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exit is off the hook!!!!!!!


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by MarioNY:

God it gets me sick everytime someone labels Saturday night as a gay night. Until the time Junior comes on at 5-7am it's a regular night...you won't even tell the difference. Early Sunday morning a gay crowd does show up but by no means is it only a gay party. It's a lot more mixed than you think. I wasn't even gonna reply to these stupid posts anymore until I saw your post Chris. Thanks for trying to talk some sense to these people.

come on now, i ended up going twice on a saturday just for the music and even as early as 1:30am the place was full of a bunch of shirtless guys kissing.. don't get me wrong, i'm not homophobic by any means, but it really doesn't appeal to me. hey, i truly despise shirtless sweaty guys gay or straight running around to start with.. at least the gay scene at vinyl is more aesthetic.

(now a dance floor full of topless women kissing, that's a different story. cwm12.gif LOL, j/k)

anyway, i don't think i'll be doing the twilo saturday visit anymore..

morph_ cwm13.gif


This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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Originally posted by morpheus_:

come on now, i ended up going twice on a saturday just for the music and even as early as 1:30am the place was full of a bunch of shirtless guys kissing..

If all you can see is shirtless guys kissing, are you SURE you are there 'just for the music'? sounds like there is something more...

don't get me wrong, i'm not homophobic by any means, but it really doesn't appeal to me. hey, i truly despise shirtless sweaty guys gay or straight running around to start with.. at least the gay scene at vinyl is more aesthetic.

I go there, and I see close to a 60/40 mix of people moving to Junior in afterhours... you see nothing but queers, and therefore you can't have a good time...no, no homophobia at all...check yourself, morph. Not looking for drama, and maybe I'm misinterpreting what you say, but this is how it comes across.

(now a dance floor full of topless women kissing, that's a different story. cwm12.gif LOL, j/k)

anyway, i don't think i'll be doing the twilo saturday visit anymore..


You're welcome to go anywhere you like, without my permission needed. Hope you find a place more to your liking!



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by risa06:

Joey...thank you

lola , i thought u loved exit ..?? didnt you ?

anyways, there are some places with outdorr spaces in the city ... i know this restaurant on ave b with a patio , the owner plans on puttin a full bar out there and full sound ... so hopefully that happens ... it'll prob be kinda low key and maybe evena lil swanky , but hey fuck it that what i like anyway =) .. i'll keep u informed ...



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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

uhhh, maybe that reads -saturday is the only party billed as a 'gay night' at twilo- b/c saturday is definitely a mixed crowd and not gay-only (right mario?). yeah, twilo is more gay-friendly than some other clubs, i don't see how that's a bad thing.

God it gets me sick everytime someone labels Saturday night as a gay night. Until the time Junior comes on at 5-7am it's a regular night...you won't even tell the difference. Early Sunday morning a gay crowd does show up but by no means is it only a gay party. It's a lot more mixed than you think. I wasn't even gonna reply to these stupid posts anymore until I saw your post Chris. Thanks for trying to talk some sense to these people.





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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

I really do, I love the music in the secret room (hehehehe. And the women , OMG! cwm6.gif

actually, I think musik in the secret room (after 4) BLOWS. I mean the Dj on the main always plays some new tracks EVERY Saturday not like the Dj up there (what was his name again?)so freaking predictable. Anyway, I go to Exit cuz I like the hip-hop room. The guys there are just so hot and they grabb your a'' sooooooo good! ahhh!!! Oh and that song "Throw Your Hands Up In The Air" just drives me nUts! No!


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

i iwsh i would even consider going , just cuz i'd be all about th roof in the summer ... unfortunutly i dont thinki will ever be setting foot inside ... oh well , i'll just have to find some other out door drinking venues in the summer ...

Joey...thank you


"I don't want you to love me........"

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why??? when i was there this past saturday, it wasn't too crowded (just right), the air conditioner was fine and the cold mist (albeit weak) was refreshing... cwm32.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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ok here's a delayed reply, since somehow my previous screenname got fucked up.


1. your lame ass remarks about why i went to twilo on a saturday a total of two time in a total of three years are really unappreciated, so on that count, why don't you go fuck yourself (GFY).

2. on your remarks about me being homophobic after i have specifically told you that i am not: i have a few gay friends, and i think they're pretty fun to be around. but being a person rather serious about his hygiene, i dislike the rubbing of sweaty strangers when i'm trying to dance. i visually dislike half naked sweaty strangers making out on the dance floor. just the same way i would tell a straight couple to get a room, i feel the same way about a gay couple making out on the dance floor. now make that 30-40 gay couples, it's a visual burden for me to stick around, so both times i went to twilo to listen to some good music on a saturday, i felt uncomfortable and left. you are not someone to interpret me in the first place, so on this count, you may GFY once more.

3. i'll be damned before i need anyones permission to go Anywhere. i do have places more to my liking and i hope you never show up there. i dislike sharing the dance floor with self-righteous asswipes trying to interpret my posts to their own liking and trying to be politically correct by attempting to label me and bash my preferences MUCH MORE than i dislike being in twilo on a saturday. GFY

my verdict: three counts of lame misinterpretation punishable by three verbal insults.



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

exit is a jersey club that's placed in the middle of manhatten...

classic remark, and one of the reasons why Exit ain't gonna be near the top of my lists!



hapfac01.gif ...............saying farewell to Summer Jan 26....you have been warned! ---------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by boa_boy:

Originally posted by shadowchaser:

exit is a jersey club that's placed in the middle of manhatten...

classic remark, and one of the reasons why Exit ain't gonna be near the top of my lists!


Yey!!! you go boy!


"I don't want you to love me........"

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