! or else there won't be anything beautiful to look at at our clubs! LOOK ADMIRE, and COMPLIMENT! DONT TRY TO GET THEM NAKED! (directed to the appropriate assholes.)

and don't forget, you guys are already finding it difficult enough to get into clubs without girls in your group, or when there aren't many girls in the club. so remember - the more grabbing, the less likely we are to go, and the less likely you are to get in.....

think on.

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Slapper, you're a smart boy and I agree with you most of the times, but this time I think you're betraying yourself as a guy. I don't think that we, girls, should take advantage of the fact that some clubs discriminate guys. I'd love to see clubs packed with beautiful girls, like me, in Gucci suits, like the one I'm wearing right now, but...we're in the 21st century and things shouldn't work that way...the most important thing is to have fun everywhere you go respecting each other. Where are these poor guys going to go...gay clubs?





o o o o o <o <o> o> o>

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OK, so we've beaten the subject of guys who grab and rub up and grind, etc, to death, but what about this one? Why do guys think it's hysterically funny to try to undo a girl's shirt? Three times I had to tell this dude to knock it off this weekend. He kept pulling on the string of my top. Thank

God I'm smart enough to double knot. I would never march up to some guy and try to pull down his pants!!!! Please, especially when I've asked you to cut it out, just cut it out!!! cwm21.gif



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i dont know about anyone other girls but the last few guys ive danced with try to pull my thong out...thats so annoying....i think they were tryin to give me and my friends a wedgie......


Men are like diapers..always on my ass and always fullof shit..


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Originally posted by lavkrap:

(my pet peeve is bad grammar, & misspelled words, aghh it drives me crazy, i don't know why)

My pet peeve is when someone doesn't capitalize where they should... but I ain't saying nothing and I don't know why either... cwm32.gif


Dream a little dream...

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maybe you need to start hanging out with less retarded guys ( not all guys try to pull off girls shirts ...)

... or maybe u could just find something to annoy him or get something embaressing to hold over his head and be like oh yeah dick how bout i tell everyone bout ... we hate to be embaressed especially in front of a lot of people ...



lets go jets .....


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yeah guys - PLEASE - I don't care what you're on but why oh why oh why do these retards think it's OK?? My friend said hello back to someone on Friday night, and the guy had one hand up her shirt and one hand down her pants before she even realised what the hell was going on. I know most of you aren't like this, but.......

[This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 09-25-2000).]

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Originally posted by vejita:

My suggestion is to smile sweetly and then place a firm knee in the groin. Nothing says "bacdafucup" like a knee to the groin.... give one to somebody you DON'T love today!

damn. always directly to the groin. . .

now i'm not trying to defend these neanderthals, so . . .

ladies, i'm not a guy who touches unless i'm touched first. . . (safe rule to live by). . . but, please!! a nice, hard slap to the face is a nice precursor to a (possibly inevitable) groin squisher.

thank you for your time. . . cwm3.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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