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17 Days till I visit "Temptation Island"

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So one of my best friends and her fiancee are scuba divers and got engaged on the tiny, remote island of Bimini near the Bahamas. They fell in love with the island and decided to have their wedding there.

So the bride & groom and 112 of their closest friends/family are flying to Bimini on Feb 8th for the wedding on the 10th. Our 112 people will outnumber the amount of locals living on the island (it's that uninhabited).

It will be a huge drink fest since both the bride, groom, and majority of the guets are drinkers and there is really nothing else to do other than scuba diving and spear fishing.

So here are my concerns:

1. We fly to Ft. Lauderdale then hop on little 6-seater water planes--UGH!!!!

2. Me and Vic will be the only gay guys on the island surrounded by "macho" Irish men (no offense but this crowd fits the stereotype) who drink beer for breakfast.

3. The only music on the island is a few locals that play calypso music and whatever will be played by this "Jimmy Buffet" addicted crowd.

4. No bars, clubs, shopping places.

5. No TV or phones in the rooms

6. No internet access--not even a computer on the island!!!

I'm both excited and terrified by this trip! Maybe I'll bring a Wilson Soccer Ball with me (reference to Tom Hanks in Castaway).

Any advice to help me cope with my departure from the modern world?


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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You'll jones for modern life a bit but...indulge and enjoy the sun, water, warm weather, and *no* responsibilities!!! I'm jeallous!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Yeah, you can walk bimini end-to-end in a matter of minutes. There's a liquor store, since you can buy tax-free booze. There's a post office and small store. There used to be a small (12 room) hotel, I guess there's more than that now (where did they fit it, I wonder?). The best way to/from Bimini is by boat, that way you are not so 'confined'-it only takes a weekend to feel that way on the island-but I guess you haven't got that option.

It's an absolutely BEAUTIFUL place though. cwm9.gif


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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DAMN! I wish I could bring you all with me...imagine all of us on a remote island partying 24/7!

Likmylipz- speaking of glowsticks, I lit my first one Sunday morning--can't discuss details in public...I'll IM you later.

Apotheosis-- don't worry about the 5!!!!

Jammy Jam-Me-- a bikini eh? You tryin' to make me a switch-hitter? Yuuummmmyyyy!

For the record...I don't read so a book is not going to do it for me.

So the answer is: tons of batteries, lots of sex, drugs, and immodium.


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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Originally posted by suedenyc:

So the answer is: tons of batteries, lots of sex, drugs, and immodium.

Food is good, water is good, bugs are nearly nonexistant. it's a tiny island, bugs blow away from there. water is either bottled or collected and sanitized rainfall. food is (was) kind of bland for what you stereotypically expect of island food, but pretty good.



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Rich, get a bigger suitcase, bring me, i'm all entertainment... we can dance on the beach at like 2am while everyone is sleeping(good time to break out the glow sticks, and you can fight off big scary bugs with them), to the sounds of waves lappin the shore, deborah cox and Whittney Houston (port cd player w/lotz of batteries) and prob some horrable gas givin by the local food (hmm who can fart in tune with the music?) BRRRRRRRRRRING ME WITH YOUUUU smile.gif









[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-22-2001).]

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