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No One Laugh Please

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Well if you knew me you would laugh hysterically in my face

because this is something of a joke to those who know me but I sayin it

here for the first time and I ain't fuckin around this time.

NO MORE GETTIN FUCKED UP!!! at least until the last week in March

when we go to Cancun for the week. This saturday at Factory did

it for me.

First we went to World took a few tazmanian devils, then we went back

to the nighborhood, picked up a lik, cooked it, brought it to factory,

polished that, took a couple more pills, left factory at around 10,

went back to the neighborhood where my boy convieniently had a lik

waiting for us, took a couple of valliums, had a little snifathon till

about 9 pm until I finally passed out.

So that's it! no more gettin fucked up. Who's got my back.

Alright I'll make sure to give ya the update, let's hope for the best.


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Ya know hon Im glad to hear you say this. I wasnt sure if you were going to do it but its good you made this decision!!

Good luck with it sweetie and you know how to get me if ya need to chat! Try those Xenadrines...hehe And if you slip...Ill beat ur lil patooti!





"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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excuse my ignorance what is snifathon ...hey it's not that hard being sober...u just have to use the Anthony Robbins technique...link extreme amounts of pleasure on being sober and link extreme amounts of pain in beign fu*(&'d up...I'm usually pretty sober when i go out...for those who know me...but last Sat. at SF i tried K...I did enough to feel the effect but not enough to damage me..it was ...well i have to admit it was fun...but no big deal...it was my first and will be my last for quite some time.....I'm not much of a snorter....but the reason i like Twilo and SF is the music...the music is my drug..i'm just chill and content with it......some red bull here and there but even that gets me dehydrated...take care and good luck to us all... tepmtation must be avoided..hehehe

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Yeah sure Buddy, Thats what they all say ...

You mean to tell me if I offered you

pills for $5 & liks for &10

You'd turn me down? Yeah I thought so ...


get it

got it



" cAn sOmEoNe PlEaSe HeLp Me, I'vE sEeM tO hAvE LoSt SoMeThInG ... MY MIND "

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Good lookin out for all the support from most of ya especially frankie_pep though.

I hear ya likmylipz but I was never an advocate for bullshitting about quitting, I quit quitting when I was 14, I never say this shit, that's why I'm for real (hopefully), we used to party like that all the time. But now I just gotta chill and learn how to go out without gettin all stupid.

Glowsticks I give it to ya, my boys are retarted to that will be the hardest part.

But I'm savin myself for the CUN

Who else is goin May 23-April 1 yo it's on!

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good for you, hun!!! i stopped doing all that shit and i used to be *bad* so i know you can do it too!! smile.gif





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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that stuffy, runny nose did it for me too.

i can't even look at that shit anymore.

plus having to wake up the next day feeeling like a roach trapped in the bottle of ginger ale was also the time for me to drop all that shit.

it ain't worth it.

now i get high just by hearing jp spin.

There a plenty of people who are sober.

just talk to one of them...

Thanks to them for supporting me i quit it all.

Good Luck.

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I am on my 9th week of sobriety and to tell you the truth I havent felt this good in a damn long time When I first decided to go sober I didnt think I was gonna be able to do it but I did and thats with my boys getting all sorts of retarded around me so It can be done. But alas Feb. 9th will be my downfall PvD will turn me out and by the end of the night I will have comsumed about 4 pills and a jar goddamn you Paul.

Oh yeah Cancun 2001...where are all the party people!!! March 10th-17th Oasis

P.S. Good luck


I keep tellin Drugs I don't want them..but they don't listen

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Originally posted by visions:

Well if you knew me you would laugh hysterically in my face

because this is something of a joke to those who know me but I sayin it

here for the first time and I ain't fuckin around this time.

NO MORE GETTIN FUCKED UP!!! at least until the last week in March

when we go to Cancun for the week. This saturday at Factory did

it for me.

First we went to World took a few tazmanian devils, then we went back

to the nighborhood, picked up a lik, cooked it, brought it to factory,

polished that, took a couple more pills, left factory at around 10,

went back to the neighborhood where my boy convieniently had a lik

waiting for us, took a couple of valliums, had a little snifathon till

about 9 pm until I finally passed out.

So that's it! no more gettin fucked up. Who's got my back.

Alright I'll make sure to give ya the update, let's hope for the best.


no offence, but if i stopped doing drugs every time i said i would after factory.. and maybe stopped going to factory, becasue of all the complaining i do, but i always end up back there, with someone like droppin candy down my throat.. good luck, and when you go clubbin (or to cancun) keep your mouth shut... lol






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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I'm not someone who should give advice since I get cracked out of my skull when I go out, but maybe this will help- next time you go to a place where people get REALLY fucked up, try to hold out on doing anything and then look at HOW FUCKED UP the most C.O.'d people are. You won't want to look like them, believe me!

I know how funny is it when you roll into factory at like 5 and your not really mangled it's a pretty ugly scene, people are nothing short of zombie's but that's the bueaty of factory, you can be as ugly as you wanna be and no one gives a fuck.

Shugabooga: as far as not drinking, I just don't think it would be possible for me to chill at crowded, hot, club without gettin fucked up at all. The sad truth is that if I don't wanna get fucked up, I can't go out and be in that environment. I gotta start goin to some bars that just play good music or something. Lounges are chill too. I like cacci and lava.

Anybody else know some good lounges?

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okay so I'm a total loser and my arm is about as easy to

twist as clay. Last night we went to mcfaddens for a nice

easy night, you know just a little gathering with some girls I went

to school with just to have a few beers and head home nice and early

so a few beers into the night my boy convienently pulls out a

g of yea and we ripped through that thing in no time. So I gave myself

one chance to make a sobriety pact with this board and I blew it (literally)

so I won't bore you with that no more gettin fucked up act. Not to say that I'm

not gonna keep at it, just won't speak of it until there's something worth

talkin about.

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All I have to say is that after Cancun last year that is exactly what I was saying! I dropped so many pills in a weeks time it was insane. It took me a good 3 weeks to recover...I'm not kidding you! Good luck with your break from drugs! For what, a month and a half? Just don't go to clubs and you'll be fine! It's hard to be sober if you've never gone sober and are trying to stay away from the drugs.

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I'm not someone who should give advice since I get cracked out of my skull when I go out, but maybe this will help- next time you go to a place where people get REALLY fucked up, try to hold out on doing anything and then look at HOW FUCKED UP the most C.O.'d people are. You won't want to look like them, believe me!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

I'm C.O.'d.

AIM: crackorn71

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yep, do what crackorn says. just don't even take the first drink of alcohol. cuz if you think that all you're going to do is drink, forget it. alcohol lowers your inhibitions faster than anything and anything that you're trying to get control of - eating, smoking, drugs, sex - goes out the window! talk about a gateway drug, alcohol is at the top of the list!!!

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