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Friday Nite Twilo Report: Lawler/Quivver/Three

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hmmmm well i must say everybody kind of already said it. Lawler was great! His set was very good and the energy of the crowd was great. Hopefully next time he will play a longer set. In my opion, they could have dropped Three and just had Quivver and Lawler, but maybe next time. Too everyone out there. Great seeing you all again. Nice meeting you Melissa.

Mike- man you should've come back to the lil after party at johnny's i had you covered on all counts. you would have had a good time. oh well to quote a great and ssmart man "next time gadget..... next time"

eat snacky s'mores


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Originally posted by ooana:

All I gotta say is...

Damn damn damn damn damn. SO bummed that I missed it. :-(


You and me both, Sister! We've got catching up to do...



Yes we do!! Where you been, girl??!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Our souls had wings once, when we lived amongst the Gods. And now, in exile, we remember our former state from time to time when we look upon beauty or fall in love. When you fall in love you feel all sorts of sensations inside you, painful and pleasant all at once. It is your wings sprouting. Poets and philosophers describe Eros in images of wings and metaphors of flying. For love is a movement, that carries earning hearts from over here...to over there." -anonymous.

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Lawler nees a monthly....forget the bi-monthly thing! His style would be fantastic for afterhours as well......AMAZING set. I'll be sure to catch him again. Also, big shout to all those i met Fri. night.......your all mad chill and hope to do it again soon!

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Alright... time for me to elaborate on the higlights of my night at Twilo...

1. Standing out in the little waiting area between the main room and the stairs, a bunch of CNYC-er's all meet up and conversation ensues. I meet all sorts of fabulous people (Dennis, Mario, Mike, etc.) and encounter some old buddies (Brenna, Eric, etc.). (This is after seeing other old buddies inside, i.e. Claudio, Mike, Roby, etc.) Anyway, standing there with glowsticks in tow, Al and I look at each other and say "Alright -- let's do this." Just as we turn toward the door, smoke begins to fill the room and this ethereal voice blares over the system -- Lawler's set has begun. Stepping back into the main room was like being transpoerted to another plane. SOOO good.

2. Lawler's set wares on, and I hear that amazing Depeche Mode track -- I run to others and we proceed to tear it up. Again, I must reiterate how much I love this board and the poeple I've met from it!!!

3. Okay -- this is the big one... I had been IM-ing with Andy (Az-tec) before heading out, and was fairly heart-broken that he wouldn't be joining us that evening. We made a deal that at 3:30 I would be out on that floor alone, imagining I was dancing with him. So, as the agreed upon time coordinate approached, I was making my way back from filling up my water with Albie... Roby calls Al's attention, and BOOM -- there was my dance partner, in the flesh accompanied by Mikey (the other one I thought would be punking out that evening... hehe.. j/k). Andy, as I said -- you totally made my night. cwm30.gif

Next weekend will be my last one out before I head back to school, and I'm sooooo glad I met so many great people over this break. This Friday was RIDICULOUS... and now, all I can say is... SEB FONTAINE AWAITS!!!

Everyone be good... save up some energy for Friday!

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller


... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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