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E death in Hartford?

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I heard something about some Boston kid dying at a Hartford club recently and his friend winding up in the ER. The local news labeled it an "E death" while at the same time admitting that the kids also drank that night and did other drugs. Does anyone have any info on what happened? Is there more bad E out there or were the kids victims of their own overindulgence?



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Originally posted by sariman:

You CAN'T overdose on E!


I wasn't implying that they might have overdosed on E but rather that the other $hit they consumed that night might have caused the death. Regardless, the media labeled it an "E death."



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Originally posted by translucent:

I wasn't implying that they might have overdosed on E but rather that the other $hit they consumed that night might have caused the death. Regardless, the media labeled it an "E death."

Yea, if I ran across one of the ignorant/selfish journalists that ran a story labeling E as a death drug, or date rape drug, or any number of bullshit they come up with to sell storys I would shove a QUILL up his ASS!

That's just my oppinion though!



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Originally posted by sariman:

You CAN'T overdose on E!


yes you can OD from E...take enough pills and you're dead, whether from serotonin syndrome or dehyrdation or something else.


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Granted however, I'm not condoning the use of ecstasy. It has it's problems. But, I think the truth of a drug should be brought to light rather than media hype. It's just like the whole "hacker" vs. "cracker" debate within computer security.

Jounalists tend to write what sells rather than what's real.



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Unfortunately "Killer X" stories get ratings. The anchor had a graphic with "ecstasy death" written on it in the background. Interestingly enough, he mentioned that the kids were also drinking while consuming K and other drugs. He also stated that X wasn't directly linked to this death yet and that ecstasy's only known side effects inluded "serotonin depletion, overheating and increased heart rate." Nevertheless, he used the term "ecstasy death" several times in the broadcast.

No Pulitzer Prize in this anchor's future.



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Cause and Effect.

Once we consume any drug the path of our night has now been altered from its original.

Just as fire needs 3 things: air, fuel, and ignition/heat, the E could have been linked to the death.


aim: djmikedr


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Um i heard something about this also on a mail list i write on... supposedly the dude was speedballin along with drinking alch along with like three other drugs...

Also people Remember if a person od's on Ghb and has other things in there system there never gonna know it was a ghb overdose because it dont come up in drug tests...





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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Since there wasn't really any specific cause of death mentioned it is hard to say what, if anything, the MDMA contributed to the death. The likelyhood of heatstroke is definately increased by E. Somebody mentioned MDMA's effect on the brain's seratonin and dopamine processing. Research hasn't shown this to be fatal in animals or humans. If you want more information on neurotoxicity check http://www.dancesafe.org/neurotoxicity.html

Dancesafe.org also provides E testing kits for a $25 donation. It is never a bad idea to know exactly what you are putting in your body.

be safe but have fun

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Cause and Effect.

Once we consume any drug the path of our night has now been altered from its original.

Just as fire needs 3 things: air, fuel, and ignition/heat, the E could have been linked to the death.

This is true and from the post I can tell you what killed him. When you mix Ketamine and E your running a fine line. Ketamine is an MAO and E is an SSRI... neurochemistry says that MAO + SSRI = RIP!



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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I was wondering can't your heart rate increase with the use of Ex?

If you have a weak heart already or a condition you don't know about can't you have a heart attach?

Anyone know?? cwm13.gif


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I read about it. It says he took e, drank excessivly and snorted coke. I've always thought just from drinking alot, being really dehydrated and mixing it with a pill can really screw with you, then he also was putting shit up his nose. His body didn't know which way to go. Does anybody know which club it happened it by the way.

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'Police spokesman Cliff Connelly said. "During the traveling to Hartford, they ingested cocaine, ecstasy and drank enormous amount of alcohol."'

thats a quote from local (boston) news. i see the words "enormous amounts of alcohol" and it burns my ass. the news media are such irresponsible ghouls. despite the obvious (that ingesting "enormous amounts" of a known toxin will kill you) the news and the cops try to imply that E killed the kid.

read the story at the link i posted above, and you see some really bogus journalism. they quote a "woman who prefers to remain anonymous." what kind of BS is that? you cant present facts from an unverifiable source! you can only present a story.

in case you dont want to follow that link, heres the gem of a quote from the "woman who prefers to remain anonymous."

"Too many kids are dying," she said. "I'm too young to know this many kids as I know that have died. Way too young."

i am sure the television version is even more precious. its prob got a grapic of some E pills behind the intensely concerned reporter.

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heres the headline of another report on the same story from the same news org, WCVB, as above.

"Ecstasy Blamed In Teen's Death Police Say Victim Took Drug At All-Night Party"

again, if the kid ingested "enormous amounts of alcohol" why is "ecstasy blamed?"

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You're right, E is not that dangerous of a drug but there are people who sell claiming they're selling E but it's not E. I know of some people that bought E from some guy and it wasn't E and they were poisoned and went right to the ER

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Here is another good quote from that article:

"There are some that think ecstasy is really a harmless drug," Lt. Detective Frank Armstrong of the Boston Police Drug Control Unit said. "This clearly shows that it is not. By itself it's dangerous, but when you ingest large amounts of alcohol along with cocaine, Percodan, it's just a lethal, lethal mixture."

He kinda makes it sound like blow, pain killers, and lots of booze wouldn't normally plant you if it wasn't for the E...

cwm8.gif smart cop.

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