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Somethings been on my mind.....

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k, this is just some stuff that's been on my mind so skip this if you really don't give a shit what i think.

lately i've been seeing a lot of posts with an overabundance of negativity as well as some harsh criticism of people who are different or who do things that differ from the norm. a fair amount of you guys/gals have met me and you are probably aware that i like to take my shirt off when i'm clubbing (mostly when i'm rolling). now, before i came on this board i never really thought anyone out there had a problem with this sort of thing. afterall, i thought that one of the most positive aspects of the club scene, second only to the music, was the freedom afforded to the individual to do as he she pleases without the scrutiny of one's peers. everyday we all are exposed to criicism, racism, perdjudice, you name it. and i thought this was the one place where people from all walks of life and all stereotypes could come together with one purpose in mind - to party like a bunch of rock stars and dance until they could dance no more.

now i for one am not a "guido" (i'm not italian so i guess technically i couldn't be even if i wanted to; kinda like being "Donned" (sp?) i guess). additionally, i'm not a juicehead. however, even if i was it wouldn't change a thing. i take my shirt off first and foremost b/c i don't like to be constricted. anyone who knows me will tell you if i could take my shirt off in church i would. someday i'd like to open up a golf course where you can take your shirt off if you want to (ladies included). i mean come on, what better place and time not to have a shirt on? second, i take my shirt off b/c in case you didn';t know, it gets pretty fucking hot when your dancing, and i sweat like a fat bastard. last, and i want to make this real clear, i do not work out so i can take my shirt off in clubs. i work out b/c i like to, and, b/c i like to take my shirt off in clubs it is just an added incentive to look good.

now, i don't think looking good should be a prerequisite for taking one's shirt off in a club. if that will make you feel more comfortable then do it. since when were there any rules, restrictions, or guidelines as to what to wear or how to act in a club except that you should at all times respect your fellow clubbers. when the club scene starts to take on the rules of society, i for one am out. end of story!

i think 90% of you that have a problem with this have a problem with your own bodies. why else would you care wtf i do as long as i'm not bothering you? and this goes for white gloves, glow-sticks, sunglasses, cross-dressing, or any other form of expression. i for one think the whole scene has become less interesting (save for the music) over the years. shit, i remember going to the tunnel back in the day where i saw some guy wearing a diaper and no one gave a shit. it was diversity beyond what anyone thought diversity could mean.

Additionally, and i'm sure this is gonna cause unnecessary drama, i would dare any one of you (and i've met most of you) to walk up to one guido or one person who has their shirt off and tell them you have a problem with it (i think i may have set myself up for this one - the scene: PVD @Twilo, i got my shirt off, Noiseboy, "why you got your shirt off?", j303j, "what do you think your cool or something?" LOL, anyway....). unless you were to do it civily just for the sake of intelligent discourse (which i'm not even sure if that exists at 4 am on a Saturday night) you'd either be told to go fuck yourself or worse you'd probably be bitch slapped. i'm not even that big of a guy and i have never had one person come tell me they had a problem with me having my shirt off. why is that?

furthermore, this whole stereotyping of guidos is riduculous. yeh, there are some big-ass juicehead "guidos" that are assholes. i'm from Jersey, i know. but there are also just as many who are the coolest, nicest people in the clubs. the problem most of the time is just that they don't smile and they can look pretty damn intimidating. but i couldn't even tell you what the club scene would be like without them. it def wouldn't be better. and furthermore, they are here to stay. as is always the case we dislike and fear that which we do not understand. and i personally think the juicehead and the guido are just misunderstood. ask Juiceboy, where is he when you need him, hehe.

so think what you will, but i personally liked it better when everyone was out just to have agood time. it was like Dungeons and Dragons or something: the Juicehead (the Warrior), the raver (the Elf), the SF Chick(the Scorcerous), and, well, now you all probably just think i'm off my rocker. i read the post on the white gloves and that's why i responded with this. i like the fact that many of you, while not in agreement, are open to the fact that we are all diff. LickmyLipz, K_Car, a691vcc i give you all props. and mrdick, i'll see you on the dance floor with my shirt off.




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Hey that was a good one and yeah I think you are right. As I said before I usually don't even realize who is around me mostly because I don't give a shit what other poeple do or look like. STill, it has to be streched again that there should be mutual respect out there....so don't grab me if I don't agree with it...and this goes for everyone (no matter what you look like)...nerd or adonis.

Love & Peace



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You're a 100% right. I said it in the other post that it's all about the attitude and not how you dress or how you dance. It's all about enjoying yourself and respecting everyone around you.

PS: I don't believe we met, so next time when there's a meetup, come find me.. You seem like a very cool person..

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Yo Edge!

You got it right. Head to the UK and you will see that taking your shirt off guy/girl and any body type is the place to be.

Sure, there are, and should be the occassional; dress up club where shirts stay on. Variety is cool. But for the most part people need to lighten up. Shirts come off because its hot, you feel less constricted, you feel sexier and often look sexier. All of these reasons exist together and just one or two is good enough reason.

People are so pent up - the scene is becoming so "just about the music" and IMHO it was never meant to be just that. It was to meant to be a multisensory, erotic, hedonistic, Dionysiac experience. And guess what? When you throw all those things together it makes the music even better. So the best way for it "to be hjust about the music" is to throw off all your other limitations save respect and appreciation for others and get jiggy with it.

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Well said Todd! If I had any sort of a body I'd be totally naked! We hung out at Twilo with you last month for S & D...we lounged in the VIP room...danced our asses off and had a good time. I don't know about the straight world, but in the gay world it is totally normal to go shirtless (as long as you've got the body to back it up...gay guys could get evil with chubby people like me around smile.gif

Anyway, my point is, if you look good (male, female, gay, straight, cyclops, whatever) then flaunt the shit out of it. Everyone spends time gettng dressed and trying to look good...shirtless just happens to be your outfit and it looks great on you so fuck everyone else!

Anyway, Roxy & Twilo on gay nights are 80% shirtless and no one judges anyone. No one is looking to feel anyone up or molest anyone...everyone is just free and non-judgemental and in their own worlds of bliss!

We'll probably be at Twilo tonight- rolling and sweating with the shirtless majority! Feel free to join us (Me, Vic, Sinem, and Jammy are going so far)--anyone who's interested, PM me (and you'd better be prepared to lose your shirt!!!)

COMFORT RULES (in or out of clothes!!!)



Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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Glad to see you speak up about this. The negativity on the board lately has been rediculous.

My approach is to ignore it, but glad to see someone post on the issue head on.

And you're right, most of the negativity must come from people with their own personal insecurities.

And perhaps, they'll realize the people they're hurting most aren't those they are judging but themselves.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

"For the Greeks, the hidden life demanded invisible ink. They wrote an ordinary letter and in between the lines set out to write another letter, written in milk. The document looked innocent enough until one who knew better sprinkled coal-dust over it. What the letter had been no longer mattered: what mattered was the life flaring up undetected..."

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very well said, todd. but i thought you said you only wrote a couple of paragraphs! ha. that could qualify for a novel. j/k.

but i totally agree with you. expressionism is part of human nature. it just sucks that people have to be so harsh and negative in bashing how others express who they are, like you said. it's good to hear someone say what you did and get it out in the open.

i personally think all those negative posts are all generated from insecurity of oneself in a sense. i love the scene for the music and the freedom that make it what it is. and since i've been in the scene [probably not as long as all of you] i have found a new me, more confident and free.

i say BE who you are, LOVE who you are, and let others do the same. and take your shirt off if that's you, baby. that's what it's all about, afterall.

fantc cwm29.gif





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