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Where to go on you 21st birthday??

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I'm turning 21 on Sat Feb 3rd and I dont know where i should go. I hear there's no place like Factory Saturdays w/JP.

But I really wanna turn 21 at Twilo. Or maybe

even Exit. Any suggestions.

where would I have the most fun and hear the best music???

peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!!

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Originally posted by dszorro:

I'm turning 21 on Sat Feb 3rd and I dont know where i should go.

Caesar's Palace in Atlantic City


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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keep checking the twilo website to find out who is spinning feb. 3 - it's not posted just yet. (or maybe someone from this board can tell you) then find out who's spinning at exit and let that be your guide...i think sat. nites at exit are pretty huge whereas sat. nites at twilo depend on who is spinning. wherever you go, be sure to take some girls with you because both clubs are strict on large groups of guys & might not let you in without some women in the group. either that or just keep your group of guys small. happy birthday!

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

keep checking the twilo website to find out who is spinning feb. 3 - it's not posted just yet. (or maybe someone from this board can tell you

twilo feb 3:

chris fortier

dave seaman

junior (afterhours)

should be good; as long as you don't mind being around junior's crowd (they party hard anyhow).


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by edge420:

me personally, ive always beleived that your 21st birthday should be spent in a bar getting drunk, LEGALLY! and the only rule was that your friends didn't succeed if you didn't puke and/or passout. JMO.

hell yeah, that's what I did! that's definitely the only way to go.

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I'm not a big drinker so I'd rather go to a club than a bar any day! Just go to Factory, you'll loveit smile.gif JP all night! Haven't seen Junior so I can't say what he's like.. There are 3 dj's that night so if you are looking for all that variety, go to Twilo.. Those are considered to be the best 2 parties on Sat nights smile.gif

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Originally posted by dszorro:

JP it is.

I've been waiting for the Mysterious one to reply. Clubhead tells me that you're pretty chill. Seems like it. I definitely wanted to hear Mr.Peters. I think i will now. Thanks

peace,love, and double stacked zorros!

Haha! If the post has the words factory/sf/jonathan/jp/soundfactory you can bet your ass you'll see me reply smile.gif When are you going? If you're going on the 27th (jonathan's birthday, should be INFUCKINGSANE!!!!) let me know. I'm not going this weekend though frown.gif And I never met clubhead but seems like a chill guy himself LOL.. Except for his Twilo rocks and everything else sucks comments LMAO smile.gif Anyway, enjoy SF! Watch out for the juiceheads and don't be surprised if they search every pocket and your socks, they check really hard there.. Just a friendly warning smile.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

j303j FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! How come noone thought of that before!!! Definitely a must-do for a brand-new-barely-legal kiddo smile.gif

no need to be rude!!!





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Oops! Sorry mysteriouss. I'm going on Feb 4th. Clubhead and went to Twilo last Fri.

It was sick. Seb Fontaine was unreal.

I hope we see you sometime. We're going back to Twilo on S&D night. You gonna be there??

I know everyone else will from what I hear.

peace, love, and double stacked zorros!

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Definitley hit up a bar...thats the only way to go on your 21st...I dont know how the fuck I did it...but I did 27 shots on my 21st and didnt even puke. Those were the days....oh wait it was only 18 months ago...... smile.gif

Bro0- just have fun and be safe.....enjoy yer bday.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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I always make it a point to celebrate my birthday and New Year's in totally awesome places and ways.I spent my 20th birthday this year in Manhattan(God,I love NYC!)and also for New Year's in Times Square and other parties.I am considering for my 21st birthday,either Las Vegas,LA or SF.You only get to be 21 once,try to make it as memorable as possible. cwm4.gifcwm4.gifcwm4.gif

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Originally posted by dszorro:

Junior is supposedly the best DJ in New York.

Supposedly. I hear Peters is better. I've also heard Teneglia is the best. But now i have to chose between Peters and Vasquez.

which one would you go with?

If you've never been to either one...I'd say you're better off checking out SF ah...


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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I'm celebrating my 21 b-day on feb 3rd too, and I wanted to do something phat and original that day. Then I realized that the best way to do do it is to throw a party. I'm gonna have like 65 heads over my house. It's gonna be an undergroung house party theme.I'm gonna try to make everything look like a club plub the bedrooms....he he imagine. I'm having mad different types of lights and liquors plus a DJ. I even made flyers for it . I hope it'll be ill. I spent mad time planning the whole thing. If u have the means and patience u could do the same.


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