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Philanthrophy in and around NYC

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Hey, I've got an idea. B2B, you spend time walking dogs that no one really wants right.


So we take these dogs, kidnap them, and then feed them to the homeless at soup kitchens. We solve two problems, feed the hungry, and get rid of unwanted dogs. Then, you can spend the time that you used to spend walkin the dogs to help in some other way biggrin.gif Alright who's with me?

Seriously though, I would like to walk dogs. Girls go apeshit over dogs. I'd meet all kinds of women cwm27.gif

Actually, I think I want to become a big brother. I think that'd be cool. Do you have to be a certain age to do that. I love kids, provided I wouldn't have to have one all the time. Has anyone been a big bro/sis before?



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Originally posted by crossy:

Hey, I've got an idea. B2B, you spend time walking dogs that no one really wants right.


So we take these dogs, kidnap them, and then feed them to the homeless at soup kitchens. We solve two problems, feed the hungry, and get rid of unwanted dogs. Then, you can spend the time that you used to spend walkin the dogs to help in some other way biggrin.gif Alright who's with me?

Seriously though, I would like to walk dogs. Girls go apeshit over dogs. I'd meet all kinds of women cwm27.gif

Actually, I think I want to become a big brother. I think that'd be cool. Do you have to be a certain age to do that. I love kids, provided I wouldn't have to have one all the time. Has anyone been a big bro/sis before?

LMFA®O, that COULD just work..

Hey about the meeting women... you have no idea... it's SO true. And from my experiance they have been mainly single... great conversation starter wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Originally posted by crossy:

Actually, I think I want to become a big brother. I think that'd be cool. Do you have to be a certain age to do that. I love kids, provided I wouldn't have to have one all the time. Has anyone been a big bro/sis before?

I actually have been thinking about this for awhile now. When I was 13 or so my best friend had a big brother and he always enjoyed it. I don't know what the requirements are... there might be some information off of that non-profits site I posted. I love kids too and wouldn't mind spending some time on the weekends with kids like myself that are growing up without a father.



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Originally posted by crossy:

Oh yeah, that be a good way to meet single ladies too. It'd be like in Kingpin. I'll be Bill Murray's character, Big Ern.

the kid'll be like, "Bri is the best big brother. Sometimes, when I wake up, he's already here."

Springs not too far around the corner; before you know it central park will be crawling with opportunity... you could try the whole "Big Daddy" trick!

Just remember...

Starting the conversation is half the battle




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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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I know of an organization (non-profit) called NYPRIG. They are located down in the wall street area. they do alot of social issues from pollution to helping out the homeless.I did it for a year then I was of to college but I recommmend it. Hope this helps.


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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I've done a few volunteer projects since moving to Manhattan through New York Cares. You have to attend one of their hour-long orientations and then you get a calendar on various activities that they co-sponsor each month. It's nice in that it's commitment free. I found that with most organizations, you have to fill out a lengthy application, interview, and then commit to a regular schedule. New York Cares is nice in that you can sign up for whatever event you're interested in whenever you're available to help out.

Through New York Cares I volunteered at the soup kitchen of God's Love We Deliver. For 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon I chopped vegetables with other volunteers. It was fun doing something in the kitchen for a change (I don't cook at all), chatting with other volunteers and knowing that you're efforts were going to feed people with AIDS. Another perk, they had yummy snacks. Big Brothers/Big Sister and walking shelter animals are great ideas, but I just wanted to make a plug for soup kitchens.


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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TOO MUCH NEGATIVITY ON THIS BOARD. Hope this will help soothe those demons!

Like I said before, one of my resoulutions was to be more involved in positive activities/people/ideas. All this posting on beauty/respect/nipples COME on, get over it, ENJOY LIFE. Tomorrow is never promised so why waste so much time and energy on petty issues!

So much drama, dios mio, you people are going to develop ulcers!

my dos centavos.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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What a great idea for a thread! Oftentimes people say (including me) that want to volunteer but they dont know where to go. I was going to suggest New York Cares, but Mel-o-d knew much more about it than I. (I didnt know you did that stuff Sam; how you doing btw?)

On the subject of dogs, I inquired about volunteering at the ASPCA, but there was this long-ass form to fill out and I never got around to it. But I know they have information about it on the web, if you want to check it out.

Does anyone know how to find out when the next New York Cares orientation meeting is? Now, **that** would be a productive way to have a group meetup.

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Ok some New York Cares information, thanks mel-o-d for the pointer! They have a website at http://www.nycares.org . Seems like they do the orientation program 6 times a week. Damn these people seem to have their shit together. You have to fill out an online registation or call them at (212) 228.5000. The orientation info can be found at http://www.nycares.org/html/volunteer.orient.html

I think this might be a good thing. No commitment is very important.. at least for me since my work load fluctuates constantly. And having a calendar of things allows us to choose something that everyone would enjoy.

There looks to be 15 seats available on 31 January 2001. It's at 6pm around Union Square.

So what do you guys think? I will have a friend in town that week, but an hour is no time really... plus we could all go for drinks or something afterward.

I haven't signed up yet... figure we should try to come to a consense.



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 01-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by xxlea:


So are you really interested in this New York Cares? If so give me your email so we can talk more.

Mines.. ben@sariman.net... AIM is sariman0

Good night.



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Ok guys in our worst hour (Beauty==Respect post) I pose a change of mind set. I'm interested in getting a group of us together and working on some volunteer work. My only problem is that I'm not sure where to begin looking for opportunities. I know homeless shelters always need help, but does anyone else know of other organizations/groups that could use some support.

And lastly, how many people here would be willing to donate that sunday recover time to help others?



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Oh, Oh!! I want to walk some doggies! Ben I really like your idea. It would be smart to use this group of people for something good besides freakin out at clubs....even though that is soooo damn good as well! I love animals, so maybe I will look into that.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

i know it's not much but it's a great way to recover..

How'd did you find this place? It's not much true... but it's still helping and that's what counts, right? Does NYC have a Habitat for Humanity? I use to do this in the south and though it could be hard work it really makes a difference.



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Originally posted by carabee:

Oh, Oh!! I want to walk some doggies! Ben I really like your idea. It would be smart to use this group of people for something good besides freakin out at clubs....even though that is soooo damn good as well! I love animals, so maybe I will look into that.

I can see you know girl. 10 dogs going every which way but the same way and you barly walking because you legs are so dead from dancing all weekend...

BUT there's this HUGE freaking smile on your face! biggrin.gif



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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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I'm down for walking doggies. lol

Exactly for what date(sunday) are you planning this? I may be intereseted in this, looking to make some changes in my life; POSITIVE ONES, I think this will be a great opportunity at it.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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