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A big part of why I continued taking it was as part of learning about myself and how to let go in situations where i would not have let go before. I'm learing about myself and how to be really genuine with others.

The result was a much beter mode of interacting with others as well as a deeper understanding of my own motivations. with that self-understanding has come better personal realations and considerable less "need" or desire to use it at all.

It has helped me learn how to have an exceptional time when completely sober.

For me it has been a journey about less use of substances. I drink less, smoke less, use less because of how it affected me.

But..., i still love how it feels... So, it hasn't completely cutailed my drinking etc.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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It can make you feel like you're on top of the world, even if your day was hell. The feeling is absolutely amazing!


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

*Love always starts with a kiss, and ends with a tear.*

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Its a bit off-topic but I'm too tired to write anymore. But this overly-long, rambling post that I posted on another thread also sums up what I like about a good nite on E.

- - - - - -

Thanks clubhead. You sound like you got a head on your shoulders too. I won't be in Twilo until March or April again (maybe sooner but who knows...) But I'm sure I'll know a lot more people from the boards by then and hopefully we can have that drink cwm30.gif

Too me, the thing isn't that there is anything wrong with trying to cop a feel with an anonymous hottie. All this shit has given this idea a bad name. ITs all in how you do it.

Think about it - once you're on a roll and the music starts going at least for that first hour or so (maybe much longer if yoyu are like me) most people are horny - chicks too. Good on them. And nothing feels better than another hot bod grinding away with you.

Problem is that guys have forgotten the "with you part" and just want to touch anything. Which is so stupid because just grabbing an ass, no matter how hot, and examining it like a doctor is not that fun. Now rubbing your hands all over it while she's shaking it around in front of you is another story.

In response to this so many girls have gotten cold. They complain about guys wanting to touch them. About shirts being off. Nobody gives backrubs anymore. And now its considered a sign of clubbing sophistication to "only be into the music" or to want "tons of space" to just dance alone.

I can't blame the girls for being like this. I would be in their shoes. I'm just saying its all such a shame. From long-time veterans I've heard that it was not always so. They fondly remember the days of group hugs and backrub chains and getting kisses from strangers.

Maybe its just because I'm so new that I haven't had time to become sophisticated yet. But to me a good nite at a club is about freedom and kindness and letting loose. Depending upon which stage of your roll you are in or just what mood you are feeling there is a social, an erotic, a sensual and a dancing / music side to a good nite at a club. And in several smaller clubs in the UK and Montreal I've found this environment before and in my experience having all dimensions to a good roll makes it a mind-blowing experience.

In one underground club in England I met and talked to about 30 strangers. I made out with this girl for 10 minutes and didn't even speak to her once. We just hugged and moved on when the moment was over. I cheered on this girl with no top on who was fucking this other guy in the corner. She was riding him and 5 or 6 of us were standing around openly oggling and cheering them on. She had this huge smile and was giving us high-fives as she grinded away. Later me and 4 other girls met and started gang-massaging every hot girl we could find on the dance floor (with their permission - verbal or otherwise) of course. And there was still plenty of time for dancing - especially as you near the end of your roll and the sensual, horny factor starts to wane and its time for the music to carry you. I had all this fun and I don't have some adonis body either. I'm tall and I'm fit but I don't have the worlds hugest pecks or nothing. One girl told me that if she didn't have a boyfriend she'd mount me right now. Flattered, I asked what led her to this conclusion. She said it was because I was always smiling and just seemed so happy to be with people. (of course 5 pills will do that - but the point is that most guys would be surprised at the number of different things including, but not limited to, a hot bod that can turn a chicks crank at any given time. So what I'm saying is not only for the musclebound gorgeous guys of the world.)

I'm not saying that this is for everybody or that every club experience should be like this. What I am saying is that I find it so sad that so many over-enthusiastic guys who don't show the ladies the proper respect are ruining it for all of us. New York seems further along this path than most but even in other cities I've noticed that as clubbing goes more mainstream its the special erotic and sensual features of the scene that are being lost.

So now its bad to be horny. Its bad to want to grab a pair of nice tits that you see. And staring at a hot chick gets you in trouble when in a better world people would realize that E makes you stare and if she didn't feel threatened there's nothing she would like more than to be stared at while she prances. Well maybe a few things...

So there's my little diatribe. The flu makes one a a little light headed and stupid - sorry. It just makes me so mad that so many dumb guys out there are too stupid to realize that chicks are every bit as horny and lustful as them. That they could have everything they want and more. That they could have it so that its the girls as much as them who are going out to cop a feel. But guys have to realize that you have to create the right atmosphere for this to happen. Because of physiology and history a woman's erotic fires burn brightest in a place of safety, kindness, and respect. Add in a bit of using the old noggin' so that you know when to be aggressive, when not to be, when to stare and when not too and the clubbing world couold be the erotic playground of every guys dreams. But oh no, we're too stupid for that. What we want is to just grab some girl's ass in a crowd as she walks bye.

Makes me wanna cry


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Originally posted by brianz54:

Yeah, "socially accepted" was a smart response. So, just because you don't take ecstasy people won't accept you? Give me a break...


If you read my response, I just gave examples why people might take E. Not neccesarily the right reasons or my reasons. I agree it is a poor excuse for someone to do that but isn't that the same as peer pressure. my dos centavos.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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X is for Losers who are looking for a quick fix...I don't do drugs but think about this .. Have you ever heard of someone dying from a marijuana high? I think not if so it's because they are stupid enough to mix it with other crap .... Stick to natural shit or no shit at all...


I seek nothing but information. Who has the information? Where can I obtain the information? ...

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Originally posted by partygal:

X is for Losers who are looking for a quick fix...I don't do drugs but think about this .. Have you ever heard of someone dying from a marijuana high? I think not if so it's because they are stupid enough to mix it with other crap .... Stick to natural shit or no shit at all...

a quick fix?? wtf? like smoking pot isn't a quick fix? like u said, u dont "do drugs"

so what was ur point of posting ur rude comments on the topic then?



" Don't take life seriously, because you can't come out of it alive." - Warren Miller

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