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job opportunity HERE!! (aka - Vinyl Fri??)

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WANTED - a few good crack whores. . .

DESCRIPTION - two or three able-bodied assistants to help oversee my realm. . . experience a must. . . ladies call my private pager for instant auditions, men can send my ass a resume. . . no bitch-ass pseudo-pimps need apply (ie. - p00h). . . dirty, cazz, jammy and all other would-be-hustlaz are invited to attend my seminar "Would you like to be introduced to the back of my hand, bitch??" in the parking lot of KFC near my Cutlass Supreme "anytime. . ."

PAY - commensurate with experience. the more you play the higher we pay, foo.

APPLICATION DEADLINE - Friday Night @ Vinyl, January 19, 2001

less go. . . cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by myrlin:

Please be sure to include my cut when my bitches show up for your ass. They know who they are.


if yo ass caint control yo bitches, mebbe they need a man that can. . . cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Oh my...does this mean you'll be at Vinyl on Friday? Be still my heart!!!

Why does the week have to crawl so slooooooowly?!?!?!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by ooana:

Oh my...does this mean you'll be at Vinyl on Friday? Be still my heart!!!

Why does the week have to crawl so slooooooowly?!?!?!


gonna be a "call me poppy" weekend fer yrs truly. . . .vinyl fri, twilo sat, and who knows what else???

coffee sometime this week kiddo?? cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

gonna be a "call me poppy" weekend fer yrs truly. . . .vinyl fri, twilo sat, and who knows what else???

coffee sometime this week kiddo?? cwm35.gif

Wow! I'll see ya friday and sat?! Oh no what to do what to do?!?!

Coffee, absolutely. I'm in the land of the unemployed so call me and just say when ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I'm not a pimp or a ho,

just want to come so i can show

that the king can play

and the pharoh can dance

Cause this my be

your last chance

For if you fear the pimp or ho,

just come to RA


P.S. I'll collect my money on my way out sucka




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Originally posted by p00h:

g's up ho's down succa. wait till i catch you on the flipside...

haven't seen ya, yr parole officer been after ya or what??

you down with me this weekend?? gotta plan, gotta plan. . . cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

WANTED - a few good crack whores. . .

DESCRIPTION - two or three able-bodied assistants to help oversee my realm. . . experience a must. . . ladies call my private pager for instant auditions, men can send my ass a resume. . . no bitch-ass pseudo-pimps need apply (ie. - p00h). . . dirty, cazz, jammy and all other would-be-hustlaz are invited to attend my seminar "Would you like to be introduced to the back of my hand, bitch??" in the parking lot of KFC near my Cutlass Supreme "anytime. . ."

PAY - commensurate with experience. the more you play the higher we pay, foo.

APPLICATION DEADLINE - Friday Night @ Vinyl, January 19, 2001

less go. . . cwm35.gif

Ahahahaaa, woooo... YO, I'm going to Vinyl on Friday to "shake that ass". But I don't give up any of the cash and if you try to shake me down, you'll have to say hello to my little friend...


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

But I don't give up any of the cash and if you try to shake me down, you'll have to say hello to my little friend...

who, nicki?? she can be on my payroll too. . . and bring Crackorn. . . that bitch could bring me some good business. . .



women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by cazz926:

Hey, p00h, I am going to DC, wanna come?

And if you came to Queens once in a while, you'd get some (not not "some" smartass)

where u going? to hang with grandma slapper? i can't be seen out with you 2 deadbeats, sorry. its not me, it the reputation I have to uphold in this magical internet world of ours. Noiseboy and the likes of him look up to me you know...

"Yes Lisa, a MAGICAL animal

cwm25.gif "-Homer Simpson


chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by p00h:

Noiseboy and the likes of him look up to me you know...

"Yes Lisa, a MAGICAL animal

cwm25.gif "-Homer Simpson

bitch, please, just cause you been sportin' those Pee-Wee Herman platform shoes lately. . .

as far as dirty and cazz are concerned, they can take my advanced seminar entitled "there's more where that came from, woman." cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Originally posted by p00h:

where u going? to hang with grandma slapper? i can't be seen out with you 2 deadbeats, sorry. its not me, it the reputation I have to uphold in this magical internet world of ours. Noiseboy and the likes of him look up to me you know...

"Yes Lisa, a MAGICAL animal

cwm25.gif "-Homer Simpson

That is the most ridiculous piece of crap I've ever read.

And that's coming from THIS messageboard,


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Originally posted by p00h:

where u going? to hang with grandma slapper? i can't be seen out with you 2 deadbeats, sorry. its not me, it the reputation I have to uphold in this magical internet world of ours. Noiseboy and the likes of him look up to me you know...

"Yes Lisa, a MAGICAL animal

cwm25.gif "-Homer Simpson


why don't you come down p00h? promise we'll let you have your afternoon nap.

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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:


why don't you come down p00h? promise we'll let you have your afternoon nap.

i just told my mommy you're abusing me, and she told me to get the fuck out her house! the nerve. btw she wants to know if you're going to that highschool reunion on the 23rd with her?



chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by cazz926:

I'm worried about p00h. This pedulum-swinging personality and hostility is alarming.

Listen, p00h, lots of men lead perfectly normal lives with one testicle left. cwm35.gif

i haven't garnered any hostility towards anyone since threes company got cancelled! those bastards. why u 2 outing all my secrets? living with mommy and only 1 testicle. those were things i revealed to you 2 very privately in a closet somewhere if i recall, though i can't. next u're gonna tell people bout my relationship with grapeape! i hope i didnt hurt your feelings gramms, u know i love u both...



chronic is the answer...

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awww -poops, you know you'd have to try a damn sight harder than that to hurt my feelings. you should come down to DC though - it's going to be a right old larf.

by the way noisey, if the position as granny crack ho is still open I'd like to apply for the job (I'll fight uknjx2 for it - we can sharpen our knitting needles ready for the showdown). My other option is going to Geneva, and - well let's put it this way, I've never really heard Geneva described as a 'clubbing mecca'. at least it's only a 1.5 hr flight to London.

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