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italians and blacks


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Originally posted by souvlaki:

correct me if im wrong but i've noticed that italian americans tend to hate blacks more than any other ethinic groups in NY. i think it's pretty ironic because italians were spawned by blacks.

Seriously though, I think the ethnic group that hate blacks the most are blacks. It's not their fault though. They're just a product of their environment.


"Be somebody or be somebody's fool." - Mr. T

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guys. this is truly the most pointless, trouble making post ive ever seen. Keep ur opinions to yourself. the truth is, no matter what you are. You should love everyone for who, and what they are, and if you hate someone, just because their color, then you are part of the most narrow minded, self absorbed pieces of shit, that have ever crawled this earth. sorry. but that is what i feel. Love everyone!



A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

i know you're out there...i can feel you now. i know that you're afraid...that you're afraid of us...afraid of change..i dont know the future..i didnt come here to tell you how this is going to end. i came here to tell you how it begins. im going to hang up this phone, and im going to show these people what you dont want them to see. im going to show them the world....a world with out you....a world withough rules or controls a world without borders or boundries..... a world where anying is possible where we go from there is a choice i leave to you--Neo

Clubbers dont fall,they trip, and roll-Erm

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What does it matter...we are all from Africa anyway..."spawned" by the same prehistoric ancestors...how dumb is it to think superiority has anything to do with the color of your skin...the color of your skin is just a reflection of what sort of climate your people(going a long way back) lived in!!


Thank GAWD for the music...!

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Originally posted by souvlaki:

correct me if im wrong but i've noticed that italian americans tend to hate blacks more than any other ethinic groups in NY. i think it's pretty ironic because italians were spawned by blacks.

hey guess what? i'm psychic, i already know your name-- ignorant, right?

u know what, i hate stupidity.. but a combination of stupidity AND ignorance? they're like oscar and felix, perfect together.. but i'm not one to dis people so anyways.. about italians.. if you were knowledgable, but you're not, since you're ignorant, you would know that italy and well as sicily (sicily more so) was, over the course of history, invaded by a wide variety of people from different nations, including and not limited to Greeks, Spanish, French, Vikings, parts of Asia, Arabs, Africans, Turks.. so, in other words, italians are pretty much a combination of a spectrum of nationalities and being one myself, i'm proud of it. do i hate blacks? no, the only people i hate are people who don't have the courage to open their minds (and maybe a book) and learn for themselves that what they see is not what they get. but u kno what? different people have differnt living standards and i'm not about to set a standard for you because you've already set (a very low) one for yourself. ALl i have to say is, different people make the world go round.

peace.. daniela


"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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souvlaki's funny as shit... haha!!




<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


Float like a butterfly,

Sting like a bee.

I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!?

Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!


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