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ck one - the new designer drug to hit the dancefloors.

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cK one to watch out for ...

'cK one' is a new and potentially harmful substance, which is fast becoming a trend on UK dancefloors. Named after the fragrance of designer, Calvin Klein, the growing popularity of the designer drug is raising health concerns amongst drug experts. A potent cocktail of the tranquilliser, ketamine, and the highly addictive crack-cocaine, cK one is formed by melting ketamine and crack-cocaine into a crystallised rock, which can then be smoked.

Although relatively little is currently known about the effects of this new drug, large doses of cK one are believed to incapacitate the memory. One UK Community Drugs Project worker told UK magazine, Big Issue that one cK one user stood watching her bed for hours. She couldnt remember what it was there for He also expressed fears over the designer connotations of the drugs name, saying that crack-cocaine users are taking cK one because they like the image of themselves as top of the range drug users.

Similar concerns are emerging over the trend for cK one on the UK dance scene, which is reported to have blossomed in London during the last three months. Crack-cocaine help group, Focus, claims that cK one is even becoming more popular than ecstasy amongst some clubbers. Clubbers across some parts of the UK are also reported to have used a variant of the drug, made of powdered cocaine and ketamine. Drug experts are currently investigating the potential long-term health effects of the combined substances in cK one.


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Originally posted by idisyda:

is this referring to those 24 hours trips you get from just one CK pill.

No, it's about mixing coke & Ketamine.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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not to rain on anyones parade but i think if this hits the us a lot of people are gonna get to messed up. like when the crack cocaine epidemic in the back in the day e is already a serious drug. i am not one to say that this is bad because half the things i do are horrible. but i feel this deug if it is true will ruin a lot of peoples lives if it hits the us. that is just my theroy.


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

No, it's about mixing coke & Ketamine.

so neither you nor idisyda is talking about "yellow cks," the pill that was going around a little while ago (i read about it here!) that was so chock full of speed (and perhaps other highly dangerous shit) that it sent lots of people to the hospital? i know you just said that this ck one thing is to be smoked, but is it possible that the two are related?

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that wasnt speed, that was pma, very dangerous...

Originally posted by weyes:

so neither you nor idisyda is talking about "yellow cks," the pill that was going around a little while ago (i read about it here!) that was so chock full of speed (and perhaps other highly dangerous shit) that it sent lots of people to the hospital? i know you just said that this ck one thing is to be smoked, but is it possible that the two are related?


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Originally posted by spyz:

okay well first of all...its not mixing crack cocaine and ketamine. its coke and k. and also by mixing 2 drugs, its not a new designer drug...damn misinformed ppl cwm23.gif

Firstly it is mixing crack cocaine (obviously you haven't/can’t read wink.gif), secondly I would rather be misinformed than arrogant AND wrong.

For anybody who is rolling and doesn't know what PMA is.. find out.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by weyes:

what's pma?

Don't know a whole lot but I know it's effect is that it raises your body temperature through the roof(way beyond a bad fever) and basically burns your vital organs out......that may not make sense from a medical standpoint but basically, it's posed as ecstacy and it can fuck you up bad.....just stay away and be careful.......



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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