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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Tuesday, September 26, 2000

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(Mar. 21- April 20)

Today should be ideal for promoting your own interests but be

careful how you say things, walk soft and speak with honey on

your lips. Combining your charm with your able wit will get

your most telling points over. Today, success is in the bag.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

Be tactful in your business dealings today as the person you

are dealing with may have a very sensitive ego. An occult

subject captures your interest today and you spend a lot of

time rounding up some books. Keep an open mind but be care-

ful you do not descend into fanaticism.


(May 22-June 21)

Out on your rounds you will meet a lot of acquaintances. Your

happy manner and charming way captivates your friends and

makes you even more popular than you were. Take a little while

tonight to sit and soak the feet, you will need it.


(June 22-July 22)

The early bird gets the worm and today you are that bird as

you get the jump on your competition by showing up early.

By exercising your initiative you prove your worth to the

company. Though you will have to work on it, you will have

that on-going domestic quarrel settled by nightfall.


(July 23-Aug 22)

Some people will not tell the truth when you ask for feedback

on ways to approach a personal problem Your business partner

is still the best confidant as he/she will tell you the truth,

and tell it out of friendship that is secure, not out of a

self serving attitude like the others have.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

An event that brought the family close together is still being

felt, in a nice way. The residual love and caring this has

instilled in some of the more unfeeling, distant ones is noth-

ing short of miraculous. Love...a wonderful experience.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Your charm and goodwill will throw wide the doors of oppor-

tunity today so be ready to catch the brass ring. You and a

spouse may experience dueling egos today but you are strong

enough to make a compromise to settle it. Try not to rise

to the bait of an argument tonight.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Pleasure interests are highlighted for today and some of you

may meet with unexpected romance early in the day. This is a

good day for the pursuit of leisure interests and just hang-

ing out. Your creativity is high and mentally there is more

going on than most people imagine.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Don't quarrel with a good friend over a money matter or a debt

today as it could lead to a serious rift and then you would

never get paid back. Mixed trends makes this a so so day for

you and you may even feel a little lazy. Take a little time in

the evening for peace and quiet, you've earned it.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Try not to be hard headed today, insisting on your own rights

or making demands that you know the boss won't honor; easy to

lose a job with that attitude. Try to concentrate on some

money making ideas and you could be pleasantly surprised as

you think up a couple of good ones.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

You have an urge to self expression today, and you find your-

self articulating your ideas to anyone who will listen, while

this is not like you in the least, you find yourself enjoying

the surprise on peoples faces; you are usually such a private



(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Today your home based business takes precedence over your per-

sonal considerations as someone has to 'run the store' and you

are the elected one. Today you focus on ways to achieve your

goals and start making a list of those you need to talk to

that will be able to help.


These original horoscopes are based on planetary aspects and

configurations for each sun sign. Though everyone is unique,

and we are not stereotyped into 12 classes, the general mood

and theme of your horoscope tends to apply to your daily life.

By Michael Thiessen - Professional Astrologer, Astrology Online



"Influences For Your Sun Sign Element" by Zsuzsana

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You're only stopping yourself from progressing because you

are carrying an issue from the past. This issue is going

to stare you in the face. It's time to deal with it --

you'll feel such a relief if you work through it. There is

nothing you can do about the past except learn from it.

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Stop living in a fantasy world. You can create your reality

right here. While you might think the grass is greener on

the other side, you are mistaken. Create your happiness

here and now. You'll then have room for that special

someone to come in your life.

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

It's time to stop feeling like you don't have any control

over your destiny. You have all the answers to do what you

want to do but you don't feel like you have the power to do

it. That isn't true. Reach deep down and find the courage

to get the ball rolling.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Your emotions are finally coming into balance for you.

You've been listening to your instinct and it's paying off.

Develop your intuition by meditation and writing down when

you instinct is correct. Doing this will help you to trust

that inner voice even more.


ANGEL WHISPERS - Gain Guidance From Your Angel!

Angel Message for EARTH ELEMENT people

The angels want you to bring happiness to someone. You get

to be an angel on earth today.

Angel Message for FIRE ELEMENT people

Time is flying today! The angels know you have more

important things to do tonight.

Angel Message for AIR ELEMENT people

Concentration is important. Your angels want you to pay

attention to details.

Angel Message for WATER ELEMENT people

You have the opportunity to teach someone a spiritual

concept. The angels are helping you explain it so they can


Angel Blessings to All!

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also a libra

happy birthday cazz

your horrorscopes for 09 - 26 - 00


Sept. 22 - Oct. 22 The more you get done now, the more time you'll have for new projects later this week. First, clear off your desk, tidy up your closets and get rid of the stuff you don't use anymore, like that nagging, bitch of a wife and those two bratty kids of yours.

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Oct. 22 - Nov. 22 You might be tempted to let a friend talk you into something. Before you commit, check it out thoroughly. Anal sex is dangerous in more ways than one. STDs are only the tip of the iceberg when you start messing around in the 'no-no' spot. Use your head. Literally.

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Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Watch out! You've got a drug test coming up this week! Ask a straight-laced coworker to borrow a quart of urine. Slip it into a list of other things like a pencil and some envelopes and they won't even notice.

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Dec. 21 - Jan. 20 Stay on track. Keep your ear to the ground. Keep your nose to the grindstone. Keep the pedal to the metal. Keep your fingers out of your nose. Keep your hands off of that poor girl. Keep the fuck away from children for God's sake you sick, twisted pervert!

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Jan. 20 - Feb. 19 Find your baby. Hold her tight. Grab some afternoon delight. Your motto's always been 'when it's right it's right'. Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night. We bet you recognize the words, don't you? You homo.

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Feb. 19 - March 20 You and your partner or mate could have a change in plans. Something you were going to do to your house may not work as well as you expected. Just as well. It's going to burn to the ground later this week anyway.

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March 20- April 19 Not only is it Monday, but it could also be a mess. Just when you've finished celebrating your birthday, everything is going to go wrong. This is going to be one of the worst days of your life and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. Stay home. If you're at work, get the hell out of there.

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April 19 - May 20 Somebody else's loss could be your gain. How many times have you found something good, only to turn it into a lost-and-found? What are you thinking!? Finders keepers, losers weepers. Some old man's heart medication? Keep it! Someone's medical ID bracelet? Keep it! A lost child in the supermarket? You get the idea.

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May. 21 - Jun. 21 Take it slow and easy, as much as possible. This won't be a problem for you since your brain just naturally seems to work slower than everyone else's. Try not to use the word "Uhhh" so much today.

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June 21 - July 22 Expect lots of confusion today. Expect lost of confusion every day for the rest of your life. Retard.

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July 22 - Aug. 23 You may feel an overwhelming desire to balance your checkbook, work out a new budget and cancel all subscriptions to magazines you never read except Hustler and Swank. Those will be worth a lot of money one day.

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Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 All of a sudden, people are requesting your opinion. They may actually take your advice. Some who need it most may not think to ask for it, so just tell them what they need to know. If they don't seem to be listening, say something like "Pay attention mother-fucker!" and grab them by the throat. They'll be glad you did.


writing graffiti and smoking marujuana

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