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Always w/ my BF


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What do you guys think?

I am always with my BF

we hang out together

we go party together

we live together

we never get tired of eachother

and we always have a great time

why cant my friends just be happy for me?

i still include them when we hang.....

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My bf and I are the same way except for the living together part . . . for now anyway. biggrin.gif . . .

your friends could be jealous that you're in the kind of wonderful, heathly relationship that most people wish they could have . . .


they miss you . .. because they never get time *alone* with you . . . even to stop by and chat for awhile, your bf is always there - try to go out w/ just the girls . . .

my friends acted the same way - my best guy friend was happy for me that i found the l.o.ml. but disliked him (even before meeting rob) b/c he missed me.


they might not think your bf is good for you . . . they're jsut showing concern if thats the case.

Just stay happy - your friends will come around sooner or later . . .




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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I'm having a similar problem on the flip side. My friend who I've been friend with since freshman year of college recently got a new girlfriend (4 months ago) Since then he spends just about every moment with her and is moving in with her this weekend. We hardly hang out at all since he's been with her. I seriously think she is trying to make him grow up to fast since she is 27 and he is 25. He always sayd "Come hang out with us" When I don't wanna fucking hang out with his girl too!!!!!

He went from going to the clubs to not doing anything at all, just bars now and then.


No Regrets

No club is to crazy

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Originally posted by luz:

What do you guys think?

I am always with my BF

we hang out together

we go party together

we live together

we never get tired of eachother

and we always have a great time

why cant my friends just be happy for me?

i still include them when we hang.....

Give it enough time... you'll get sick of it sooner or later or he will. Survey says that spending a little time apart is good for ya. Besides how you gonna miss him when he's practically your siamese twin...


Dream a little dream...

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I know what you mean...same here. I always invite my friends to go out with us but it's not good enough. I guess it's because they don't have a boyfriend and/or they are jealous because they think you are going to forget about them. If they are your true friends they should be happy for you & if they can't see that then it's their loss. My boyfriend is my best friend and that's good enough for me....




::::::Trancin' Is a Way Of Life::::::

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My boyfriend is my best friend. We do everything together except live together. However, I always try to make time for my family and other girlfriends.



"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new."

- Henry David Thoreau


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Originally posted by hojo53:

I'm having a similar problem on the flip side. My friend who I've been friend with since freshman year of college recently got a new girlfriend (4 months ago) Since then he spends just about every moment with her and is moving in with her this weekend. We hardly hang out at all since he's been with her. I seriously think she is trying to make him grow up to fast since she is 27 and he is 25. He always sayd "Come hang out with us" When I don't wanna fucking hang out with his girl too!!!!!

He went from going to the clubs to not doing anything at all, just bars now and then.

I tell him all the time to hang out w/ his boys w/ out me

but he doesnt want to

all his boys love hanging out w/ me

maybe you should give her a chance

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Originally posted by blueangel:

My boyfriend is my best friend. We do everything together except live together. However, I always try to make time for my family and other girlfriends.


I still make time for them.

just not club time

They are single and looking to hook up

i dont need to go along for that, and then end up chillin alone when they do hook up.

We have all been friends for a long time

and they have all been on serious lock down in the past.

They seem to forget things like that!

I on the other hand am not on lock down

I am in LOVE!!!!


thanks everyone for your response!

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Originally posted by hojo53:

I'm having a similar problem on the flip side. My friend who I've been friend with since freshman year of college recently got a new girlfriend (4 months ago) Since then he spends just about every moment with her and is moving in with her this weekend. We hardly hang out at all since he's been with her. I seriously think she is trying to make him grow up to fast since she is 27 and he is 25. He always sayd "Come hang out with us" When I don't wanna fucking hang out with his girl too!!!!!

He went from going to the clubs to not doing anything at all, just bars now and then.

I think that is how one of my b/f's friends was feeling initially. Like I stole him away. I felt like he didn't like me because of it. That is until we all hung out together for a weekend. The next week he told my boyfriend he should marry me!!

Maybe you should give her a chance. And not to sound bitchy but be happy for him even if you think it's wrong. I've had friends who have dated guys I hated but I kept my mouth shut. If you don't you might lose a friend!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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