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question about all the guys don't understand girls/girls don't understand guys posts

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it depends...i have some friends who i can read like a book (friends male and female) and others I couldn't guess on. guys tend to be more direct than girls, true also in the gay community, but i have a couple of ex's who were a total enigma to me (and 1 who still is as we remain friends...maybe it's less a gender issue than part of "the game" since I see more of it in the dating scene than the relationship scene.


People suck. Some better than others...

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Originally posted by mr.sick:

Maybe they should read "Men are from Mars and...Men are from Mars."

and I think as far as people goes, we're all just a bunch of messed up crackheads that don't understand ourselves let alone someone else. the degrees vary. I think the key is to find someone (friend or lover) who's as much of a wacked out freak as yourself, then you'll understand each other. or at least you'll cancel each other out. or worst case scenario, you'll both take comfort in the fact that you have so much stupidity/weirdness in common.


of course, if you can't find that, I say just aim for someone who's cute and smells nice and doesn't kick puppies.

...I think my job is making me cynical.



"I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

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Here's a thought: if you don't understand other people, why in the name of God would you turn to an Internet forum for answers? I don't mean offense to anybody, and indeed I've read some interesting and valid points of view on this board, but come on! If you really want to learn something about people, A) go to a reputable source such as a book (as mentioned above), or B) go to a bar where such people congregate and try to figure it yourself. Maybe you'll even have fun in the process.

Besides, how tough is it for any imbecil with a desire to mess with susceptible people's heads to accomplish that on a forum where posts on may in fact be taken as truth, albeit partial?

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[if you really want to learn something about people, A) go to a reputable source such as a book (as mentioned above), or B) go to a bar where such people congregate and try to figure it yourself. Maybe you'll even have fun in the process.

Besides, how tough is it for any imbecil with a desire to mess with susceptible people's heads to accomplish that on a forum where posts on may in fact be taken as truth, albeit partial?

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