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DT is the best dj ever reply if you agree

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By far he is the best.

Produces so much enery

Best vibe

Spins for the best crowd and at the best club in the summer. Tempts. Keep up the good work Denny.Oh ya the other DT aint to bad to, but to bad he don't have a crowd at vinyl like Tsettos has at Tempts.

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you really can't be serious!!!! he might be good but not even close to half the other dj's in the nyc are never mind the world. well i guess everyone has there own opinion and mine is he isnt even close to a great dj.



people on ludes should not drive!!!


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Originally posted by tempkid:

By far he is the best.

Produces so much enery

Best vibe

Spins for the best crowd and at the best club in the summer. Tempts. Keep up the good work Denny.Oh ya the other DT aint to bad to, but to bad he don't have a crowd at vinyl like Tsettos has at Tempts.

That's because he doesn't want a crowd like Temps at vinyl...the crowd at vinyl KNOWS what good music is.

- Pete





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Originally posted by schwingep:

That's because he doesn't want a crowd like Temps at vinyl...the crowd at vinyl KNOWS what good music is.

- Pete


The crowd at vinyl knows what good music is about because they play with glowsticks. I'm tired of everybody saying that the vinyl and twilo crowd knows what real music is because they go there. Yes Tenaglia is great but PVD and Sasha and Digweed spin anything like there cds I need to do alot of fucking K to listen to. Also why does everybody think the Tempts crowd don't know nothing about music are you some kind of god that has powers to know what people like.

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Originally posted by schwingep:

That's because he doesn't want a crowd like Temps at vinyl...the crowd at vinyl KNOWS what good music is.

- Pete


The crowd at vinyl knows what good music is about because they play with glowsticks. I'm tired of everybody saying that the vinyl and twilo crowd knows what real music is because they go there. Yes Tenaglia is great but PVD and Sasha and Digweed spin anything like there cds I need to do alot of fucking K to listen to. Also why does everybody think the Tempts crowd don't know nothing about music are you some kind of god that has powers to know what people like.

Wow shows how many times you've been to vinyl...let's see in one night I can count on one hand how many glowsticks are there.

And since you wanted to make a stupid comment trying to corrolate good music and glowsticks (whatever) I guess I could then reply and state that the crowd at Tempts must know good music because of the gold chains they wear!!!

And yes I am a GOD, so now come and bow before your master!!!

- Pete





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i value pete's musical opinion more then yours. tempts might be the worse club i have ever been to. denny could only wish to play at vinyl or twilo. as for s&d or pvd why don't you go check them out sometime. ohh im sorry they never play at tempts so i guess u will never get the chance. nuff said!!!



people on ludes should not drive!!!


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Originally posted by George Glass:

the real DT may not have the crowd at vinyl like the one at tempts, but he does have hte one at Stereo, Space, Home, Nations, um do I need to go on?

A man with only two posts and he already gets major points in my book!!!!

- Pete





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Originally posted by tempkid:

Keep up the good work Denny.Oh ya the other DT aint to bad to, but to bad he don't have a crowd at vinyl like Tsettos has at Tempts.

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Pete... quote of the day???

George~ I love your name!!!

[This message has been edited by smfd (edited 01-10-2001).]

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Ya the crowd sucks to you because your a scrony skinny or fat ugly fucking dog dick liver lips humanbeing and your jelous.

OMG!!! cwm2.gif To quote one of my favorite movies "In English please..."

Man, if you're part of the crowd that goes to Tempts, you're right it must be way better than Vinyl!

Too bloody funny!!! Damn, any of the things that Tempkid says could be quote of the day... Becca, Pete... what do you think?

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Guest worldboy

Not for nothing but tempkid are you kidding me. I have not been on this board for some time now but you just say the funniest stuff. Denny compared to who??? Your comparing a jersey dj to one of the greats in the world. I go to tempts during the summer cuz I have fun and all my frieds go there cuz of our shore house but to compare the cheese that he spins to DT or any other great dj is funny. Honestly Denny is a great ktu dj thats about it. You saying that the crowd at world is great is really really really funny. Who there is cool, all the plastic and gold???? Oh wait I am a geek too right, well I am not but I do go to the gym and take care of myself but I have a hard time thinking that all those steroid heads are cool. I just have to say your really not being honest with yourself. Does anyone outside of the metro area even know who denny is? I know your just busting balls. Cuz you cant be for real. And this is coming from someone who goes to tempts but come one tempts cool, again I go but for those of us who know what going out is all about we know this is not the place to call great. I know your young and you have never experienced the great going out days of nyc and seeing that twilo and vinyl are two of a few places in the city who try to uphold the way it used to be, it figures that you wouldnt like it. Hey does denny still play lets get soaking wet!!!! ahhaha

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Originally posted by tempkid:

Ya the crowd sucks to you because your a scrony skinny or fat ugly fucking dog dick liver lips humanbeing and your jelous.

people like you give us jersey people a bad name. and please do me a favor if you ever wanna make fun of me again please learn how to spell before you do it cause you are making yourself look like a bigger ass then you already are!!!! now stfu idiot.



people on ludes should not drive!!!


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a few posts, but I have been reading for a while.

I was wondering what skinny or fat people have to do with music? If I'm smart I can pay someone else to lift the heavy shit for me. One record isn't that heavy and neither are headphones. Think about that while you're digging a hole for me.

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Hey mother fucker I'll meet up anytime my fist haven't gotting wet in a while and there real thirsty for some blood.

Oh ya worldboy/temptsboy/transitboy it's so funny how in the beaggining of last summer you sweated Denny so much then you got raped at Twilo and became somebodys bitch, but you liked it and ever since bashed on Tempts. Ya I'm only 21 and only been going clubbing 4 years and not 8 like you but honstly I think I attended more venues and heard more variety of djs than you.

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well well everytime I turn around someone is just showing how envious they are of Tsettos. He is not like others I agree, so who wants to be like everbody else. Theres something to be said for originality. Stop playerhating!!! Denny must be doing something more than right. Thousands would agree!! I also appreciate Tenaglia, and I grew up on Vasquez, it jus pisses me off when people bash on Tsettos. You flatter him so!!!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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